Posts Tagged ‘Muslim Brotherhood’

MSNBC – Garbage In Garbage Out

January 10, 2012

Garbage In Garbage Out

Let’s visit MSNBC, one of the Liberal News Media sites – it’s rather hard to swallow that they call themselves a leader in breaking news and original journalism. Leader use to mean being head of the pack or maybe they meant to say leader in lies, political propaganda and over all garbage.

Checking in on their breaking news isn’t too exciting, because they neglect the real breaking news as they frantically scope our Nation picking up dirty little bits and pieces to bring to their dwindling audience.

The Obama administration on Monday announced a 20-year ban on new mining on federal lands near Grand Canyon National Park of course Obama and Ken Salazar tried this very tactic in 2009 and the first thing to check in on, is how many jobs will be lost due to their latest scheme?

Me thinks our dastardly EPA has their finger in this political pot too! Why should this surprise us – the EPA already has stopped millions of businesses from new growth and hiring.

Here’s another headline from MSNBC, 100 soldiers on lockdown over stolen equipment. A company of soldiers at Joint Base Lewis-McChord were put on lockdown after officials discovered military equipment was missing. Don’t even waste your time with this tidbit, our Veterans and other servicemen will stop this stupidity.

The real news we should be worrying about is the fact that Obama is cutting back the Pentagon budget and shrinking our Military. Here’s what is newsworthy – Obama and Leon Panetta are slicing a trillion dollars from our defense budget.

In case any one wonders, this is merely a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Paul is so sore he can’t walk and represents the darn Liberals who want more of our money to spend. It’s a definite Obama smokescreen once again. Obama would shove his “granny” over the cliff before he’d assume any responsibility for his spending addiction so he opts to place our Nation in harm’s way.

MSNBC – Here’s politics at its worst. Daley, Obama’s Chief of Staff handed in his resignation last week and guess who is replacing him at the end of the month, Budget Director Jack Lew is the replacement. More to this old soap opera than meets the eye. Jack Lew is the jay bird trying to smooze Americans into Obama’s 447 billion dollar jobs plan. You know the plan Obama has been trying to sell for 2 months as he cruises around in our Air Force One – the plan stinks to high heaven meaning more redistribution money for Obama.

Don’t know about my viewers, but I got broke of the Obama spending addiction after the 787 billion dollar stimulus, the Chevy Volt costing taxpayer’s about 250,000 per vehicle, the Solyndra scandal and the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation.

Chris Matthews on MSNBC – you know the guy that got a tingle up and down his leg every time he heard or saw Obama. Well the tingle is frizzling out and Chris is half – heartedly carrying the Obama torch. Think Chris is beginning to suspect, he may have jumped on the wrong side of the fence.

Although, Chris thinks Obama’s best moves for the year might have been Osama bin Laden, removing our troops from Iraq or the war in Libya. Obama wasn’t the one who snuffed Osama bin Laden (let’s give credit where it’s due to our Navy Seals and the CIA) it took our CIA 10 years to get ready for the 40 minutes to snuff Osama. Way to go Seals and CIA!

It’s hard to believe Chris Matthews would even suggest the war in Libya as being one of Obama’s best moves; surely Chris knows the strategy behind the Libya war was to open the doors to Obama’s buddies the Muslim Brotherhood. No accounting for frazzled, confused and old run of the mill journalists like Chris.

MSNBC is desperate and will piece together any piece of crap that might get their viewer’s attention. MSNBC’s ratings have been falling faster than Obama’s approval ratings and 2012 doesn’t appear to be a better year for these defunct left winged media junkies.

Maybe MSNBC should try a cold shower, advice from a fifth grader or better yet, possibly they should consider returning to good journalistic values. That’s not about to happen – they love wallowing in the slime, grime and off the wall political rhetoric laced with lies.

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama‘s Betrayal to Our Nation

January 9, 2012

Treason – violation or betrayal of the allegiance that a person owes his sovereign or his country, esp. by attempting to overthrow the government; high treason. So possibly the operative questions that would help Americans decide if Obama has been loyal and faithful to America would be; (1) “Is America really his country, and (2) If America is his country, why hasn’t he shown allegiance to the USA?

The past three years, Obama has betrayed Americans and committed many acts that in fact are treasonous, because he has not shown allegiance to Americans or their Country. Recently he appointed a total of four different appointments claiming the Congress was in recess and that’s a blatant lie; Congress wasn’t in recess.

His motive was to spend more of taxpayers’ money with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and to empower Government to take more freedoms and rights away consumers and businesses. This bureau if it remains in power is like a loose cannon with little if any Congressional oversight and it’s costing taxpayer’s millions of dollars and not even up and running yet.

Lobbyists like CFL (Center for Responsible Lending) and Americans for Financial Reform includes some important players, including AARP, the AFL-CIO, the American Federation of State Municipal and County Employees and SIEU are all in favor of the new bureau – another red flag shows its ugly head.

His next three recess appointees (remember Congress wasn’t in recess) was to appease the Unions who have been rather displeased with him for nixing the Keystone Pipeline. He needs their votes, money and this move was to empower the Unions so they can continue badgering large companies like Boeing, small businesses, non-union employees and Governors like Scott Walker and Governor John Kasich.

His recess appointees to the National Labor Review Board are three very dangerous people, Sharon Block, Terence Flynn and Richard Griffin. Obama calls these three qualified public servants, what a laugh!

Sharon Block, CEO & Project Manager at Deputy Labor Secretary Sharon Block, Flynn and Griffin are the chief counsel to NLRB Board Member Brian Hayes and the general counsel for the International Union of Operating Engineers. So do you really think businesses stand a chance of getting a fair shot?

Ideology over leadership establishes the reasons Obama has aggressively attacked our Nation; he has jeopardized our safety, supported enemies of our Country and tried to divide our Nation via class warfare.

Obama has used his power to jeopardize the safety of the people in our Country – look at his stance on Gitmo, the Fort Hood Massacre, the illegal alien problems, the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation that has killed 2 of our Agents and 100’s of innocent Hispanic men women and children. His latest attack is on our Military.

Providing aid to enemies of our country – Remember he’s backing the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle Eastern Countries and encouraging the Wall Street Protestors in our Country. He removed all our troops from Iraq, which is one more signal for Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood to make their move.

Obama is actually using class warfare to turn many people against their fellow citizens – he’s concentrating on the middle class now along with Hispanics and African Americans blaming the Republicans and wealthy for his fallen economic policies. Obama is preying on those who have suffered the most during this recession; he’s back to the “Hope and Change” 2008 campaign.

The writing is on the wall concerning Barack Obama and his aggression against America established two very important things; (1) America isn’t his Country, and (2) He has committed treason against the United States of America.

In closing, we’re fighting a “dictator” on our turf and 2012 must be the year that Obama is exposed for his treasonous ways. Anyone who would back the Muslim Brotherhood, encourage the Unions to attack the non – Union companies and employees, reduce our Military power, increase spending and run a Presidential Campaign on nothing but lies and political propaganda is our enemy.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

January 5, 2012

The next few days “Little Tboca” will concentrate on the overall picture of our fallen economy starting back in 2009 and coming forward to 2012. First, let’s look at a couple of words and their definitions.

Traitor – according to Merriam Webster is one who commits treason or one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

– the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion (to achieve by force or threat.)

The next few weeks political correctness will be placed in the ancient history shelves, because political correctness has no place in the next few articles from Little Tboca.

It’s past time for all Americans to overcome their complacent attitudes concerning our corrupt Government; we need to quit dawdling in our own little private comfort zones, quit bitching, complaining and wallowing in our personal problems.

It’s time to call a “spade,” a spade! We have in our midst a person who has betrayed our trust dressed up in designer clothes with manicured nails and a teleprompter. This person took office in 2009, but prior to that his puppeteers had rolled out his agenda and like a good puppet he’s never missed a beat or varied from his marching orders.

Some questioned his legitimacy, his legal citizenship, his work history, his ability to be our Commander in Chief, but no one including Republicans, senior citizens, taxpayers or our youth did one thing but complain.

So what we see is pretty much we get – we have a man who has brought our Nation to its knees. First, he promised us a rose garden and wrapped it up in a big package with a pretty bow that included jobs, help with our foreclosures, securing our borders, downsizing the Government and protecting our rights and freedoms.

The gift he gave us was a fallen economy with 14 million unemployed and an increased debt of 5 trillion dollars. Up until 2011, most of his devious actions were behind closed doors, but he’s finally come out of the closet in 2012.

Next, he attacked our pocketbooks, our savings, our retirements and stole 787 billion dollars of our money calling it a stimulus bill. He used our money for “redistribution” paying off his big bundlers, the Unions, some car companies, a basketful of corrupt lenders and a large part of our money went to Corporations who in turn promised to support his 2012 Presidential Campaign. Americans were the beneficiaries of a 4 trillion dollar tab charged on our credit card.

During the past three years, he’s surrounded himself with Czars, Muslims, and the Muslim Brotherhood while wining and dining the Democratic Base. The Liberal News Media, Pelosi, Reid, and many Democrats were totally devoured by this person and they sold their souls to the “devil.”

He’s aligned himself with the Muslim Brotherhood and is helping them take over Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other Middle Eastern Countries; he’s a bed partner with Soros, Code Pike, Bill Ayers and a multitude of others who want to destroy our Nation.

Today, he’s not just campaigning in Ohio – he went there on a mission to place Richard Cordray in charge of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which in layman’s terms isn’t a “watchdog” bureau to protect our interests, but a bureau that will regulate all consumer interests. This is one more thing big brother Government has done while we were sleeping – we’re losing our freedoms and rights as we speak.

He’s planning on moving more appointees into the White House within the next few days or week trying to appease the Unions by adding some more appointees to the National Labor Regulations Board.

This person has betrayed out trust and isn’t fulfilling his obligations and duties to our Country. He’s attacked Congress and created an explosive political environment between Republicans and Democrats. He is America’s enemy and the past three years he’s been playing a deadly game of Texas Hold’em with all of us.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama’s Cohorts Invade Our White House

December 30, 2011

During his campaign in 2008, many journalists brought attention to Obama’s immediate friends. They discussed Tony Rezko, Louis Farrakhan, Hamas, Daniel Ortega, Frank Marshall Davis, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the New Black Panther Party and the Illinois Communist Party.

During the past three years Obama’s regime kept us distracted; we lost our jobs, our homes and our stimulus money. During this time he methodically started filling the White House people of interest. Back in 1995, William Ayers and Bernadine Dorn both members of the Weather backed him in 1995 for his run for the Presidency.

This couple acknowledged the bombings in the US Capitol Bldg., in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972 plus other bombings; Ayers in fact told the NYT’s that he didn’t regret the bombings. Don’t forget about Obama’s buddy Reverent Jeremiah Wright who preached, “God Damn America.”

In a report filed to the FEC, Obama fingered (Jodie Evans) announcing that Jodie was one of his big campaign finance bundlers. It’s important to note that Jodie financed an Islamic terrorist group in Iraq to the tune of 600,000; Jodie was attached at the hip with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez and she sponsored or financed a Hollywood fundraiser for Obama. I believe the cost for the fundraiser was a mere $ 36,000 per plate.

Jodie Evans is Code Pink’s co – founder and she loves the Muslim Brotherhood.; after observing Obama’s support and encouragement of the Muslim Brotherhood it seems Jodie Evans has been a tremendous influence on Obama and his foreign policy.

Here’s a few more of Obama’s friends who like to frequent the White House; there’s old George Soros (probably one of the top Obama puppeteers,) Communist/Marxist Van Jones, President Ali Bongo of Gabon along with most of the “top dogs” in the Unions. But there’s more, much more.

Obama is surrounding himself with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, strategically placing them in his cabinet. One of those is Rashad Hussain now our American Ambassador to the 52 nation organization of Islamic countries. One who works on some of his speeches is Dialia Mogahed who belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

We must include the attorney and academic professor, Azizah al-Hibri who Obama appointed to be in charge of International Religious Freedom; Azizah al-Hibri primarily spends her time defending Islamic law. But there’s more – remember Obama’s membership in Man’s Country (Chicago Gay club.)

In 2007 two of Obama’s gay male friends from Reverend Wright’s church were murdered execution style shortly after Obama declared his run for the Presidency in 2007, which is more than a little bit suspicious. These men were silenced forever and their cases remain unsolved.

But, murder doesn’t bother Obama – look at the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation that has murdered Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata and hundreds of Mexican men, women and children.
Early this year, everyone was pointing their fingers at the naughty Anthony Weiner, but what about his wife’s mother Saleha Abedin who is allegedly a member of Muslim Brotherhood’s secret women’s division, which is known as the Muslim Sisterhood or the IWO (International Women’s Organization.) Isn’t it convenient that Anthony’s wife (Saleha Abedin) is still Hillary Clinton’s aide?

This list of Obama’s friends doesn’t even touch the surface – he has surrounded himself with those who wish to do harm to our Country. They’re everywhere – they’re everywhere!
Obama doesn’t play house with a bunch of innocent, misguided “pussy cats.” These “hungry beasts” are Marxists, Communists and extremists marching to their own drum trying to devour America.

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca