Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Obama’s Presidential Ads With ATwist

January 20, 2012

Only Obama and team have enough guts to blitz Presidential ads that are power loaded with lemons. It’s not a matter of a slight falsehood here and there; it’s their mode of operation. Obama’s team along with all of the Liberal News Media tell never ending lies about any and all of Obama’s failed policies; they’re border line pathological liars and they do or say anything to protect their weak leader.

Check his first ad out here –

Number one lie – Obama didn’t create 2.7 million clean energy jobs. Number two lie – Brookings Institute’s study didn’t say Obama created 2.7 million clean energy jobs. Number three he says he’s reduced our oil independence. Talk about stupid – 14 million out of work, millions have lost their homes, food stamps recipients are at an unprecedented high. We the people are using less fuel because the cost of fuel is exorbitant and inflation gouges us every time we make a purchase due to the debt ceiling increases.

Speaking of the debt ceiling, it seems to me Obama was the one who criticized Bush on raising the debt ceiling, here is Obama’s exact words “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills,” Obama said before a March 16, 2006, vote on raising the debt limit. That my friends is a perfect example of a flip flopper and he will raise our debt ceiling another 1.2 trillion!

FYI Obama – Our Government can’t pay their bills because you increased our National Deficit by 5 trillion and refused to balance the budget. Good rule of thumb – don’t spend more than you take in!

Ask Obama why the new ad says he created 2.7 million clean energy jobs while reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign oil? Ask him why he twisted the report from the Brookings Institute in the new ad saying they verified this figure of 2.7. Brookings Institute’s study was the number of clean jobs in our Country, not new jobs – clean jobs refer to waste management and treatment, mass public transit and things like conservation.

So he didn’t create 2.7 million clean energy jobs. In fact, his green company misadventure lost jobs and billions of our hard earned money. According to Brookings Institute there are around 300,000 renewable energy jobs and that doesn’t mean they’re jobs created by Obama. It’s just a total number of people working in the clean energy field.

Obama doesn’t have a monopoly on this addiction (pathological lying) – many of the DEMS like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Pelosi, Reid and the Liberal news media have been infected with this illness.

Example of pathological liars: When asked about the economy – they’ve been telling us for two years that we’re coming out of the recession. When asked about our stimulus money they’ll say we didn’t give them enough – they needed more. Mention jobs to them and they’ll jump on their soap box and tell us how many jobs Obama created. Ask them about unemployment and they’ll blame it on Bush, God, the ATM’s and the dumb Republicans.

Ask Obama about his work history and where he’s been hiding out – he doesn’t just lie about it he runs and hides. No one knows about his work history and it’s quite evident now that he certainly didn’t have the background or experience to be our Commander in Chief. So is anyone going to vet him for his 2012 Presidential Run?

Ask Obama why he stopped the Keystone Pipeline – he’ll say he needs more time to study it. Hey the Obama Administration has been studying it for three years. The real reason is politics, but Obama will never show and tell. Obama is brown nosing with the Environmentalists!

So Liberals and Democrats including all of you big bundlers out there – your millions in campaign contributions are being used to create “Mickey Mouse” ads that even Mickey wouldn’t believe. What a waste of time and money, but then it’s probably hard to create ads with substance when all you have to work with is a man who has the worst record of any Commander in Chief in our lifetime.

Americans residing in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia and Iowa better prepare to be inundated with Obama ads that make Pinocchio look like a saint. We’ve always fought for freedom of speech and yes, Obama can spend the remainder of 2012 lying to America and that’s sad.

He holds the most prestigious honorable position in our Country and he’s making a mockery out of it. The President of our United States should be a mentor, a shining example to our youth not a devious sneak who is giving them a bad message saying, “its O.K. to lie, its O.K. to take taxpayers’ money and misuse it, its O.K. to harm the greatest Nation in the World for one’s one selfish interests.

Mr. President – IT’S NOT O.K.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

January 5, 2012

The next few days “Little Tboca” will concentrate on the overall picture of our fallen economy starting back in 2009 and coming forward to 2012. First, let’s look at a couple of words and their definitions.

Traitor – according to Merriam Webster is one who commits treason or one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

– the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion (to achieve by force or threat.)

The next few weeks political correctness will be placed in the ancient history shelves, because political correctness has no place in the next few articles from Little Tboca.

It’s past time for all Americans to overcome their complacent attitudes concerning our corrupt Government; we need to quit dawdling in our own little private comfort zones, quit bitching, complaining and wallowing in our personal problems.

It’s time to call a “spade,” a spade! We have in our midst a person who has betrayed our trust dressed up in designer clothes with manicured nails and a teleprompter. This person took office in 2009, but prior to that his puppeteers had rolled out his agenda and like a good puppet he’s never missed a beat or varied from his marching orders.

Some questioned his legitimacy, his legal citizenship, his work history, his ability to be our Commander in Chief, but no one including Republicans, senior citizens, taxpayers or our youth did one thing but complain.

So what we see is pretty much we get – we have a man who has brought our Nation to its knees. First, he promised us a rose garden and wrapped it up in a big package with a pretty bow that included jobs, help with our foreclosures, securing our borders, downsizing the Government and protecting our rights and freedoms.

The gift he gave us was a fallen economy with 14 million unemployed and an increased debt of 5 trillion dollars. Up until 2011, most of his devious actions were behind closed doors, but he’s finally come out of the closet in 2012.

Next, he attacked our pocketbooks, our savings, our retirements and stole 787 billion dollars of our money calling it a stimulus bill. He used our money for “redistribution” paying off his big bundlers, the Unions, some car companies, a basketful of corrupt lenders and a large part of our money went to Corporations who in turn promised to support his 2012 Presidential Campaign. Americans were the beneficiaries of a 4 trillion dollar tab charged on our credit card.

During the past three years, he’s surrounded himself with Czars, Muslims, and the Muslim Brotherhood while wining and dining the Democratic Base. The Liberal News Media, Pelosi, Reid, and many Democrats were totally devoured by this person and they sold their souls to the “devil.”

He’s aligned himself with the Muslim Brotherhood and is helping them take over Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other Middle Eastern Countries; he’s a bed partner with Soros, Code Pike, Bill Ayers and a multitude of others who want to destroy our Nation.

Today, he’s not just campaigning in Ohio – he went there on a mission to place Richard Cordray in charge of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which in layman’s terms isn’t a “watchdog” bureau to protect our interests, but a bureau that will regulate all consumer interests. This is one more thing big brother Government has done while we were sleeping – we’re losing our freedoms and rights as we speak.

He’s planning on moving more appointees into the White House within the next few days or week trying to appease the Unions by adding some more appointees to the National Labor Regulations Board.

This person has betrayed out trust and isn’t fulfilling his obligations and duties to our Country. He’s attacked Congress and created an explosive political environment between Republicans and Democrats. He is America’s enemy and the past three years he’s been playing a deadly game of Texas Hold’em with all of us.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Don’t Miss the Party – “Happy Thanksgiving”

November 24, 2011

by little tboca

No doubt we’ve experienced three of the worst years of our lives, homes and jobs lost, inflation nipping at our heals and we pinned our hope on the many promises made by Barack Obama. Promises made – promises forgotten, but that is past and today is a new day. Join the party and help “Take Back Your Country America.”

When you’re hanging out with family and friends on Thanksgiving share this important quote from Ronald Reagan, “The future doesn’t belong to the faint-hearted; it belongs to the brave.” Don’t miss the party, yep there’s a party going on and you’re all invited to attend. No big admission price, clothes are casual and a VIP seat has been reserved just for you.

Below is a recap of the “good, the bad and the Ugly” in 2011.

In 2009, groups of people joined together to “take back their Country.” They rolled up their sleeves and went to work to restore the greatest Country in the world. They were peaceful, yet determined to restore the Constitution as given to us by our forefathers. They believe in the 2nd Amendment, a limited government, freedom of speech, securing our borders and honoring and supporting our Military. They are the “freedom fighters” of America.

By the time 2010 rolled around with the support of the tea parties, many good men and women replaced some pretty bad eggs in the White House. The changes made were awesome and about 21 new freshmen Senators and 65 House of Representatives arrived at the White House on January 9, 2011 to be sworn in…

Unlike the political rhetoric that Obama and the Liberal News Media are feeding us about “Republicans” being the do nothing crowd; these new House Freshmen have worked with their peers and crafted 15 bills that would start our economic wheels rolling again. Only problem here is Harry Reid actually stowed these bills in his britches or his trash can pretending that Republicans weren’t coming to the table with proposals and good ideas.

Of course Obama plays the same tune as old Harry and blames the Republicans. Logic says, if he really cared about our Country, he’d be sitting in the White House working on solutions with both Democrats and Republicans. But we all know what Obama’s been doing; he’s been out and about campaigning since 2009 using millions of taxpayer’s money during a terrible recession.

You’re invited to join the party, so grab your hat, roll up your sleeves and help make a difference for your children, your grandchildren and future generations. Let restore our Nation to “One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all.”

Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone.

May God Bless Our Country
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama – “We Just Can’t Wait” For You to Leave Our White House

October 29, 2011

by little tboca
Just when we thought we’d heard it all – Obama threw us another insult along with a potential chance of creating a second housing bubble and placing a hefty charge on taxpayer’s tab. Obviously Obama is showing his muscle and taking advantage of taxpayers one more time.

He’s announced today that he’s going to come to the rescue of homeowners, doesn’t that sort of remind you of the first big bubble we’re still in due to the Government insisting that Freddie & Fannie finance mortgages to people who weren’t qualified to own a home. Duh, is he mentally challenged?

Now Obama is in the process of doing a “pay back” to the Republicans, because they won’t pass his jobs plan – Reid couldn’t get it passed through the Senate, let’s be honest about the story and keep the facts straight. Obama has lost so much Democratic support that even the Senate refused to pass his jobs plan.

He has plans of one payback after another in the next 13 months and you can take this to the bank – the National Deficit will take the first hit and then it will trickle down to the taxpayers. This newest Obama scheme has the ear markings of a redistribution specialist, not a commander in chief. The bottom line is this, he didn’t get his second stimulus package passed so he’s throwing an Obama tantrum and doing paybacks that will harm all Americans.

His plan says basically homeowners who are current on their mortgage payment can refinance their homes even if they’re under water, which they are and will remain that way for years. Saving 25 or 30 dollars a month isn’t even a lick and promise.

Same problems are eminent just like they were in 2009 – many of these homeowners have friends, family, parents helping them with their financial obligations and that’s only short lived.

Secondly, since Obama refuses to free up businesses so they can create jobs – we will have more people laid off in the next 13 months and guess who will be left around to pick up the pieces when homeowners starting defaulting on their mortgage payments. Our Government will run to the taxpayers and insist that we assume responsibility for Obama’s screw ups one more time.

It’s not just old; it seems criminal that Barack Obama can continue placing more and more financial burden on our shoulders. One would think that our Constitution would have laws in place where Americans can control this dismal, blood sucking Obama Administration. Where have American’s Freedoms and Rights disappeared?

(The Hill) House Democrats say House Democrats Hammer New Obama Mortgage Crisis Response As Insufficient.”

To emphasize again why this Obama “Can’t Wait Plan” is a wolf in sheep’s’ clothing please listen to the comments coming from the Democrats. They don’t know how many might qualify for his scheme, nor do they know if it will cut mortgage payments 26 dollars per month or maybe a little bit more. The Democrats don’t have a clue if this plan would even work let alone stimulate our economy.

The first housing relief program of Obama’s called the HAMP was a total flop just like this one will be and the taxpayer’s lost 50 billion in the first plan and who knows what the “Can’t Wait Program” will cost.

Obama doesn’t care if the “Can’t Wait Program” will work – it’s just new ammo for his 2012 campaign. Like his “Hope and Change,” Americans will tire of his political rhetoric about his “just can’t wait” plan.

Americans are engaged now and much more savvy than they were in 2009 – the proof of this is his jobs plan didn’t pan out well for him in his recent campaign trips for his approval ratings just keeps taking a hit. Americans smelled a rat in their icebox when Democrats refused to pass his jobs plan!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Class Warfare by Wasserman, Biden & Reid

October 21, 2011

by little tboca

While Obama is out tooling across the Country in his “Sports Bus” that we’re paying for, his Democratic base seems to have lost their marbles, their canned speeches and their faith in the one some call Obama. Talk about class warfare, the Democrats are coming out of the wood work with their Halloween masks espousing their goblin and ghosts stories in their last ditch effort to sell Obama’s stimulus plan.

Debbie Wassermen Schultz looks somewhat like a junk yard dog with an Elizabethan collar right after a hemorrhoid operation. Why Democrats chose this person to be their “face” is the twenty four dollar question. But, then again one must remember the DEMS don’t care much for the strong Democratic women who are professional, great communicators and American Patriots.

Debbie’s gaffe the other day when accusing others of demonizing the Democrats didn’t just back fire – it exploded leaving the Democrats sitting around sucking their thumbs. Referring to Obama, she said that those who run for office must stand on their own records. Debbie your “gotcha just turned into an oops.”

How many ways Debbie can we show you , your Commander in Chief doesn’t have one record to run on; (1) First Stimulus failed, (2) Unemployment over 9.1 %, (3) No jobs – 14 million plus out of work, and (4) National Deficit increased over 4 trillion on Obama’s watch. Democrats really need a new chair person with some pizazz– someone who inspires, communicates and is articulate when speaking.

Harry Reid just won the dunce hat when he informed all of us that the Private Sector is doing just great and doesn’t need any assistance so he’s begging for money for the Public Sector. Does ole Harry really think those of us in Private Sector are doing great? Harry was so intent on selling Obama’s job plan that he messed up the message big time!

Than we have Joe Biden, the scary one, who jumps on his stump and mumbles something to a group of our fourth graders saying, that in order to rehire 400,000 teachers, firefighters and police officers, the wealthy people need to pay more taxes.

This is about as low as an adult can stoop; he tried to scare little children – was he talking about some of their parents? Where were the teachers and the parents during this Halloween speech?

Biden’s remarks and actions are sick, not just misguided – this type of behavior reeks of desperation and certainly doesn’t score any brownie points for the VP of our United States. Sending Biden to his room until November 2012 isn’t enough; he needs to be removed from office.

Parents should usher School board President Samuel Beard out of the school too – no one should be allowed to spread such propaganda and lies to young school children. It’s time America stands up for their kids.

David Axelrod just lets it all hang out somewhat resembling “Casper” the not so friendly ghost. David advises the Democrats not to fold and when talking about the constant stream of negative economic data, David said, “It’s not exactly and easy pill to swallow.”

David knows that under normal circumstance when playing the game of politics that after three strikes you’re out. First strike – Obama’s budget was turned down by Democrats in the spring. Second strike was Obama’s jobs plan – Democrats turned that down too! Third strike was yesterday when Democrats turned down the second version of Obama’s jobs plan.

Obama and his grizzlies threaten us with class warfare, but how do you have class warfare against your own party? Democrats adamantly refused to pass Obama’s latest and greatest stimulus plan, because they knew it wasn’t paid for and they wouldn’t kick taxpayer’s under the bus again.

Give those Democrats a big hand and a “thank you” for standing up for their Country.

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Kickstarts His Class Warfare

October 20, 2011

by little tboca

In September 6th, 2011 we listened to Obama’s first speech on his new jobs plan, which is just another stimulus package disguised under a new name. Obama says his plan will not cost taxpayer’s one dime – what a lie. He says it will not add to the deficit – he’s tossing the cost to the Dream Team who is already struggling trying to find $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction before the end of the year.

The cost of this stimulus bill will be put on our tab, just like the 2009 stimulus package if it should pass the House and Senate. It will increase our National Deficit and Obama will use the money for his redistribution agenda primarily concentrated on the Unions and Community Interest groups.

The only question you have to ask yourself, why would we agree to give Obama 447 billion dollars more after his misuse of 787 billion in 2009? Go back to his speeches in 2009 and listen as he coaxed, begged and threatened us; he wanted taxpayers to give him 787 billion dollars promising that it would be used for tax cuts, extension of unemployment benefits, education, infrastructure and millions of jobs would be created. What a crock!

Now on September 6th 2011, he throws us the same canned speech promising jobs, tax cuts, infrastructure jobs, extension of unemployment benefits and once again promising that it will create millions of jobs. First stimulus didn’t create job growth and the second stimulus won’t create jobs either – you can take that to the bank!

Obama used the jobs plan only as a trap to place Republicans, the tea party members and Conservatives in a corner – he didn’t expect the plan to pass, but it will be his weapon against this group of people until the 2012 elections roll around. Obama now has a group of people to blame, which in his way of thinking takes the “monkey off of his back.”

Obama has campaigning since last spring, but his ratings are in the tank, he had to change campaign tactics in midstream so to speak. He turned to class warfare and Americans are about to face the wrath of Obama (the redistribution specialist.)

What I say next is my opinion only, but to me Obama is showing himself now in his true light. He’s angry, dangerous and still on a mission to bring our Nation to its knees and like a caged animal he will bite the hands that fed him in 2008 and he will turn on his own in order to win the 2012 Presidential Election.

His strategy for his 2012 campaign is etched in concrete; (1) Distract and divide the troops (Americans), (2) Vie one class against another, (3) Utilize the scare tactics.

All of us have suffered through many distractions, such as the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program. The Solyndra scandal and the new Sun Power soap opera are two of the most recent ones on the horizon. Latest would be the OWL protestors, but there will be many more come to light as we suffer through the next 13 months

In fact, even before I finished my article he’s sent two of his “top dogs” out to do his dirty work. Harry Reid just finished a speech saying the Private Sector is doing fine; it’s the Public Sector that is suffering. This is about as dirty as you can get pitting the Private and Public Sector against each other. Reid needs to back to his log cabin in Vegas; he’s getting senile in his old age or dementia has kicked in…

But there’s more – Joe Biden just threw some kind of a fit on National TV muttering something about it’s not temporary and threatening that kindergartens will be extinct, and mumbles about home invasions, robberies etc. etc. This is the first of the scare tactics kicking in and Republicans are the ones being kicked below the belt.

Lets go back to the “debt ceiling” that was passed and not paid for, the Solyndra scandal that cost us at least ½ billion dollars and lets remember the Department of Energy just gobbled up billions of our money and threw it out to some hungry, decrepit “green companies,” before the end of September 2011.

Think about the 10,000,000 Obama gave Holder for the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program and think about the millions of dollars daily of our money that Obama is spending on his fancy bus or in our Jet for his Presidential campaign. Like his recent Midwestern tour that he tried to disguise, a campaign is a campaign is a campaign – does Obama really think we’re stupid?

There’s still plenty of our stimulus money hidden from us that would take care of the Private Sector that he feigns such concern about after three years of being under his watch. Why would anyone consider giving this man addicted to spending one more dime?

Americans, hopefully you’ll start following his many websites online and listen to what he’s telling our Youth, the African Americans, the Hispanics and Community Interest groups. Obama is the only thing that is transparent if you but start watching his every move – you can see right thru him.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Scuttlebutt On the Streets About Obama

October 4, 2011

by little tboca

Americans what will we get for Christmas? Here’s an excerpt from Ronald Reagan’s “To Restore America Speech.”

“No one who lived through the Great Depression can ever look upon an unemployed person with anything but compassion. To me, there is no greater tragedy than a breadwinner willing to work, with a job skill but unable to find a market for that job skill.

Back in those dark depression days I saw my father on a Christmas Eve open what he thought was a Christmas greeting from his boss. Instead, it was the blue slip telling him he no longer had a job. The memory of him sitting there holding that slip of paper and then saying in a half whisper, ‘That’s quite a Christmas present,’ it will stay with me as long as I live.”

In 2009 Obama said if he doesn’t turn the economy around, then he’s going to be a one term President. Today, he just pulled a Joe Biden gaffe and said the economy isn’t any better then it was three years ago. Guess we can assume he’s a one term reject!

Joe Biden isn’t going to be Obama’s scapegoat; he said the bad economy belongs to Obama. Joe has his moments of letting it all hang out and he’s plumb tired of lying to Americans about unemployment and the state of our economy. I imagine Joe has been confined to his room and sent to bed without dinner after that bit of honesty.

David Plouffe must be suffering from fatigue or is losing his marbles, for he basically says, that Americans won’t base their vote in 2012 on the unemployment rate. David if the unemployment rate hovers around 9.2 % or higher – that would mean over 14 million Americans are still unemployed.

Plouffe reminds me of Jimmy Carter, when Carter said in an interview with Playboy that there were times he had “lust in his heart” for women. Plouffe has “lust in his heart” for the all might dollar. As long as Obama keeps handing him the money, he’ll play the Obama game.

David Axelrod struggles for words and finally says reelection for Obama is a “Titanic Struggle.” David’s excuse is pretty much like Obama’s, when Obama blamed the weather. Weather seems to be the common denominator; Axelrod said the wind isn’t at Obama’s back. So much for the wind!

Warren Buffet dropped Obama on his head, saying he didn’t mean all wealthy people should be taxed; Warren mentioned that only about 50,000 out of 310 million people were in the ultra rich class. So Obama’s speech writers quickly removed Buffet from Obama’s speeches. Warren doesn’t like to be misquoted!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Majority Whip Dick Durbin, aren’t happy campers either. Harry and Dick hate to be caught with their pants down – they remember Obama’s famous budget from last spring that not one Democrat voted for and they know Obama’s job plan is just another dud. Harry and Dick are tired of having egg on their face.

The moderate Senate Democrats are jumping ship probably because they realize Obama’s strategy to use class warfare will bite them in the fanny before the sun sets on 2012.

The Democrats are having a lot of sleepless nights trying to figure out their next moves; (1) Is it too late to nominate a candidate for the 2012 election, (2) Will the unemployment rate keep rising and, (3) How can you support a President, who can’t lead a cow out of the cow pasture?

Obama’s “Rules for Radicals” have backfired; he’s distracted and divided his Democratic base. His speeches are like old worn out rags flapping in the wind. His trusty old teleprompter has lost its punch. In three short years, he’s worn out his welcome – people are tired of his political rhetoric and his false promises.

“Americans What Will We Get For Christmas?”

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama & Holder Lapse of Memory

October 4, 2011

by little tboca

Going back to the Fast and Furious gunrunner program we find that both Obama and Holder seem to be confused, forgetful and in denial. When questioned on the stand by Darrell Issa, Eric Holder said under oath that he’d recently heard about the gunrunner corruption.

But, emails show that Mr. Holder has had full knowledge of this covert operation since he requested 10,000,000 from Obama to fund and grow the illegal operation.

This isn’t Holder’s first run in with illegal smuggling of guns, in 2007 private atty Holder defended Chiquita International Brands the group that funneled $1.7 million into the Columbian group AUC. He actually got his client (CIB) off the hook with a small fine.

Obama has been in total denial about the gunrunner program until recently, although he actually allotted 10,000,000 to the Fast and Furious gunrunner program orchestrated by ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.)

Obama and the DOJ refused to work with those investigating this illegal program – they keep stalling and refusing to turn over documents to House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa.

This is probably one of the worst scandals in our history, because the program started from the top and worked down to the ATF. Innocent people have been murdered including Brian Terry, one of our border agents.

Obama is campaigning vigorously using his “Jobs Plan” as a weapon to wield over the Republicans, but the problem here is – the Democrats are the ones who refuse to sign his new bill.

The Democrats know it’s another stimulus package and also know two pertinent pieces to this puzzle; (1) The bill isn’t paid for and it will cost taxpayers, and (2) They are starting to worry about their job security in the upcoming 2012 elections.

Harry Reid pretty much told Obama to cool it – by saying there are other issues to be tackled first and he reluctantly promised to put the job plans bill on his calendar, but no one knows the date or where Harry put Obama’s jobs plan. Needless to say, if the Democrats aren’t interested in passing the bill at this time, Obama needs some knew campaign material!

Another point of interest is Obama and the DOJ suing states who initiated their own laws on illegal immigration. Remember Obama sent a memo to ICE telling them basically to stop deporting illegal aliens.

Americans, here’s a wake up call for all of us – immigration is a State power, not the Governments. Read the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution; they are there for the sole purpose of restricting our Government and preventing it from encroaching on our State’s rights.

When New Hampshire cancelled the 1.8 million dollar contract with Planned Parenthood – Obama a few days later went behind closed doors again and funded Planned Parenthood with taxpayer’s dollars and at the same time threatened to pull New Hampshire’s Medicaid funding.

Americans should make their own decision if they want to fund an abortion clinic like Planned Parenthood – Obama is acting like a dictator.

So Obama’s cover ups continue sprouting up like a bad weed; he lied about his jobs plan and he lied about the Fast and Furious gunrunner program.

He sneaked behind closed doors and funded Planned Parenthood. He’s trying to stop deportation of illegal aliens and his dirty laundry list just keeps growing.

We have two men keeping Americans and our Country safe – I don’t think so. One rewrites the laws and the other flatly ignores them. Both of these men should be removed from office and it looks like the Democrats may just be planning that …

May God Bless our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca

The Liberal News & DEMS Bought a “Pig in a Poke”

September 24, 2011

We all know the grass is not greener on the other side – everyone knows that with the exceptions of the Liberal News Media and Democrats on the Hill.

They jumped for the greener pastures because they thought they’d discovered their long lost treasure back in 2008. They were sure that this person some call Obama was the answer to their prayers. They took an offering or deal was foolishly accepted without being examined first called a “Pig in a Poke.”

They did flip flops for this person; they actually bought a “pig in a poke,” for not one of them knew who this man was, where he came from because he’s never been vetted. The Liberal News Media were the victims of one of the most horrific scams on our turf in the history of the USA.

Although, he didn’t have any real credentials that would signify he had the administrative ability to be the Commander in Chief of the United States, but he had two other attributes that sent the tingle up their legs and made the little DEM girls go crazy.

First was his color that caught their attention and second was his polished talent as an orator. So they placed their bets on the dark horse and shuffled Hillary Clinton out the backdoor in a very abusive unorthodox way.

Now three years later the Democrats and Liberal News Media are crying in their beer and literally losing their minds, because this Obama person turned out to be one of the biggest political “duds” with the exception of Jimmy Carter.

They’ve spent billions of dollars in their attempt to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse and needless to say, it didn’t work. The sow’s ear still looks like pig and smells like pig!

Axelrod, Plouffe, Pelosi, Reid and the other Democrats on the Hill set “Kenny and Barbie” Obama up in the White House with all the amenities that were befitting of a King and Queen.

In the meantime, the Liberal News Media continued telling their fairytales about the Obamas; they defied anyone and everyone who disagreed with the “king.” They fought tooth and nail for three years defending all of his stupid, arrogant and costly moves only to find the now have egg on their face.

As time marches on Democrats look back over the past three years and realize that Obama isn’t one of them, will turn on them in a blink of an eye and uses them like a janitor uses his mop for cleaning up the dirt.

Democrats and the Liberal News Media have been on a dead run putting out fires for Obama; they’ve resorted to scare tactics, threats and lies. They’ve blamed Bush, used the Race card, the Church card, the tea parties and the Republicans as their scape goats only to come up empty handed.

They’ve reached an impasse or roadblock where there’s no feasible way to escape unless they bet their money on a different horse, one who knows how to balance a budget, restore jobs by removing the restrictive regulations on businesses, one who is truly extraordinary when it comes to foreign affairs and who is a true diplomat, one who can negotiate and communicate with Republicans and Americans.

Time is not on their side – they either jump ship now or take Grammy and Grampy’s place and go over the cliff with Obama. The one lesson that everyone should have learned after experiencing the corruption of Barack Obama during his three years as Commander in Chief is this – anyone running in the 2012 Presidential Campaign must be vetted from head to toe.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama’s Elves

July 29, 2011

by little tboca

While you were sleeping, Obama and his evil little elves aren’t busy making toys for the good little girls and boys.  They’re systematically removing one freedom after the other.  To date, they’ve managed to place businesses big and small in limbo – they’re afraid to expand and hire.   Consumers are buying the bare necessities and hanging on to their dwindling savings and retirement funds.

College students are facing tremendous adversities and senior citizens are left wondering if they will be the next ones to be shoved over the cliff.  Those who have supported Obama and his Administration are starting to jump ship, because they realized they’ve been duped.  The die – hard supporters no longer have confidence in Obama, nor his policies; they’ve packed their bags and are moving to higher ground.

As we speak, Obama is behind closed doors trying to unarm Americans by attempting to adopt the UN’s International Gun Control restrictions.  He’s tossed our Bill of Rights and Constitution out the door. 

His Labor Board is ruthlessly attacking Boeing and our “Right to Work” status; can you imagine telling a grand old company like Boeing where they can build new facilities and who they must hire?  It’s happening right now and if Obama gets his way workers will have to endure card check and companies will have to get approval from the unions before expansion or hiring. 

So you see Obama and his elves aren’t really MIA – they’re burning the midnight oil and strategically removing our rights as USA citizens.  Remember the Libyan war was started by one person intent on continuing the redistribution of our money; he doesn’t care who if anyone wins this war.

While Geithner, Pelosi, Reid and Obama are spreading the doom and gloom propaganda about the dangers of not raising the debt ceiling, scuttle butte on the street insists that his administration are once again behind closed doors calling all lenders and basically telling them, “don’t worry – we won’t default.”   

Obama and Eric Holder are ducking and dodging bullets on the “Fast and Furious” and “Gunrunner” program; they’re more than willing to let others take the hit. The important thing to remember is this 2 very special Americans have been murdered due to this devious program and more will follow because many, many high powered weapons walked from our border into Mexico.

 The Mexican Government looks  at us in total disgust verging on hatred for placing weapons into the hand of drug cartels; they’ve lost thousands of lives again due the cartels and Holder and Obama are responsible. 

If we have but learned one lesson during Obama’s time in office, it would be this – don’t trust or believe anything that he says on National TV.  Protect your back and remember while you’re sleeping Obama and elves are planning their next attack on America’s freedoms.

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca