Obama – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

The next few days “Little Tboca” will concentrate on the overall picture of our fallen economy starting back in 2009 and coming forward to 2012. First, let’s look at a couple of words and their definitions.

Traitor – according to Merriam Webster is one who commits treason or one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

– the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion (to achieve by force or threat.)

The next few weeks political correctness will be placed in the ancient history shelves, because political correctness has no place in the next few articles from Little Tboca.

It’s past time for all Americans to overcome their complacent attitudes concerning our corrupt Government; we need to quit dawdling in our own little private comfort zones, quit bitching, complaining and wallowing in our personal problems.

It’s time to call a “spade,” a spade! We have in our midst a person who has betrayed our trust dressed up in designer clothes with manicured nails and a teleprompter. This person took office in 2009, but prior to that his puppeteers had rolled out his agenda and like a good puppet he’s never missed a beat or varied from his marching orders.

Some questioned his legitimacy, his legal citizenship, his work history, his ability to be our Commander in Chief, but no one including Republicans, senior citizens, taxpayers or our youth did one thing but complain.

So what we see is pretty much we get – we have a man who has brought our Nation to its knees. First, he promised us a rose garden and wrapped it up in a big package with a pretty bow that included jobs, help with our foreclosures, securing our borders, downsizing the Government and protecting our rights and freedoms.

The gift he gave us was a fallen economy with 14 million unemployed and an increased debt of 5 trillion dollars. Up until 2011, most of his devious actions were behind closed doors, but he’s finally come out of the closet in 2012.

Next, he attacked our pocketbooks, our savings, our retirements and stole 787 billion dollars of our money calling it a stimulus bill. He used our money for “redistribution” paying off his big bundlers, the Unions, some car companies, a basketful of corrupt lenders and a large part of our money went to Corporations who in turn promised to support his 2012 Presidential Campaign. Americans were the beneficiaries of a 4 trillion dollar tab charged on our credit card.

During the past three years, he’s surrounded himself with Czars, Muslims, and the Muslim Brotherhood while wining and dining the Democratic Base. The Liberal News Media, Pelosi, Reid, and many Democrats were totally devoured by this person and they sold their souls to the “devil.”

He’s aligned himself with the Muslim Brotherhood and is helping them take over Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other Middle Eastern Countries; he’s a bed partner with Soros, Code Pike, Bill Ayers and a multitude of others who want to destroy our Nation.

Today, he’s not just campaigning in Ohio – he went there on a mission to place Richard Cordray in charge of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which in layman’s terms isn’t a “watchdog” bureau to protect our interests, but a bureau that will regulate all consumer interests. This is one more thing big brother Government has done while we were sleeping – we’re losing our freedoms and rights as we speak.

He’s planning on moving more appointees into the White House within the next few days or week trying to appease the Unions by adding some more appointees to the National Labor Regulations Board.

This person has betrayed out trust and isn’t fulfilling his obligations and duties to our Country. He’s attacked Congress and created an explosive political environment between Republicans and Democrats. He is America’s enemy and the past three years he’s been playing a deadly game of Texas Hold’em with all of us.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

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