Archive for July, 2010

Changing of the Guard

July 25, 2010

To all tea party members, you’re awesome – now is the time to stay positive and continue the march to “Take Back Our Country.”  Only 100 days out from the fall elections and already our Nation has experienced a “Change”, not an Obama “Change,” thank goodness, but a changing of the guards.   
Our beautiful America under your careful guidance is taking her first baby steps in restoring our Nation’s foundation.  Many Americans haven’t put their boots on as Glenn Beck would say, but be patient with them and continue extending your hands. We must remember that a few people changed the world – remember the Nazarene and his followers. 

It seems to me that the next 100 days should be a period of celebration in honor of those who believe in our Nation as One Nation under God. These are the true patriots, who want to restore our Constitution, protect our 2nd Amendment, keep our Military safe, secure our borders and are determined to restore our Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

For those who are tired and weary from the propaganda and political shenanigans, don’t allow this to distract or discourage you; don’t play the Obama game of distraction and division of troops.  Your voice is being heard and America will experience significant political changes in the White House this November.

Take time out for a little good news daily; remember the young man (Sean Harrington) who is fighting to restore the Pledge of Allegiance in his school. Sean is pretty much a one man army experiencing the name calling and the school officials’ inability to stand by their Nation or maybe they think those on the left side are the only ones who have “rights.”  

But Sean still marches on in his effort to restore the “Pledge of Allegiance” in his school. Sean feels each individual has the right to say the Pledge or pass on saying the Pledge of Allegiance. The tea parties believe American’s have a right to restore their Nation, to regain our voice and to once again establish a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

“Changing of the guard” is the tea party movement for 2010.  We are not alone “God” is alive and well – “May God Bless America.”

As Always, Little T-Boca (Annie)

News the Obama Way

July 21, 2010

Checking the news out for July 20th, 2010 seems to leave Americans in the lurch; very few news venues have any inclination to discuss the real news of the day.  ABC confines its news to some off the wall questions; (1) Is BP actually avoiding a flow measurement, (2) Should Shirley Sherrod be hired again, and (3) Will UK Cooperate on Lockerbie Bomber? 

ABC isn’t interested in the DOJ lawsuit against the State of Arizona and Jan Brewer (Governor) or Holders threat that he may in fact initiate another lawsuit on racial legalities. They briefly mention Kagan and give a few hurrahs saying she won support from the Democrat dominated Senate Judiciary Committee – they refuse to offer the real news of interest about this Liberal judge who hasn’t in her lifetime served as a judge.

They refuse to involve themselves into the funding of the unemployment extension – it’s definitely of interest to all Americans. There is enough money left in our original stimulus package to fund the extension; it absolutely makes no sense that Americans once again have billions of dollars of debt placed in their laps.

 CBS News Senior White House correspondent Bill Plante says the government couldn’t use this money, because they’d have to rewrite the law.  So rewrite the law, Democrats don’t seem to have a problem with that, for instance the “Black Panther” issue was swept under the rug without any hesitation and Obama if you remember was made President of the US without any vetting. 

So the question is what is or isn’t news worthy?  It would appear that we should know what our government is doing behind our backs in regards to changing laws, spending our money, the DOJ’s shenanigans, the reasons the Senate Judiciary Committee would support an extremist who refuses to answer specific question, the real reasons why our government won’t secure our borders, why there isn’t any jobs, why the Healthcare Reform is costing taxpayers another arm and leg and why no one listens to our voices.

The Liberal News media offers one thing only, regurgitated, re edited propaganda for one reason only – to draw a specific response from Americans. News is no longer news – it’s a bi product of fiction, lies and misguided journalists who refuse to get back to the basics of old fashioned journalism.  The one thing we’ve learned from listening to these news venues is this – they have placed the one called Obama in a bubble and they will do whatever is necessary to keep the bubble from bursting!

Republicans must quit taking a better than thou stance and present a platform to Americans that is etched in stone.  They must quit hitting the news waves with the “he said, she said,” and bring solutions to the table. They must unite in the effort to restore our Nation as “One Nation Under God,” protect our Constitution, keep our Military safe, secure the borders and return the power of decisions to the people. 

Many Republicans gladly step forward with the daily gossip, but few are inclined to stand toe to toe with the Obama Administration and fight for America. Newsworthy information just doesn’t exist anymore, because one of two things happen; (1) Problems are brought to our table with no real solutions, or (2) Those in the news are “tooting their own horn,” and promoting their private agenda. 

Until a group of people can unite, like our forefathers did in pursuit of freedom, justice and liberty for all – nothing much will change the political climate that we’re a victim of…

May God Bless Our Nation

Little T-Boca (Annie)

SB 1070 – Illegal Aliens a Crime (Not a Race)

July 18, 2010

What’s the fight about over the SB 1070?  Those protesting should get their ducks in a row before spouting off racial discrimination, or before pulling out the “civil rights or boycott” card out of their dirty underwear. 

There are two sides to every story, but we have a bunch of misguided people ranting and raving over the SB 1070 and the State of Arizona.  They show their ignorance about the content of the bill and their feeble defense is without substance, because they haven’t taken time to read the bill from cover to cover before opening their mouth. These people have joined the dumb and dumber gang by jumping on Obama’s misguided statement about Arizona’s SB 1070.

Excuse, me Mr. Obama you can go into any ice cream store in Arizona and our law enforcement officers will not harm a hair on your head, nor will they ask you to show them citizenship papers, drivers license etc. None of us in Arizona will call you names or pull the race card, Mr. Obama because we are American Patriots and we welcome all legal citizens to our country. We even offer them a helping hand – wow can you believe that “We don’t discriminate.”

There’s a strong possibility that Obama, Napolitano, Holder, Gibbs and many Democrats still haven’t read the Federal illegal immigration law or the SB 1070. In fact this is quite obvious, because Napolitano and Obama keep saying the Arizona borders are safer then they’ve ever been; this statement is definite proof that Obama’s only agenda is for securing Latino votes.  

Only a vote sneaking President would ignore our pleas for help in securing our border, fighting the drug cartel and those who are committing heinous crimes on our turf. Only a misguided President would sue Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona for a well written law that mirrors our Federal illegal immigration law.

But, why would this surprise us, when Obama and Democrats have ignored our voices about the healthcare reform, big government, sweetheart deals, Union favors, runaway spending – frankly it’s time to give us our credit card back; it’s not safe in their hands.

So to all of those who are supporting Arizona, please know that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  As I said there are two sides to the story:  Since July 1st 2010, we’re sad that 40 illegal immigrants have died in Pima County due to heat, lack of fluids, shelter and losing their way in the rough terrain. 

The man, Jesus Ernesto Chavez is held by authorities now; he is the person who ordered the killing of our US consulate employee and her husband. The drug related violence recently that left 21 killed and 6 injured was very, very close to our border. We recently lost a rancher who’d helped many illegals – wouldn’t you know it; one of those illegals shot and killed him this year.

The cartels are in Arizona and they’re deadly! The human trafficking continues, but Obama and Democrats aren’t interested in our problems – they’re worried about the 2010 and 2012 elections.  So they’ll promise the Latinos absolutely anything to get their votes, but rumor is they don’t have any intentions of securing our borders.  My Latino friends aren’t about to buy the Obama “Change” twice…

So to those who want to get on their soapbox, rally against the SB 1070, shout and yell at us on National TV, just remember here is the real story.  Terrorists, illegal aliens, drug cartels, human trafficking, heinous crimes are the issue – race, color of skin, stature has nothing to do with anything. 

May God Bless America

Little T-Boca (Annie)

Hats off to the Tea Parties

July 16, 2010

The Tea Parties need to be congratulated for their support of Arizona’s Governor (Jan Brewer) and the State of Arizona.  They have rallied numerous times in support of the bill, many contributed by blogging and identifying the SB 1070 as a bill mirroring the Federal Government’s laws on illegal immigration. Fox News has shown strong support of the tea party members and the SB 1070. 

Some may feel, their voice isn’t being heard, but do to their diligence in supporting this bill, almost 70% of Americans are now behind Jan and the State of Arizona.  Your voices have been heard!  Nine states are backing the bill and are showing support by filing a briefing in the US District Court of Arizona.

The briefing is basically justifying Arizona’s need to implement the SB 1070 and is saying the Obama lawsuit is costly and without substance.  Here is a portion of the brief:   “By lawsuit, rather than by legislation, the federal government seeks to negate this preexisting power of the states to verify a person’s immigration status and similarly seeks to reject the assistance that the states can lawfully provide to the Federal government,” the brief states.

Today we see Janet Napolitano on her broom making a sweep of the Western border in a feeble attempt to secure more Latino votes for Obama.  Doesn’t it appear a little too late?  So here we have Janet, just idly passing out money while the DOJ has sued the State of Arizona and Jan Brewer; what’s the message here…  Could it be another smoke screen, we know after 18 months of suffering under the Obama Administration that handing out our money and suing at the same time is more than a little peculiar.

Napolitano’s firm (as she called it) statement to Governor Rick Perry actually insinuates that Governor Perry is lacking pertinent information.  She not so politely states that the border has received a record amount of security resources during the Obama Administration. This is pretty much like her statement and Obama’s that our borders are more secure than they’ve ever been.

Is there any honest Democrat in the White House?  Janet Napolitano is playing cat and mouse with the border states and has the guts to lie on National TV.  She elaborated more by say,
“”The numbers tell the story, and they do not lie,” she said: violent crime is down on the US side of the border, while seizures of illegal weapons, drugs, and cash are up.  Does this person even live in the United States – I believe she must be from a foreign country and totally oblivious to reality.

The Tea Parties are marching forward to “take back our country,” and without their support our political problems would be beyond repair. They are the eyes and ears of America! Join a tea party and become an active American citizen.  “May God Bless America.” 

As Always, Little T-boca(Annie)

Democrats Jump Ship

July 14, 2010

Next steps prove in taking back our country will be difficult for our Nation; few of us have the resources to keep our heads afloat.  It’s not only shocking that 6 out of 10 Americans no longer have a slight trace of confidence in Obama and his administration; it’s a condition that is spreading like the old fashioned measles. Still, the flip side of the coin Americans aren’t at ease with Republicans either, so we’re between a rock and a hard place!

About 1/3 of the Democrats are grabbing the little bit of hope that Obama has left them and jumping ship; it’s not just job security that has convinced them to make the separation – it’s fear that the past year and a half has literally destroyed all hopes of recovering from the first recession.  Many, economists say we’re in or about to head into a double dip recession and, possibly on the verge of a depression.

After Robert Gibbs got thru with the Democratic Party, one must wonder what was his real strategy when he said, “there is no doubt there are enough seats in play that could cause Republicans to gain control of the House”   This remark was made on Meet the Press with host David Gregory.

Although Democrats took offense to Gibb’s comments about the Republicans taking over the house; Mr. Gibbs was pretty much stating what we all know to be the truth.  This is one of the few times, Robert Gibbs allowed himself the luxury of freedom of speech – probably will be the last time for many moons, but it was refreshing and so unlike the surly character Gibbs betrays.

There are many more Democrats who are in the survival mode and planning to abandon the Obama Administration.  Rohm Emanuel (Chief of Staff) is not so gracefully departing – Rohm knows there will be few Democrats left to follow the one they call “Obama” after the midterm elections. It is surprising that Rohm didn’t opt to leave prior to the elections; maybe it was an attempt to show his last bit of loyalty to Obama. 

Peter Orszag, Obama’s budget director decided to eat and run after a trillion dollar glitch and a National Deficit that is absolutely sinful (over 13 trillion)  – rumor has it that Jack Lew (Clinton’s budget director) will be handed the massive National Deficit in hopes that he can salvage a portion of the misguided Obama budget. 

Obama will find that Jack Lew is a no nonsense, bottom line man and what he’s about to tell Obama and Americans isn’t exactly what Democrats running for office in November want to hear. Mr. Lew won’t be able to heal our National Deficit, but he may well offer some lasting blood transfusions that will encourage consumers and businesses (big and small.) 

The DOJ appears to be quite busy as they crawl in bed with the “black panthers, sue Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona and now Eric Holder (one of the jerks who didn’t even read the SB 1070) is threatening another lawsuit against Arizona.  There’s a definite solution to the problems we’re having with the Department of Justice and her name is Megyn Kelly.

Megyn Kelly on FOX news “America live” is actively exposing what Holder and the DOJ have done concerning the proven allegations in the “Black Panther” case.  Megyn is correct in her approach to this story; she has repeatedly shown both sides of the story and hopefully the end of this story will result in more than smacking the DOJ’s hands.  The Obama Administration blatantly refuses to adhere to our Nation’s laws and rules of the land. 

There are a few obvious steps that Americans can make that will help us “take our country back.”  Our forefathers established a solid foundation with the Constitution and our strong foundation was “One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All.” 

Maybe placing “God” back into the mix is a strong first step.  The family unit needs a makeover, parents need to once again assume their role as mentors, disciplinarians and resume their role as head of the household. Constant contact with those who represent us in the White House is crucial, because November elections are on now on the horizon.

As citizens of the United States, we must remember that the Obama strategy is “distraction and keeping the troops divided,” proof of this is the DOJ lawsuit against Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona.  Obama’s scramble for votes depends on two things – alienating the Hispanics and African Americans from our voter base.  Obama’s and gang have pulled out the race card, civil rights card and Bush card again – everything in the news on the left side will center on these three things.

May God Bless Our Country

Little T-Boca (Annie)

We The People

July 8, 2010

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Today, as I said my prayers a vision appeared to me that might truly be the answer to restoring our Nation to its once strong foundation. Going back in history and visualizing what our forefathers had created for all of us, it was apparent that in actuality we may need to call on a group of people to convene with one purpose in mind, “Taking Back Our Country America.” 

If a group of men and women from all walks of life, met with a common cause would unite and work together our great Nation could be restored. Their journey would liken to the one taken by our forefathers!   

They would do whatever it takes to help the people of America regain their voices, to govern themselves, to implement new laws if and when necessary, to defend our Constitution, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, secure our borders and regain our God given freedoms and to once again have a limited governing body. 

With that in mind, picture an office building within shouting distance of the White House and within its walls offices occupied by true American Patriots.  Here might be the some of the names on the office doors.  Many of you will add more names as time goes on and some may disagree, but it’s my belief that a small group of people can change the world.  Look what the Nazarene did over 2000 years ago. Here is a possible roster of men and women, can you picture them standing for a moment of prayer before their work day starts? 

Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Joseph Farah, Michele Bachmann, Richard Morris, Sharron Angle, Jan Brewer, Bobby Jindal, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, John Boehner, Neil Cavuto,Mike Huckabee, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Shepard Smith and the list just keeps growing and growing. 
These are the modern day forefathers and mothers of 2010. Could these patriots be too busy “tooting their own horn” to take time out for America?  Possibly, they are too busy promoting their own interests via books, TV appearances, speaking as guests at various events and thus we are at the mercy of the Obama Administration.  We’re witnessing the destruction of the greatest country in the world, one piece at a time and it seems we’re totally helpless. 

Yes, of course they would have minor differences but their goal to”Take BackOur Country” remains the common factor; they would not allow personal preferences to cloud their vision..The time is here to stop this destructive government and institute not a new government, but one established on the firm foundation given to us by our forefathers. The Declaration of Independence remains one of the greatest written works of all time with the exception of the “Bible.”

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

As Always, Little T-Boca (Annie)

“May God Bless America”

4th of July

July 4, 2010

Today, as I said my prayers a vision appeared to me that might truly be the answer to restoring our Nation to its once strong foundation. Going back in history and visualizing what our forefathers had created for all of us, it was apparent that in actuality we may need to call on a group of people to convene with one purpose in mind, “Taking Back Our Country America.”  Remember the Preamble:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

If a group of men and women from all walks of life, met with a common cause would unite and work together our great Nation could be restored. Their journey would liken to the one taken by our forefathers!   

They would do whatever it takes to help the people of America regain their voices, to govern themselves, to implement new laws if and when necessary, to defend our Constitution, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, secure our borders and regain our God given freedoms and to once again have a limited governing body. 

With that in mind, picture an office building within shouting distance of the White House and within its walls offices occupied by true American Patriots.  Here might be the some of the names on the office doors.  Many of you will add more names as time goes on and some may disagree, but it’s my belief that a small group of people can change the world.  Look what the Nazarene did over 2000 years ago. Here is a possible roster of men and women, can you picture them standing for a moment of prayer before their work day starts? 

Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Joseph Farah,Michele Bachmann, Richard Morris, Sharron Angle, Jan Brewer, Bobby Jindal, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, John Boehner, Neil Cavuto,Mike Huckabee, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and the list just keeps growing and growing.  These are the modern day forefathers and mothers of 2010.

Yes, of course they would have minor differences but their goal to”Take BackOur Country” remains the common factor; they would not allow personal preferences to cloud their vision..The time is here to stop this destructive government and institute not a new government, but one established on the firm foundation given to us by our forefathers. The Declaration of Independence remains one of the greatest written works of all time with the exception of the “Bible.”

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

As Always, Little T-Boca (Annie)

“May God Bless America”