Archive for September, 2011

Obama’s Report Card

September 30, 2011

by little tboca

Redistribution the Obama Way

Our money, not his gone – our jobs, not his gone, our dreams, not his gone! Our National Deficit has increased over 4 trillion on Obama’s watch. Below a few highlights of Obama’s Rampage since 2009.

Stimulus package – 787 billion (New Stimulus Bill – 447 billion jobs plan If passed)
Libya War – 4 plus million per day
African Americans – 17% unemployment
Solyndra – 535 million dollars
The Green Thing – 20 billion plus much more (Only time will tell how much spent.)
Department of Energy – Trying to spend over 9 billion more on the “green thing” before sunset on 9/30/11
Fast and Furious Gunrunner Program – Obama signed 10 million to grow the program
14 million Americans out of work – 9.1% unemployment
Unsecured borders – memo from Obama to ICE not to deport Illegal Aliens

2009 thru 10/1/2011 Report Card Barack Hussein Obama
“F” minus

Unemployment – Foreign Affairs – Budget – Afghanistan – Iraq – Obamacare – Immigration – Spending – “Green Thing.” Obviously Obama earns an “F” minus in all areas. That’s why he’s playing class warfare, nothing to run on for the 2012 Presidential Election.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Does Obama Hold a Royal Flush

September 30, 2011

by little tboca

There’s a fox in the woodshed! Why has the Justice Department filed a petition asking the Supreme Court to expidite a decision on Obamacare? It is a sure sign that the Justice Department knows something that Americans aren’t privy to, because logic says Obama would not want Obamacare to reach the Supreme Court until the Presidential Election in 2012.

The Justice Department says it will file a petition today asking the Supreme Court to uphold the individual mandate in the health reform law. In a statement, the Department says: “Throughout history, there have been similar challenges to other landmark legislation such as the Social Security Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act, and all of those challenges failed. We believe the challenges to Affordable Care Act — like the one in the 11th Circuit — will also ultimately fail and that the Supreme Court will uphold the law.”

It really doesn’t take the Supreme Court to tell us that the individual mandate to buy healthcare insurance is not legal. But, the Supreme Court is our final decision maker and they tend to rewrite the laws not interpret it as stated in our Constitution. Since our Judges tend to construe laws to fit their Ideology – anything goes and the final decision is anyone’s guess.

The fact that Obamacare has been removed from the backseat of the bus to the front tells a story in itself. The last thing in the world Obama would want at this time during his declining approval rating is to have the Supreme Court declare it unconstitutional; so it appears the Obama and the Justice Department knows something that we don’t know.

Obamacare remains a concern to all; (1) Businesses refuse to hire until there is a final decision on the legality of Obamacare, (2) Healthcare costs will be prohibitive if Obamacare isn’t repealed, (3) Patient’s care has already been compromised do to Obamacare, and (4) The Individual mandate that requires everyone to obtain health insurance is a sure sign that the Government isn’t a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Obama doesn’t like to play poker unless he has a “royal flush.”

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama’s Commandments – “Rules for Radicals”

September 28, 2011

by little tboca

Obama is hot on the trail attempting to win votes for the 2012 Presidential Election and earlier I mentioned he didn’t have an agenda, but I was wrong.

He pulled out his old campaign speeches from 2008 and is actually giving us the second act of “Hope and Change.” Nothing new, nothing different and he’s doing the same soft shoe dance and rabbit hat trick that he pulled in 2008.

He’s using Saul ALinsky’s rules for radicals and the Obama of 2011 has put on his community organizing hat and preparing to build his army; he preys on the minorities, the weak, the poor and the confused, which are the Hispanics, the African Americans, the helpless and our youth.

He’s aggressively accelerating his attacks on Republicans, Conservative Democrats, the tea party and yes he’ll use Bush and God too as the reasons our Nation is struggling. His whole existence depends on his ability to distract, disorganize and divide the opposition.

Following Saul’s rules he will keep pouring fuel on the fire until he builds up an environment of anger, discontent and dissatisfaction with the Hispanic and African American Communities and our youth as we speak. Next, he will enlist Churches, Unions, ACORN, Special Interest Groups, gangs (if necessary) to carry his Idealistic torch for him.

Just like his 2008 campaign, Obama will lie, promise and guarantee that he is the light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing is based on truth or reality; everything is disguised and wrapped up in a pretty box called “hope and change.” His end goal is to create discontent laced with anger by telling his followers (The Have Nots) that they disserve what others have…

Obama will get on his stump and promise the Hispanics, our youth, the African Americans and poor that he will overpower the “Haves” by taking their money via (his jobs plan) and redistributing it to the “Have Nots.”

Hopefully our youth, Hispanics, African Americans and the poor will not buy his canned speech the second time around.

Between now and October of 2012, the Obama Administration, the Liberal News Media, some of the Unions and Community Interest groups will attempt to create insecurity and discontentment within our Nation.

They will attack Conservative organizations, Republicans the tea parties, wealthy Americans and poor old President Bush; there will be lies on top of lies the next few months, because their job is to create dissatisfaction and keep the troops divided.

What Saul Alinsky looked for in a good organizer was one with a “god like ego,” irreverence (nothing is sacred) and someone with the ability to create problems. Does that description remind you of anyone in the White House?

Obama has his eye on two balls and he wants them both; (1) A second round of redistribution money via what he calls his job plan, and (2) A second term as Commander in Chief of the USA. He’s jumped to the far left now and what you see is what you get – Obama is following Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to the last letter and dotted “I.”

He will distract, divide and demoralize our Nation to further his agenda of “redistribution.” Obama doesn’t love our Country – he idolizes a broken down ideology that has never worked and will never work in our great Nation.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” ― Ronald Reagan

Americans are we willing to fight for our Country, our freedoms or will we settle for telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free?

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Losing His Celebrity Status

September 27, 2011

by little tboca

Obama has lost the movie star status of 2008; he and his trusty teleprompter have lost their pizazz. The Jews and African American communities, the Liberal News Media, even the Liberal Democrats are distancing themselves from the “Redistribution King.”

Obama has never solved our unemployment or our National Deficit problems – he’s only disguised them and rearranged them. The “King of Redistribution” has demoralized our Nation.

Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. Ronald Reagan

Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. Ronald Reagan

African American communities have been hardest hit by Obama’s famous 787 billion dollar stimulus plan; their unemployment rate is hovering around 17 %. The poor are getting poorer! Just three days ago, Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that the African Americans strongly favorable views of Obama has come crashing down from 83% to 53% in just a few months.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), says unemployment is unconscionable and she doesn’t have a clue what his strategy is and Reverend Jesse Jacksons say the high unemployment situation in the African American community a “state of emergency.”

In Washington, speaking to the Black Caucus Obama literally pokes fun at them telling them to quit crying and complaining – guess he’s even disengaged when it comes to our black community. They’re not crying and complaining; they’re scared!

CNN’s Jack Cafferty isn’t a happy camper and doesn’t hesitate to tell Americans that Ralph Nader is advocating that the Democrats bring in a new Democratic candidate suggesting that if Obama runs unopposed voter enthusiasm will be in the tanks, because voters won’t be able to see the difference in Democrats and Republicans. According to Nader many Liberal leaders support Ralph Nader’s views.

Many conservative and Liberal Democrats aren’t supporting Obama at this time and his approval rating just keeps slipping out of sight. Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., doesn’t think much of Obama’s job plan saying spending cuts shouldn’t be piggy backed on increases in tax revenues. Ben says our Government has a spending problem.

Hollywood no longer has a love affair with Obama and many of their fundraisers are expressing disappointment in Obama. Hollywood is high on ratings and numbers – basically Obama is rapidly losing his celebrity status.

The Liberal News Media is beginning to distance themselves from Obama and no longer thinks the sun sets on Obama – it appears they bet all of their money on Obama because he was black and a great orator.

They ushered him into the White House, now they can’t figure out how to remove him from his present position as Commander in Chief.

The Liberal News Media has plumb run out of gas; (1) They can’t rave about unemployment because it’s at an all-time high, (2) They can’t rave about Obamacare, because it’s one of the major reasons that business have been laying off employees, and (3) They can’t rave about the National Deficit because it has increased over 4 trillion in less than three years.

Obama has lost the movie star status of 2008; he and his trusty teleprompter have lost their pizazz. The Jews and African American communities, the Liberal News Media, even the Liberal Democrats are distancing themselves from the “Redistribution King.”
Obama has never solved our unemployment or our National Deficit problems – he’s only disguised them and rearranged them. The “King of Redistribution” has demoralized our Nation.
Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. Ronald Reagan
Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. Ronald Reagan
African American communities have been hardest hit by Obama’s famous 787 billion dollar stimulus plan; their unemployment rate is hovering around 17 %. The poor are getting poorer! Just three days ago, Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that the African Americans strongly favorable views of Obama has come crashing down from 83% to 53% in just a few months.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), says unemployment is unconscionable and she doesn’t have a clue what his strategy is and Reverend Jesse Jacksons say the high unemployment situation in the African American community a “state of emergency.”
In Washington, speaking to the Black Caucus Obama literally pokes fun at them telling them to quit crying and complaining – guess he’s even disengaged when it comes to our black community. They’re not crying and complaining; they’re scared!
CNN’s Jack Cafferty isn’t a happy camper and doesn’t hesitate to tell Americans that Ralph Nader is advocating that the Democrats bring in a new Democratic candidate suggesting that if Obama runs unopposed voter enthusiasm will be in the tanks, because voters won’t be able to see the difference in Democrats and Republicans. According to Nader many Liberal leaders support Ralph Nader’s views.
Many conservative and Liberal Democrats aren’t supporting Obama at this time and his approval rating just keeps slipping out of sight. Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., doesn’t think much of Obama’s job plan saying spending cuts shouldn’t be piggy backed on increases in tax revenues. Ben says our Government has a spending problem.
Hollywood no longer has a love affair with Obama and many of their fundraisers are expressing disappointment in Obama. Hollywood is high on ratings and numbers – basically Obama is rapidly losing his celebrity status.
The Liberal News Media is beginning to distance themselves from Obama and no longer thinks the sun sets on Obama – it appears they bet all of their money on Obama because he was black and a great orator. They ushered him into the White House, now they can’t figure out how to remove him from his present position as Commander in Chief.
The Liberal News Media has plumb run out of gas; (1) They can’t rave about unemployment because it’s at an all-time high, (2) They can’t rave about Obamacare, because it’s one of the major reasons that business have been laying off employees, and (3) They can’t rave about the National Deficit because it has increased over 4 trillion in less than three years.
So to those who are fans of Obama’s job plan and yelling “pass the bill,” “pass the bill,” just remember you’re biting the hand that feeds you; the millionaires are the investors who give the hand up to businesses (big and small) and to the entrepreneurs. They’re the gas that can get our economic wheels moving ahead in the right direction.
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
the millionaires are the investors who give the hand up to businesses (big and small) and to the entrepreneurs. They’re the gas that can get our economic wheels moving ahead in the right direction.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Time to Give Obama His Pink Slip

September 27, 2011

by little tboca

Obama definitely needs a “Do Over,” on the Hill. President Clinton tells him now is a bad time to even thing about raising taxes. James Carville gave Obama great advice when he said,”Panic and fire some people.”

President Clinton sees two very obvious problems that Obama has; (1) Democrats are bailing and scattering in search of a new leader, and (2) Obama doesn’t have a clue how to be our Commander in Chief.

Here’s a pretty solid idea for Obama – fire Jeffrey Immelt (CEO of General Electric) and the one Obama appointed to head the President’s Council on Jobs and Competiveness.

Immelt is the one responsible for laying off Americans and hiring the Chinese to use our technology. It’s time to give Jeffrey his pink slip.

General Electric uses our Country as an elite resort, a place to receive all the amenities without paying – GE is definitely one of the “Snookers” in America. Like Warren Buffet, they need to pay their share of the taxes. Warren and Immelt need a time out behind bars until they start paying taxes like millions of our businesses (big and small) do…

Eric Holder is the next one who should get his pink slip today – here is a person who is making a living working outside our laws. He’s responsible for the “fast and furious” gunrunner program and responsible for placing high powered weapons in the hands of the Cartel.

Eric Holder doesn’t attempt to protect America; he rallies for the Unions, the terrorists, the Black Panthers, the Muslims, the drug cartels and the illegals. He refuses to enforce the law that says dead and ineligible voters are to be purged from the voter’s roll. He refuses to tell the truth about the Fast and Furious gunrunner program. Obama sneaked Holder into our White House – now it’s time for us to move him out.

Holder and his lawsuits remind me of the energizer bunny – he just keeps suing those who are fighting for our Country. He sues Arizona and Alabama and Louisiana, all frivolous suits that cost taxpayers and each state buckets of money.

He sues chicken farmers, a small middle school for denying a Muslim teacher leave to go on a pilgrimage (she’d only been employed 9 months.) Point being – our children come first. No one minds how many pilgrimages she takes, but not on our dime and our time.

He sues a 79 year old man praying outside an abortion clinic who was holding his rosary and pamphlets on abortion – I understand the 79 year old was praying too loudly. Let’s talk about loud, what about the Black Panther incident that he slid under the rug just shrugging and saying something about a payback.

Tim Palenty and others have called for Holder’s resignation, but Obama refuses to take action. Holder has been the one covering Obama’s backside during the Fast and Furious gunrunner investigation.

Now it’s time to consider giving Obama his pink slip or calling for his resignation. We’ve been under Obama law for almost three year much to our chagrin and during that time we’ve watched him blatantly refuse to follow the Constitution as set down by our forefathers.

Obama law is based around an ideology that is destroying our Country, call it whatever you like, but the poor get poorer, the Government grows bigger, there isn’t any transparency and he rewrites the laws as he goes. Obama does not believe in a Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

“There Are Two Ways To Enslave A Country…. One Is By The Sword. The Other Is By Debt.” —John Adams

In less than three years Obama has increased our debt over 4 trillion dollars. Having said that, it’s time for this person to hit the road and remove himself from our White House.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

The Liberal News & DEMS Bought a “Pig in a Poke”

September 24, 2011

We all know the grass is not greener on the other side – everyone knows that with the exceptions of the Liberal News Media and Democrats on the Hill.

They jumped for the greener pastures because they thought they’d discovered their long lost treasure back in 2008. They were sure that this person some call Obama was the answer to their prayers. They took an offering or deal was foolishly accepted without being examined first called a “Pig in a Poke.”

They did flip flops for this person; they actually bought a “pig in a poke,” for not one of them knew who this man was, where he came from because he’s never been vetted. The Liberal News Media were the victims of one of the most horrific scams on our turf in the history of the USA.

Although, he didn’t have any real credentials that would signify he had the administrative ability to be the Commander in Chief of the United States, but he had two other attributes that sent the tingle up their legs and made the little DEM girls go crazy.

First was his color that caught their attention and second was his polished talent as an orator. So they placed their bets on the dark horse and shuffled Hillary Clinton out the backdoor in a very abusive unorthodox way.

Now three years later the Democrats and Liberal News Media are crying in their beer and literally losing their minds, because this Obama person turned out to be one of the biggest political “duds” with the exception of Jimmy Carter.

They’ve spent billions of dollars in their attempt to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse and needless to say, it didn’t work. The sow’s ear still looks like pig and smells like pig!

Axelrod, Plouffe, Pelosi, Reid and the other Democrats on the Hill set “Kenny and Barbie” Obama up in the White House with all the amenities that were befitting of a King and Queen.

In the meantime, the Liberal News Media continued telling their fairytales about the Obamas; they defied anyone and everyone who disagreed with the “king.” They fought tooth and nail for three years defending all of his stupid, arrogant and costly moves only to find the now have egg on their face.

As time marches on Democrats look back over the past three years and realize that Obama isn’t one of them, will turn on them in a blink of an eye and uses them like a janitor uses his mop for cleaning up the dirt.

Democrats and the Liberal News Media have been on a dead run putting out fires for Obama; they’ve resorted to scare tactics, threats and lies. They’ve blamed Bush, used the Race card, the Church card, the tea parties and the Republicans as their scape goats only to come up empty handed.

They’ve reached an impasse or roadblock where there’s no feasible way to escape unless they bet their money on a different horse, one who knows how to balance a budget, restore jobs by removing the restrictive regulations on businesses, one who is truly extraordinary when it comes to foreign affairs and who is a true diplomat, one who can negotiate and communicate with Republicans and Americans.

Time is not on their side – they either jump ship now or take Grammy and Grampy’s place and go over the cliff with Obama. The one lesson that everyone should have learned after experiencing the corruption of Barack Obama during his three years as Commander in Chief is this – anyone running in the 2012 Presidential Campaign must be vetted from head to toe.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Has Lost His Cool & Credibility

September 24, 2011

by little tboca

Obama’s attitude and professional presence on National TV has changed from a polished orator to a rip roaring “go to hell” brother of Reverend Wright.

He has never been an honest man, now he’s lied about his job plan, the Buffet Rule, taxes and most of all he’s told America that this stimulus plan is paid for and won’t take a dime out of their pockets. Lies, Lies and more Lies!

What Obama didn’t share with Americans is this; Warren Buffet has been fighting with the IRS since 2002 and scuttlebutt has it that his company Berkshire Hathaway may owe us over 1 billion dollars.

So it’s time for Warren to put up or shut up – it’s ironic that this 81 year old man would turn on his fellow investors and fellow businessmen and women. Evidently his billionaire status just wasn’t enough for old Warren.

The DNC is feverishly working on a series of TV campaign ads in an effort to boost Obama’s ratings and solidify his Presidential run in 2012, but it will take more than a bunch of X-rated television ads to sell Obama’s garbage to taxpayers. It’s pretty much garbage in and garbage out!

Americans know that not one job was created last month, that unemployment is over 9% and companies are starting to slice their budgets to the bone by laying off more employees.

Americans can take this to the bank, Obama’s job plan (second stimulus bill) will not create jobs; Obama couldn’t create jobs as promised in 2009 with a 787 billion dollar stimulus and he won’t be able to create jobs with 447 billion dollars. If in fact he did create all the jobs he’s promising, each job would cost taxpayers $235,263 per job.

So for those who want to buy a basket of Obama lies and political rhetoric, you’d best do your homework before you make a commitment.
Pinocchio (Obama) wants; (1) More money for his “redistribution” piggy bank, (2) He doesn’t know how to create jobs even if he wanted to, and (3) This jobs plan or stimulus isn’t paid for and taxpayers will be the ones to take the hit.

We have two major problems in our Nation at this time, (1) Businesses big and small have been ravaged by regulations and (2) Our National Deficit keeps growing at about 3.9 billion daily and the DEMS and Obama are addicted to spending.

Why doesn’t Obama want a balanced budget – plain and simple it would shoot him in the foot, because he is the “Redistribution King?” Meanwhile on Obama’s watch the poor get poorer, consumers have lost their confidence in our Government, businesses have literally stopped the economic wheels from turning and our National Deficit keeps growing.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Hanging on to Warren Buffets Apron Strings

September 20, 2011

Obama counting on Buffet to get him out of his redistribution mess and Warren seems more than willing to pamper the “redistribution king.” Warren Buffet has stepped forward and decided to give Obama a big hands up even though Obama has increased our National Deficit another 4 trillion in less than three years and is asking Americans to give him another stimulus package.

Warren must remember that for many years, he’s never been a man to get down in the trenches with his CEO’s and get his hands dirty. It’s important to realize Buffet’s fortune has come from his investment savvy and this billionaire has recently stepped out of his element and is pretending to know how to get our economic wheels rolling again.

In all due respect to Mr. Warren Buffet, raising the taxes on the ones who create businesses, hire employees and create growth aren’t the ones he should be pointing his fingers at…

Warren Buffet could do two things if he’s so gun ho to help America “Take Back Their Country;” (1) Contribute all the billions he brags about to the Government to reduce our National Deficit, (2) Tell Obama to reduce taxes, repeal Obamacare and remove the regulations that are strangling businesses.

Instead Warren Buffet is playing politics right now and that’s not good! Warren is kissing the Liberal News Media’s fanny and trying to force Americans to pay more taxes. Warren Buffet counts on us to accept Obama’s second stimulus package, because he’s primed to slice a few more billion dollars from us via his investments.

The class warfare game that Buffet and Obama are playing certainly isn’t going to stimulate our economy, nor does it address the real problems that have stopped businesses from investing in their Nation.

This fiasco created by Buffet just gave Obama the fuel he needs for his 2012 Presidential campaign. Obama has flip flopped again, in 2009 told the Nation increasing taxes at this time would only slow down our economy; if it gets any slower we’ll be headed for a full blown depression.

The bottom line is this; (1) The government can’t and won’t create jobs with Obama’s second stimulus package, (2) Obama has yet to give the exact details to on his stimulus plan to the House and Congress, (3) Buffet is most welcome to contribute a few billion to slash our National Deficit and (4) Obama, Buffet and Democrats are once again resorting to their famous scare tactics.

Hopefully, taxpayers will realize that raising taxes on the few millionaires won’t be a drop in the bucket when it comes to paying for Obama’s second stimulus package.
This new stimulus bill will increase out National Deficit and won’t create jobs; we’re being scammed again the same as we were in 2009.

So we have Obama on the 2012 campaign trail with a stimulus bill in his hand that no one knows what’s in it and Obama is trying to incite Americans by creating class welfare in order to buy votes for his 2012 Presidential campaign.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama – Take Your Jobs Plan and Shove It!

September 16, 2011

By little tboca

James Carville just woke up and smelled the roses, reality has hit him in the fanny, because James isn’t making any excuses for Obama; he’s laid his cards on the table. James says Obama isn’t acting like a Democrat, gosh we knew that way back in 2008.
Former Clinton adviser, James Carville says he thinks it’s time for Obama to: panic.

