Posts Tagged ‘Democrats’

Obama Thinks Americans Are Stupid

January 19, 2012

Just in case you thought Barack Obama would change his political tactics from 2008, you were wrong. He’s hell bent on spewing lies on the campaign trail, totally forgetting that Americans remember the “hope and change” bit. There is a difference in his 2011 and 2012 campaign though, he is extremely angry with many of the Democrats and Liberals and his campaign messages are quite toxic.

Here’s what Americans can expect in 2012. Plouffe, Axelrod and Messina have been handed an X-rated President who doesn’t have a clean record to run on – in fact his past three years could be likened to a sewer rat who hides out in the daytime and slinks around at night stealing our “Cheese.”

His most recent punch line can be seen on one of the first Presidential ads in 2012 – he’s defending his record on energy. This would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. Plouffee and Axelrod aren’t stupid and they want to sweep the Solyndra, Sun Power, Tesla and Fisker under the rug, but there’s more problems coming our way and this ad will haunt them in 2012.

This ad is a perfect example of what we’ll be seeing in 2012 and it is a “FULL BLOWN LIE.” Obama’s energy policies are costly and they reek of illegal loans, grants misusing taxpayers’ money and a way to pay off his big bundlers. Solyndra 585 million down the drain, Sun Power at least 1.2 billion of our money gobbled up and the Fisker and Tesla problems just keep hitting us below the belt daily.

Talk about slinky lousy energy policies – we’re talking about a Commander in Chief who just nixed the Keystone Pipeline which would give us a big boost in energy independence and create thousands of jobs.

Many Democrats support the Keystone Pipeline – Senate Democrats who like the project are Claire McCaskill, D-Mo, Mary Landrieu, D-La, Mark Begich, D-Alaska, , Jon Tester D-Mont., Mark Pryor, D-Ark., and Kent Conrad, D-N.D. Max Baucus D-Mont and there’s many more who support the Keystone Pipeline. The reason for stopping the Keystone Pipeline is just a bunch of political trash – he’s buying off the environmentalists and surfing for votes?

His latest and greatest campaign punch line, “Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich all say they would cut foreign aid to Israel — and every other country — to zero.” Obama takes everything out of context and puts a spin on it hoping to capture a few more votes here and there.

Not one of these Candidates said they were zeroing out aid to foreign Countries they were applying “zero based budgeting” which doesn’t mean Countries won’t receive money from the USA, nor does it mean that Israel foreign aid is being cut. So the smooth talking Obama with his trusty teleprompter either can’t hear or he doesn’t speak English.

The construction Unions are adamant about Obama nixing the Keystone Pipeline saying, “We are completely and totally disappointed. This is politics at its worst,” LIUNA General President Terry O’Sullivan said. “Once again the President has sided with environmentalists instead of blue collar construction workers – even though environmental concerns were more than adequately addressed.Blue collar construction workers across the U.S. will not forget this.” Jobs at our fingertips and Obama won’t let Americans go back to work.

Obama has two things in mind for the remainder of 2012; (1) Borrowing more money, which we don’t have for his “redistribution” agenda, and (2) Dividing our Nation via class warfare, which will leave us totally dependent on the Government.

Obama will continue following the “Rules for Radicals” trying to distract and divide the Country. He obviously is using the Cloward/Piven strategy for he has created an economic crisis in the past three years and now Obama and Democrats are managing the crisis by asking for more money and overwhelming our Government with entitlement demands.

2012 will be a tough year for Americans but when making a decision next fall at the polls – ask yourself these questions: (1) Am I better off than I was in 2009, (2) Are my friends, family and neighbors better off, and (3) Will our Country be another Greece if we keep spending without paying our National Deficit off?

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama – Shake Up in the White House

January 12, 2012

Almost daily now, Democrats are starting to reposition themselves; they’re worried about job security, Obama’s extremely low approval rating and the staggering economy.

Daley is an example of another shake- down in the White House, although Obama’s staff is passing it off as business as usual; Daley wasn’t a “yes” man and Obama couldn’t afford that going into 2012.

On January 10, 2012 Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Michael J. Williams is jumping ship; he no longer wants to be associated with Obama’s Washington based mortgage company. Michael made a wise decision to split before the _ _ _ _ hits the fan. He’s been with Fannie since 1991, which means he knows all about the “housing bubble, and our lost stimulus money,” Poor Michael is probably struggling, his total compensation for 2010 was $5,594,456.00.

DEMS are starting to show their doubts about Obama – Democratic pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen suggest that Democratic voters should organize a write-in campaign for Hillary Clinton. These two pollsters always test the waters before they comment and this would certainly suggest the Democrats are thinking of going to Plan B.

Obama’s approval ratings have dropped below Jimmy Carter giving him the worst approval rating of any President in their fourth year. Democrats hung pretty tight with Obama for about two and half years, but many are having severe migraines followed by buyer’s remorse.

The left extremists are disenchanted with Obama especially when he signed the NDAA, which allows for the indefinite military detention of US citizens without charge or trial in violation of the right to a jury trial guaranteed by the Constitution. They feel the Libyan war was a failure and a bad political move on Obama’s part.

It’s literally snowing Obama defectors in the White House and the “musical chair” game is just beginning. Many Democrats want to distance themselves from Obama, especially those running in 2012 because they feel he jinxes everything he touches. A series of robo calls saying draft Hillary Clinton have gone to many States recently.

The Democratic Party is finding it difficult to register new voter – Democratic registrations have taken a nose dive since 2008. Obama has two more defectors; Ben Nelson and U.S. Rep. Dan Boren of Muskogee are bowing out.

Next, we see Obama trying to bring the Hispanic vote back to his corner, because the Hispanics bought the “hope and change” in 2008, but they’re not buying it in 2012.
Cecilia Munoz, the White House director of intergovernmental affairs is about to be appointed as the new Director of the Domestic Policy Council. Wow – wonder what the new director’s duties will be during 2012. Will Cecilia be allowed to twitter, blog or do any more public speaking?

Actually Munoz was thrown under the bus on August 16 – at this time she wrote a post defending Obama’s Secure Communities program which was to help states in their battle against illegal aliens and toughen our immigration laws. Munoz,jumped on board and supported Obama’s new program.

Latinos rejected this Secure Communities Program and Mr. Flip Flop realized the votes he’d counted on from the Latina Community were dwindling hourly, so he changed his mind in midstream. Two days later, the Obama Administration left Munoz totally out to sea without a canoe or paddle. They reversed their strategy on illegals saying they’d review 300,000 deportations focusing only on criminals.

Mario Solis-Marich, a progressive blogger and radio host prominent in the Latino community called for Munoz’s resignation, but Munoz is not about to leave Obama – they’re almost
“kissin cousins.” Munoz, knew Obama’s flipflop was like opening the barn door after the cows scaped and she wasn’t a happy camper, but never fear Obama dangled some candy and offered her a new position as Director of the Domestic Policy Council.

This is Obama’s way of buying Latina votes – this is political manipulation. Munoz will be under Obama’s thumb and I’m sure her twitter messages, blogs and any public speaking will be monitored; in fact I believe she will have excessive guidelines and directives as she takes over her new position.

Obama can’t run on his record and like he said, “If he can’t fix the economy in three years – he’d be a one term President.” So long Obama!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

January 5, 2012

The next few days “Little Tboca” will concentrate on the overall picture of our fallen economy starting back in 2009 and coming forward to 2012. First, let’s look at a couple of words and their definitions.

Traitor – according to Merriam Webster is one who commits treason or one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

– the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion (to achieve by force or threat.)

The next few weeks political correctness will be placed in the ancient history shelves, because political correctness has no place in the next few articles from Little Tboca.

It’s past time for all Americans to overcome their complacent attitudes concerning our corrupt Government; we need to quit dawdling in our own little private comfort zones, quit bitching, complaining and wallowing in our personal problems.

It’s time to call a “spade,” a spade! We have in our midst a person who has betrayed our trust dressed up in designer clothes with manicured nails and a teleprompter. This person took office in 2009, but prior to that his puppeteers had rolled out his agenda and like a good puppet he’s never missed a beat or varied from his marching orders.

Some questioned his legitimacy, his legal citizenship, his work history, his ability to be our Commander in Chief, but no one including Republicans, senior citizens, taxpayers or our youth did one thing but complain.

So what we see is pretty much we get – we have a man who has brought our Nation to its knees. First, he promised us a rose garden and wrapped it up in a big package with a pretty bow that included jobs, help with our foreclosures, securing our borders, downsizing the Government and protecting our rights and freedoms.

The gift he gave us was a fallen economy with 14 million unemployed and an increased debt of 5 trillion dollars. Up until 2011, most of his devious actions were behind closed doors, but he’s finally come out of the closet in 2012.

Next, he attacked our pocketbooks, our savings, our retirements and stole 787 billion dollars of our money calling it a stimulus bill. He used our money for “redistribution” paying off his big bundlers, the Unions, some car companies, a basketful of corrupt lenders and a large part of our money went to Corporations who in turn promised to support his 2012 Presidential Campaign. Americans were the beneficiaries of a 4 trillion dollar tab charged on our credit card.

During the past three years, he’s surrounded himself with Czars, Muslims, and the Muslim Brotherhood while wining and dining the Democratic Base. The Liberal News Media, Pelosi, Reid, and many Democrats were totally devoured by this person and they sold their souls to the “devil.”

He’s aligned himself with the Muslim Brotherhood and is helping them take over Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other Middle Eastern Countries; he’s a bed partner with Soros, Code Pike, Bill Ayers and a multitude of others who want to destroy our Nation.

Today, he’s not just campaigning in Ohio – he went there on a mission to place Richard Cordray in charge of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which in layman’s terms isn’t a “watchdog” bureau to protect our interests, but a bureau that will regulate all consumer interests. This is one more thing big brother Government has done while we were sleeping – we’re losing our freedoms and rights as we speak.

He’s planning on moving more appointees into the White House within the next few days or week trying to appease the Unions by adding some more appointees to the National Labor Regulations Board.

This person has betrayed out trust and isn’t fulfilling his obligations and duties to our Country. He’s attacked Congress and created an explosive political environment between Republicans and Democrats. He is America’s enemy and the past three years he’s been playing a deadly game of Texas Hold’em with all of us.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Take Your “Change Delivered” Campaign and Shove It

November 15, 2011

by little tboca

The Democrats controlled our Government from 2006 to 2011 and look what they’ve done to our Country in five years. We’ve lost our good credit rating, bailed out Freddie and Fannie (who are asking for billions more plus millions in bonuses,) accelerated the housing bubble causing millions of foreclosures, passed Obamacare, put such stiff regulations on businesses that they’re unable to function.

Time to “Take Our Country Back America.” Tboca means T ake B ack O ur C ountry A merica.’

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Let’s figure out what the scoop really is about the Republicans – to hear Obama tell it you would think they’re drinking Starbucks and hanging out at the pool hall doing next to nothing. Obama and the Democrats are playing a very dangerous “Chess Game,” that will end up in the demise of their party.

Right now, Obama is thriving on the lies, political rhetoric he’s spoon feeding the public. Instead of the “hopey changey” campaign in 2008, Obama is going to run (now hold your breath on this one) on “Change Delivered.”

Let’s take a gander at the real change delivered since 2009. He confiscated 787 billion dollars of our stimulus money and handed it out to his Union friends, the corrupt lenders, the car companies, billions to the “Green Companies,” and left us out in the cold. 14 million Americans are without jobs, millions having their homes foreclosed on, businesses afraid to hire, and entrepreneurs are in a state of shock – Obama’s going to campaign on “Change Delivered.”

Today, Obama is blaming Americans call us “lazy.” That has to be one of the most stupid ignorant comments ever made about our great Nation’s citizens. Americans aren’t the problem – Obama is the problem! He’s destroyed consumer confidence with higher inflation, higher fuel costs, loss of jobs and his redistribution agenda.

Now it’s time to present the Republican’s side of the story – the House has passed 16 bills that would start our economic wheels turning again, but they’re “stuck” in the Senate. Some of these bills included, reducing regulatory burdens that would free up businesses and let them start the hiring process again.

Another bill would maximize our American energy production, which would create thousands of new jobs. Included in one of the bills was a protection act for businesses eliminating Government interference – again thousands of jobs would be created. Here’s one that all Americans will love, Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden, Start Living Within Our Means basically meaning to start paying off our debt and balancing our budget.

Here’s the kicker Obama and Harry Reed doesn’t want America put on the fast track to economic recovery. Obama has proven that when he tabled the “pipeline” jobs which would have created 25 to 50 thousand jobs. He also allowed the Unions to stop Boeing from opening their plant in South Carolina, which would have employed thousands of people just on the construction side.

So the Republicans put in place and passed 16 bills that would get our Nation back on track for a full economic recovery, but Ole Harry Reid and Obama ate our bills not allowing the Senate to vote on them. They know that many Democrats are on the same page with Republicans and these bills would probably fly thru the Senate. 16 bills stuck in the Senate – shame on Obama and Reid.

Americans, Obama is lying – don’t let him keep dodging the bullet. Make this ideologically insane, incompetent person do his job. America is supposed to be the land of the free, not a Country oppressed by Barack Obama and his corrupt conspirators.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama, Americans and Country

November 10, 2011

by little tboca

It all revolves around the sickening world of politics, we’re living in a world of stupidity and no one seems to be inclined to head our Country in the right direction. We must restore our Constitution, regain our freedoms, rights, protect our borders and keep our Military safe, but first we need JOBS. We know that unemployment is high – 14 million people without jobs and millions more who have just flat given up and aren’t looking for jobs anymore.

We know that millions of homeowners are still losing their homes. We know that consumers have tightened their belts and have no confidence in the direction that our Country is headed. We know that businesses (big and small) are basically in lock down due to the unnecessary environmental regulations and other Government imposed regulations.

We know that Obamacare is one of the main culprits that is creating problems with private individuals, the Medical field and businesses.

We know the Commander in Chief has been MIA again this year and refuses to take an interest in the real problems that have brought our economy to a grinding halt. If you remember this same person was missing in action for over a year hiding behind closed doors and crafting Obamacare.

The Commander in Chief can’t pat his head and rub his tummy at the same time – he has one agenda only and that is “Redistribution,” which in turn has brought our Nation to its knees.

So how can Americans break through this political world of stupidity? What can we do to create a safe, healthy haven for their children, grandchildren and future generations? What can we do to leave future generations a legacy that they can embrace with pride?

1. Quit listening to the stupid Liberal News Media. Their job is to keep Americans distracted, divided and off balance. Needless to say, they are doing their job quite well!
2. Quit putting ourselves in a Republican or Democratic box that keeps us confined. Start thinking outside of the box.
3. Quit allowing the Government to take our rights and freedoms away that were handed to us by our forefathers and protected by our Constitution.
4. Quit pretending that tomorrow will be a better day – it ain’t gonna happen unless we make it happen.
5. Quit listening to the stupid propaganda and rhetoric jammed down our throats by the Government. The daily dose of “he said, she said,” is counterproductive.

First we need jobs and that will only happen when we give businesses the “certainty” they need to get our economic wheels rolling. Reduce their taxes, ditch Obamacare and remove the strangling regulations imposed upon them from the Obama Administration. Businesses are waiting for us to make the first move.

Second, realize that businesses don’t have to hang around on our turf if we’re going to hit them with huge taxes and impossible Government regulations. Many have already moved their companies to foreign Countries, not because they hate America, but because our “Stupid Government” has literally tarred and feathered them and chased them out of town. It’s time to stop the outsourcing!

Our Nation was once the strongest most highly respected Nation in the world – let’s work until we achieve that goal again. Right now we’re the laughing stock of the World, because we’ve lost our pride and forgotten who we are; we’ve been way too complacent and let the “Stupid Government,” run our lives.

Like I said we’re living in a world of “stupidity,” time to shed the stupidity and join together to make America beautiful again. Let’s give our kids, grandkids and future generations a legacy that they will embrace with pride.

May God Bless America
As Always,

They Want Our Pocketbooks, Homes, Jobs, Freedom and Rights

November 8, 2011

by little tboca

A daily dose of Liberal News is worse than taking a spring tonic – you feel immediate nausea and know that tomorrow will bring more toxic laced news with lies and propaganda. Trying to figure out why the Liberal Media basks in the promotion of political corruption is like trying to figure out why Obama won’t stand up for his Country.

A quick review of what’s new and what’s not so new in the news will remind you that America has major problems. The DNC (Democratic National Committee) is showing their muscle as they move into North Carolina in preparation for their 2012 September Convention. They’re outsourcing many jobs and leaving a message as they go, “that you must be unionized” if you want to win any contract.

There is some scuttlebutt on the streets saying the DNC is contacting the downtown Charlotte hotels saying the hotels must lay off their non-union employees during Convention time. The DNC chose Washington, DC-area vendor, Hargrove, Inc. (a company with a history of using union labor for its convention.) Posted by LaborUnionReport (Diary), November 6, 2011

Obama has obviously set up Israel and left them out in the cold. Condi Rice during an interview with Newsmax Chief Washington Correspondent Ronald Kessler said, “Israel will defend themselves against Iran.”

We should be supporting Israel. Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in Libya and he’s behind the OWS Protestors, in fact he is a part of that group along with Soros, Code Pink, Unions and other Community interest groups knowing they would go after Israel.

MSNBC is having a hay day spouting propaganda about Herman Cain, they gleefully report about allegations of sexual harassment which is so vague and unsubstantiated. They’re relentless in their attack against the Republican Presidential Candidate. Here again, if there isn’t any real substantial news that proves beyond a doubt Cain is guilty; then we must assume Cain’s innocence until proven guilty.

CNN – unwisely talks about attorney Gloria Allred who is called by some a celebrity political activist; she’s representing a client on more charges against Herman Cain and sexual allegations.

One must ask the question, if in fact any of this is truth based why would these four women wait until Herman Cain is rising in the polls? Gloria Allred certainly doesn’t have a shiny past, but she dotes on the blood, gore and guts and loves to perform in front of the Liberal News Media.

NYT is hard on Herman Cain’s trail in a blog written by By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE a watch dog group has demanded that the FEC (Federal Election Commission) investigate Herman Cain’s campaign, questioning if Mark Block (his campaign manager) had allowed his tax exempt organization pay costs connected to Cain’s Presidential run. The Liberal News Media is attacking Herman Cain from all sides.

Just propaganda so far, no proof as yet, but these junkyard dogs won’t stop until they derail Herman Cain. It’s obvious that Herman is a thorn in Obama’s side and that pretty much means the Liberal News Media will remove him at all costs. These type accusations will definitely slow down Cain’s run as a Presidential candidate for 2012, if we Americans allow that to happen.

This week’s wrap up is pretty ugly. We have Obama today praising the Muslim unholy Eid al-Adha . He is attempting to buy votes through the student forgiveness program and a plan to make banks refinance those with “Under Water” mortgages.

Don’t forget he’s behind the OWS Protestors and it is starting to turn violent. This person reminds me of the “Devil” in designer suits!

Meanwhile the Democrats are trying to stop the States from implementing Voter ID laws in an attempt to secure enough votes via the Illegal Aliens, terrorists and anyone else who isn’t legally a citizen of our USA.

Republican Governor John Kasich is in a fight for our lives, hopefully Ohioans will agree that Unions should pay a portion of their healthcare and retirement fund. The Unions have landed in Ohio loaded with money and they’re demanding donations ranging from 25 to 50 dollars from their Union members.

We need to fear the Obama and the Unions; they’re a force to be reckoned with and they will revert to violence if necessary. There’s More and More and More!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama’s Class Warfare & Tantrums

October 29, 2011

by little tboca
The master of “redistribution” is not a happy camper since his jobs plan number one was turned down by Democrats and his jobs plan number two met with the same disapproval. Democrats didn’t like his budget this spring and kicked it to the curb, not one Democrat would vote for his budget – that’s about as bad as it gets.

If the Democratic Base refuses to back the “Distribution Specialist.” he’s in deep doo doo.

He’s hot on the campaign trail with our 1.1 million dollar Canadian Tour Bus sticking his tongue out at the taxpayers, actually taunting them by spending millions of their hard earned dollars daily. He’s angry with the House and Senate calling them names and threatening them if they don’t give him his stimulus package.

Obama has resorted to class warfare pitting the Private Sector against the Public Sector, those who have worked hard for their money against those who prefer taking Government handouts and trying to terrorize little fourth graders, senior citizens and our youth. Please remember Obama’s agenda has never been or ever will be based on reviving the American dream or restoring economic prosperity.

Here’s a brief snapshot of Obama’s three years in office – not a pretty sight!

787 Billion Dollars Stimulus Package Gone – No jobs

4 Trillion dollar increase in National Deficit in just three years

14 Million Americans Unemployed

Almost 20 % Unemployment – Counting Those No Longer Looking For Jobs

According to the USDA, 45,753,078 Americans and 21,581,234 households on food stamps

2011 – Approximately 3 million homes going thru the foreclosure process

Businesses frozen due to EPA, Obamacare and excessive Government regulations

Billions lost on “Green Companies:” Solyndra, Son Power, Ormat Nevada Inc, Solar Power (2), Fisker

National Deficit as of 10/23/2011 9:06 PM Mountain Time: 14,867,975,841,247

US Total Debt: 54,552,588,762,251

Debt per taxpayer: 132,328

OBAMA”S REPORT CARD “F” – Worst Presidential Record in History of the USA

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama – “We Just Can’t Wait” For You to Leave Our White House

October 29, 2011

by little tboca
Just when we thought we’d heard it all – Obama threw us another insult along with a potential chance of creating a second housing bubble and placing a hefty charge on taxpayer’s tab. Obviously Obama is showing his muscle and taking advantage of taxpayers one more time.

He’s announced today that he’s going to come to the rescue of homeowners, doesn’t that sort of remind you of the first big bubble we’re still in due to the Government insisting that Freddie & Fannie finance mortgages to people who weren’t qualified to own a home. Duh, is he mentally challenged?

Now Obama is in the process of doing a “pay back” to the Republicans, because they won’t pass his jobs plan – Reid couldn’t get it passed through the Senate, let’s be honest about the story and keep the facts straight. Obama has lost so much Democratic support that even the Senate refused to pass his jobs plan.

He has plans of one payback after another in the next 13 months and you can take this to the bank – the National Deficit will take the first hit and then it will trickle down to the taxpayers. This newest Obama scheme has the ear markings of a redistribution specialist, not a commander in chief. The bottom line is this, he didn’t get his second stimulus package passed so he’s throwing an Obama tantrum and doing paybacks that will harm all Americans.

His plan says basically homeowners who are current on their mortgage payment can refinance their homes even if they’re under water, which they are and will remain that way for years. Saving 25 or 30 dollars a month isn’t even a lick and promise.

Same problems are eminent just like they were in 2009 – many of these homeowners have friends, family, parents helping them with their financial obligations and that’s only short lived.

Secondly, since Obama refuses to free up businesses so they can create jobs – we will have more people laid off in the next 13 months and guess who will be left around to pick up the pieces when homeowners starting defaulting on their mortgage payments. Our Government will run to the taxpayers and insist that we assume responsibility for Obama’s screw ups one more time.

It’s not just old; it seems criminal that Barack Obama can continue placing more and more financial burden on our shoulders. One would think that our Constitution would have laws in place where Americans can control this dismal, blood sucking Obama Administration. Where have American’s Freedoms and Rights disappeared?

(The Hill) House Democrats say House Democrats Hammer New Obama Mortgage Crisis Response As Insufficient.”

To emphasize again why this Obama “Can’t Wait Plan” is a wolf in sheep’s’ clothing please listen to the comments coming from the Democrats. They don’t know how many might qualify for his scheme, nor do they know if it will cut mortgage payments 26 dollars per month or maybe a little bit more. The Democrats don’t have a clue if this plan would even work let alone stimulate our economy.

The first housing relief program of Obama’s called the HAMP was a total flop just like this one will be and the taxpayer’s lost 50 billion in the first plan and who knows what the “Can’t Wait Program” will cost.

Obama doesn’t care if the “Can’t Wait Program” will work – it’s just new ammo for his 2012 campaign. Like his “Hope and Change,” Americans will tire of his political rhetoric about his “just can’t wait” plan.

Americans are engaged now and much more savvy than they were in 2009 – the proof of this is his jobs plan didn’t pan out well for him in his recent campaign trips for his approval ratings just keeps taking a hit. Americans smelled a rat in their icebox when Democrats refused to pass his jobs plan!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Kickstarts His Class Warfare

October 20, 2011

by little tboca

In September 6th, 2011 we listened to Obama’s first speech on his new jobs plan, which is just another stimulus package disguised under a new name. Obama says his plan will not cost taxpayer’s one dime – what a lie. He says it will not add to the deficit – he’s tossing the cost to the Dream Team who is already struggling trying to find $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction before the end of the year.

The cost of this stimulus bill will be put on our tab, just like the 2009 stimulus package if it should pass the House and Senate. It will increase our National Deficit and Obama will use the money for his redistribution agenda primarily concentrated on the Unions and Community Interest groups.

The only question you have to ask yourself, why would we agree to give Obama 447 billion dollars more after his misuse of 787 billion in 2009? Go back to his speeches in 2009 and listen as he coaxed, begged and threatened us; he wanted taxpayers to give him 787 billion dollars promising that it would be used for tax cuts, extension of unemployment benefits, education, infrastructure and millions of jobs would be created. What a crock!

Now on September 6th 2011, he throws us the same canned speech promising jobs, tax cuts, infrastructure jobs, extension of unemployment benefits and once again promising that it will create millions of jobs. First stimulus didn’t create job growth and the second stimulus won’t create jobs either – you can take that to the bank!

Obama used the jobs plan only as a trap to place Republicans, the tea party members and Conservatives in a corner – he didn’t expect the plan to pass, but it will be his weapon against this group of people until the 2012 elections roll around. Obama now has a group of people to blame, which in his way of thinking takes the “monkey off of his back.”

Obama has campaigning since last spring, but his ratings are in the tank, he had to change campaign tactics in midstream so to speak. He turned to class warfare and Americans are about to face the wrath of Obama (the redistribution specialist.)

What I say next is my opinion only, but to me Obama is showing himself now in his true light. He’s angry, dangerous and still on a mission to bring our Nation to its knees and like a caged animal he will bite the hands that fed him in 2008 and he will turn on his own in order to win the 2012 Presidential Election.

His strategy for his 2012 campaign is etched in concrete; (1) Distract and divide the troops (Americans), (2) Vie one class against another, (3) Utilize the scare tactics.

All of us have suffered through many distractions, such as the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program. The Solyndra scandal and the new Sun Power soap opera are two of the most recent ones on the horizon. Latest would be the OWL protestors, but there will be many more come to light as we suffer through the next 13 months

In fact, even before I finished my article he’s sent two of his “top dogs” out to do his dirty work. Harry Reid just finished a speech saying the Private Sector is doing fine; it’s the Public Sector that is suffering. This is about as dirty as you can get pitting the Private and Public Sector against each other. Reid needs to back to his log cabin in Vegas; he’s getting senile in his old age or dementia has kicked in…

But there’s more – Joe Biden just threw some kind of a fit on National TV muttering something about it’s not temporary and threatening that kindergartens will be extinct, and mumbles about home invasions, robberies etc. etc. This is the first of the scare tactics kicking in and Republicans are the ones being kicked below the belt.

Lets go back to the “debt ceiling” that was passed and not paid for, the Solyndra scandal that cost us at least ½ billion dollars and lets remember the Department of Energy just gobbled up billions of our money and threw it out to some hungry, decrepit “green companies,” before the end of September 2011.

Think about the 10,000,000 Obama gave Holder for the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program and think about the millions of dollars daily of our money that Obama is spending on his fancy bus or in our Jet for his Presidential campaign. Like his recent Midwestern tour that he tried to disguise, a campaign is a campaign is a campaign – does Obama really think we’re stupid?

There’s still plenty of our stimulus money hidden from us that would take care of the Private Sector that he feigns such concern about after three years of being under his watch. Why would anyone consider giving this man addicted to spending one more dime?

Americans, hopefully you’ll start following his many websites online and listen to what he’s telling our Youth, the African Americans, the Hispanics and Community Interest groups. Obama is the only thing that is transparent if you but start watching his every move – you can see right thru him.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Popeye Said It Best

October 12, 2011

by little tboca

We must all adopt Popeye’s motto “we’ve had all we can stands and we can’t stands no more.” We can not allow the extension of our past to impact and destroy our children’s future – Obama and his cronies have got to go. It’s time to quite trying to achieve political correctness (whatever that means,) and address our problems head on using the 3 R’s (Restrict, Remove and Repeal.)

Congress needs to repair the blatant distribution spree that Obama has been conducting the past 2 ½ years as Commander in Chief. It will take years to recoup the money he’s redistributed. But, it’s time to fix our unemployment situation and put Americans back to work.

Everyone in Congress is pussy footing around the real issues, businesses are afraid of the Obama Administration and Americans need to roll up their sleeves, grab their spinach and demand that Congress addresses the real problems that have left 14 million Americans jobless, created higher unemployment and stopped the engines that create jobs. It isn’t higher taxes, it isn’t Wall Street – it’s OBAMA, OBAMA and OBAMA.

Businesses (big and small) are the wheels that create a robust economy; let’s remove the chains from their necks and give them the tools they need to grow their businesses and create jobs.

Three things are restricting our business world; (1) EPA and excessive regulations imposed upon businesses, (2) Fear that the Obama Administration will burden them with higher taxes, and (3) Obamacare. If we demand that these three things are corrected immediately, businesses will step up to the bat and do what they do best – they will start the engines that create jobs and a better future for our Nation.

It’s time for all of us to stop crying “poor me,” – we need to place our Government back in the hands of the people by creating a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. But first, we need to start the wheels turning that will create a robust economy!

Get a handle on EPA – in fact stop them in their tracks until we have time to restructure them. They have hindered or stopped three very important job creating businesses that would create hundreds of thousands jobs; (1) Resume deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, (2) Resume drilling of shale gas supplies, and (3) Complete the pipeline that from Canada to Oklahoma and the Gulf Coast so heavy oil can transported.

One hundred twenty five of our most valued businesses have joined Republicans in their plan for America’s job creators. This has been on the table or should I say Obama’s desk for many moons and today Congress is suppose to vote on three job creating pacts with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.

Surely Democrats will support our Nation by voting for this bill – this will create an estimated 250,000 jobs and the export of American made goods will amount to approximately 13 billion dollars.

125 of our Nations strongest most productive companies have endorsed this bill; this will be the first door opened since Obama took over in 2009 that actually will create permanent jobs.

Legally it’s probably impossible to expedite the determination by the Supreme Court about Obamacare. But, there may be some Americans out there who know what can be done to encourage the Supreme Court to place Obamacare at the top of their agenda. Obamacare must go!

EPA must be confined, restricted and stopped – once that is accomplished all the strangling regulations on businesses must be removed and all loopholes that allow big Corporations like GE to avoid paying taxes must be corrected.

Like Cains 9 9 9 proposal – I have submitted the 3 R’s (R R R) as a positive solution for getting Americans back to work.

(R) – Restrict EPA

(R) – Remove excessive regulations from businesses (Big and small)

(R) – Repeal Obamacare ASA_P

May God Bless America

As Always,
Little Tboca