James is pretty much giving Obama a wake – up call that has actually been a long time coming. James in a no nonsense fashion tells Obama that Democratic Senators aren’t happy campers and everyone is tired of his explanations.

Carville offers some more advice to Obama saying, Step 1: “Fire somebody. No — fire a lot of people.” James continues telling Obama that his advisory team just isn’t getting the job done; he even suggests that Obama consider firing his good friend Eric Holder, if Holder’s explanations aren’t good.

James tells Obama to quit saying things are getting better, because they aren’t. Looks like James has grown weary following Obama, because he senses we’re about to go over the cliff any minute if Obama doesn’t change course. Tonight, James deserves a thumbs up, because he’s rattling Obama’s cage, which no one else had the nerve to do…

Pelosi‘s remarks about Obama’s latest and greatest “Job Plan” isn’t encouraging – so far Pelosi hasn’t found anyone who thinks the plan will create new jobs. She isn’t about to go down with Obama; she took to the woods to play with her pet mouse.
Reid hasn’t completely turned tail, but he’s not sure if Obama’s latest and greatest stimulus bill will pass. So Old Harry is taking one last stand and blaming the economy on the Tea Party again, but he’s really not interested in Obama’s job plan at this time.
Harry Reid is ignoring Obama’s yelping and screaming to pass the “Jobs Plan” right now – he informed Obama that Congress has their priorities and Obama just doesn’t happen to be a priority at this time. Harry said they’d take up the “Jobs Plan” or “stimulus bill” sometime in October when the next legislative work period begins. Even Old Harry is tired of chasing his tail for Obama!

House Democratic leaders are already writing off President Barack Obama’s $50 billion infrastructure proposal and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) says they aren’t going to worry about Obama’s next stimulus package before November elections.

It comes down to this, it’s not the Republicans or tea parties nixing Obama’s job plan – it’s the Congressional Democrats, because they say there’s a ton of things in the plan that they just can’t abide.

Obama, can you hear them now? Just like your budget this spring, the Democrats are saying,” No way Mr. President, take your jobs plan and shove it!”

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Does Obama Care About America – Absolutely Not!

September 14, 2011

by little tboca

Does Obama really care about our Nation, our children, grandchildren and those hard working people who support our country via taxes? It’s a decision that sooner or later every American will have to make, because we are the voice of America and it’s time to be heard.

What has Obama accomplished in 32 months?

He’s increased our National Deficit by 4 trillion dollars.
He’s redistributed 787 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money to corrupt lenders, the “green thing,” Unions, bigger Government and syphoned money behind closed doors to pad the pockets of his biggest and best bundlers.

His Administration passed Obamacare which has a price tag so high no one is quite sure how many billions it will cost taxpayers.

Obama and his Administration thumbed their noses at us refusing to create a “balanced budget,” every day our National Deficit increases about 5 billion per day.

He assigned 10,000,000 for the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program, which has killed Americans and thousands of our Mexican friends.

He redistributed our money to Green Companies such as Solyndra Solar which has gone belly up and three other green companies are declaring bankruptcy.

Obama’s HAMP, TARP, Green Whims are all poorly executed defunct programs that sucked billions of dollars from our pockets with nothing to show for it!

So in 32 months, Obama redistributed our 787 billion stimulus money without creating jobs or restoring our economic status. 14 million are unemployed, unemployment is way over 9.1 or 9.2 % (probably close to 18 or 20 %.)

787 billion was stimulus package number one – gone never to be seen again.

447 billion is actually stimulus number two – this is actually being called the Obama Job Plan. This is the second stimulus in less than three years that Obama is requesting.

The debt ceiling was just raised in August 2011 with promises that the “Super Committee” of twelve would insure that 1.5 trillion was cut in our National Deficit over a 10 year span.

Notice that every time Obama speaks he asks for more money saying it won’t cost taxpayer’s a dime – we all know taxpayers will be the ones to suffer. Isn’t it strange that he never refers to his promises in 2008 and 2009 to downsize the Government, insure transparency and lower the unemployment to 8 % and reduce the National Deficit?

This person they call “OBAMA” isn’t stupid, but he is evil, isn’t honest, but he is a liar, isn’t Commander in Chief, but is a Dictator. For those who wish to disagree with this last statement, I’ll prove that what I just said is true.

As we speak Obama and his teleprompter are lying to Americans about the Obama Job Plan. He keeps saying this Job Plan is paid for and won’t cost taxpayer’s a dime. That is all I have to say on this subject – we are in the hands of a person who wishes to bring our Nation to its knees.

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca