Posts Tagged ‘Pelosi’

DUMPSTER’S Morning Dump 5/31/11

May 31, 2011

CNN, MSNBC, NYT, CBS and Media Matters

Won’t it be interesting to see what our news media friends gin up about the Senate refusing to pass a budget for 2012? Actually passing a budget is a fundamental responsibility of our Senate leaders, but Harry Reid is scared out of his pants to even breathe the word budget with the 2112 Presidential Election on our doorstep.

Harry would rather default then take a change of losing Obama’s re-election, because at this time Obama isn’t looking quite as bright and shiny as he did in 2008.

Pelosi and Reid refused to bring a budget forward in 2010 fearing the coming November elections, so if Americans think the Democrats have a budget all packaged up and ready to spring on us, they are wrong.
When Reid talked to Los Angeles times about a budget, he pretty much nixed the idea of the DEMS having a budget. I’ll keep you posted. Now, sit down and take a deep breath on this next issue as Obama’s friends try to explain his trip to Europe.

CNN, MSNBC and Media Matters – are praising Obama’s trip to Europe and his foreign policy. What policy, the one where he told Benjamin Netanyahu off in no uncertain terms.

Here’s Obama’s exact words, “We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”

Poland wasn’t eagerly awaiting his arrival; he did not have permission to speak to the Polish citizens – unlike other Presidents, his hands have been smacked soundly.

Lech Walesa (former President), gave Obama the bird and said “no thanks” not interested in a photo op with Obama. So, in case CNN thinks Obama is on top of the foreign policy problems – they best go back to the mines and do their homework.

When President Clinton visited Poland hundreds of thousands of people came to hear him speak; they respected President Clinton unlike their total disrespect for Obama.

Try this on for size when President Clinton visited Ireland, throngs of people came to hear him speak versus the handful of bar hoppers who met Barack and Michelle. Isn’t it funny how the left sided news media tries in vain to paint a different picture of Obama’s European trip?

Our foreign friends aren’t stupid – they know how Obama has ruthlessly attempted to destroy one of the greatest Nations of all times and they don’t have time for his shenanigans – his teleprompter with the poetic speeches is “old hat” and rather boring.

CBS – thinks Obama’s foreign policies are absolutely superior – me thinks they are poor little sheep who have lost their way. Get a grip CBS and try writing about both sides of the story. Their take on the way he’s handling Libya would shock a nudist!

NYT – appears to be running from their viewers or at least trying to be more elusive with their daily news updates. For me, all the Liberal News Media gets their garbage from the same pipeline, so CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters will fill in while NYT are sort of missing in action.

Americans should consider, sending Obama to his room until he’s removed in 2012 – his presence in foreign countries appeasr to be weakening our once strong ties with Ireland, Poland, the UK and Israel. This person isn’t safe out of his clubhouse and you can take that to the bank.

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca

John Boehner – Will He Buckle?

April 21, 2011

John, we know Paul Ryan, R-Wis. has created a “Path to Prosperity,” but the fact remains you dropped us on our head with the so-called wonderful deal you made on the budget for the next 6 months for the 2010 fiscal year.

The disgrace is that you and your friends tried to pass it off to America as a great deal – no wonder you’re starting to say you understand Obama better. You’re beginning to act like him too!

If the CBO is correct and they’re probably close, the bill will possibly give America 350 million savings, which isn’t enough to pay for Barack and Michelle’s lavish vacations and White House parties

Paul Ryan’s budget was passed by the House of Representatives and that’s good news, but we know that’s just a first step and we’re quite a long ways off before America will reap any rewards from his plan.

So now, you have the debt ceiling on your plate and the rumor is you have every intention of passing that bill too. Did it ever occur to you that we hired you to do a job and it wasn’t to print more monopoly money in Washington? We’re broke – spending must stop now!

Probably the best thing you could do for us is to gather the 59 Republicans who voted against the 2010 fiscal budget and ask them to help you. There is plenty of money to pay our creditors, you just don’t opt to get tough and to the right thing.

It’s time to quit the spending (includes printing more money) and fight for America and Americans. Ask Paul Ryan and the 59 Republicans who vetoed your last budget farce and start restoring our Nation’s once strong foundation.

There are 100’s of ways literally to free up money to pay our creditors. Stopping all of these Grants that shouldn’t be subsidized by our Government, stop all contributions to the foreign countries that take our money and do nothing in return.

Put Obama and Michelle on a strict budget – they work for us and we don’t like to think we’re financing his 2012 campaign.

Cut out the redundant government programs that Paul Ryan has mentioned and do that today. Defund Obamacare and retrieve the hidden money that he, Pelosi and Reid stashed in it.

Get the small remaining amount of our stimulus money back, stop funding NPR and Planned Parenthood and find out what phony umbrella ACORN is hiding under now (I’m sure Obama is still feeding his friends.)

Check on Obama’s deal with Soros and Petrbra – get it out in the open how much is going to fund this scam, so Americans will buy from Soros.

You knew the fight would be tough, so please don’t play footsy with Obama, Reid and gang. You have a lot of great resources to draw for and a lot of support from Americans and I’m praying you can fulfill your promises to us.

May God Bless America

As Always,
Little Tboca

Calling Mr. John Boehner

April 19, 2011


Well, the supposedly great budget you were going to implement for our Nation was a political “farce.” You might as well have played golf as give the pretense that you were going to fight for us – it’s very obvious that either you’re not equipped to handle the job we’ve given you or you’re too busy writing your next consoling speech to America.

Now, lets discuss the debt ceiling crisis – the tone coming from many Republicans is that the debt ceiling in fact will be raised. That presents one more major problem – how many billions are you prepared to remove from our National Deficit before you make any agreements about raising the debt ceiling?

Probably Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan could give you some excellent suggestions, Michelle has brought it to the Nation’s attention that Obama, Pelosi and Reid conveniently stashed approximately 105 billion in the Obamacare Package. That’s our money and we want it back!

We also want the rest of the money left over from the stimulus bill that was used to pad the pockets of the corrupt (AIG, Freddie, Fannie, the banks, the Unions, Petrabra), entitlements and the list just keeps rambling on…

When a person like David Plouffe has the guts to tell America, “that in the process of raising the debt ceiling we should be able to reduce our deficit,” we know we’re in trouble. John, Plouffe used you as his guinea pig.

Here’s what he shared on Nation TV. John Boehner said, “If we don’t raise the debt ceiling, it will bring financial disaster to our Nation and around the world. You probably said these exact words, because we’re starting to see a common denominator here “when you open your mouth, you insert foot before you do your homework.”

John Boehner, my suggestion to you is this, “you are way over your head and don’t have a clue how to approach the debt ceiling problem.” Plouffe is pretty much doing like Pelosi did with Obamacare when she said, “we have to pass it before we’ll know what’s in the bill.”

Well, did you happen to mention to Americans that you’ve scammed us again with shaky details on the inflation – only politicians would remove “Food and Energy,” when measuring inflation. Need I say more about the food and energy?

In case you haven’t noticed Obama is hot on the campaign trail and we all know he is the master of the soft shoe and magician tricks. He has just pulled another Obama rabbit out of his hat and is stating that it’s time to talk about getting our fiscal house in order.
Obama says he wants a balanced approach – he wouldn’t know the meaning of “balanced” if it hit him in the fanny. He’s redistributed our money for 21/2 years plus all he received from grants during his community service crap and now he wants to talk.

What I see as the next albatross on our horizon is the Republicans will cave on this, just as they did on the budget. Inflation will kick in big time and you’ll be crying wolf once again. You’re a big boy now, either wear the big boy pants or resign from your position.

Please understand that many of the politicians in the White House don’t understand that our deficit and debt are etched at the hip, not separate issues. If and only if you have a clear vision on how to reduce spending and implement that plan immediately, don’t even think about raising the debt ceiling.

As I said earlier, you’re in over your head and it would be best to get a group of world renown economists to explain to all Republicans what will happen if the debt ceiling is raised without addressing the deficit and debt problem.

Mr. J. Boehner, surely you aren’t planning to kick America to the curb one more time. May God Bless America

As Always.
Little Tboca

Obama, Pelosi, Reid – the Triplets

January 17, 2011

When will they stop sneaking behind closed doors? When will they start being responsible for making wise decisions for our Nation and all Americans?

When will they start listening to the people and realize that their selfish agenda needs to be relegated to the ancient history shelves? They’re every where, they’re every where!

Reid of course has several irons in the fire, but one that would be most dangerous to our Congress is the ruling that would lower the filibuster threshold allowing Democrats to jam their agenda down our throats. Why does good ole Harry think he’s entitled to change our Senate laws, which have been etched in stone for many, many moons?

The AFL – CIO will sneak the card check through Congress by piggybacking it with other legislation. Unions aren’t going to let the Democrats forget that they contributed about 400 million dollars to their friends, the Democrats. So buyer beware, Obama, Reid and Pelosi have no choice, but to try to find a comfy home for these bills.

Don’t count Nancy Pelosi out – she may no longer be the House Speaker, but her presence will be felt by all of us the next two years. Yes, she referred to the massacres in Tucson as a tragic accident and for this we should forgive her.

But, she will continue her march to disengage any and all who have opinions that differ from hers and we must remember that Nancy Pelosi without a doubt one to carefully watch during the next year. Nancy is alive and well.

For 2011 it appears that some of the News Media will continue their evil rhetoric like they did when the horrific crime in Tucson came to their attention. It’s a way of life for them and most of them aren’t capable of returning to the platform of good journalism.

Hopefully they will realize that Americans are watchful, keeping a constant vigil on all of the media. If its ratings they want in 2011, possibly they should start by telling both sides of the story with accurate information for their fellow Americans.

The good news is this – we will probably have a reprieve from the constant propaganda and rhetoric for a few week or months.

For Obama, he’ll fight those repealing Obamacare tooth and nail. He”ll give us a bit of time, hoping we become complacent and then once again try to slip the comprehensive immigration bill through. He realizes securing the borders should be the number one issue before changing any immigration laws, but so far he hasn’t heard our voices.

I’m sure two of his handlers who have been busy preparing for the 2012 election (Plouffe and Axelrod) will tighten the puppet strings on Obama and hand feed him his speeches and upcoming agenda for they are grooming him for 2012.

Our new representatives in the House and Senate will have a hard road in 2011, but they have heard the voices of the people and will start the process of “taking back our country.”

We need to support them every step of the way as they follow their agenda for the New Year. May God Bless each of them and give them the wisdom and courage to endure the beatings they’re about to receive.
As Always, Little Tboca

Obama’s Double Standards

June 25, 2010

How strange that McCrystal turned in the perfect distraction –the one that Obama had been digging for the past few months.  Like the BP oil spill, the McCrystal episode arrived on Obama’s doorstep wrapped in military fatigues and Obama eagerly took the opportunity to behead this man. Notice that Obama has a double set of standard and rules!           

Funny that McCrystal’s head was laid in Obama’s lap, but Joe Biden goes merrily along with his blunders and negative remarks without missing a beat.  Why wasn’t Holder replaced, removed or relieved of duty? Biden said and for once he was right on, “I don’t think the fed should bail out AIG.  When speaking about the BP spill, here’s another major Biden blunder, “We were there the first day, the first morning after that well … blew and that platform collapsed.” Wow, who’s “We” and just where were they – no in the Gulf States saw them.   

Remember just a few days ago Eric Holder expressed contempt for the Arizona SB 1070, neither he nor big mamma Napolitano even bothered to read the law.  Problem being, Obama never read the bill either, yet he is allowed( without being fired) to blatantly promise Governor Jan Brewer help as he went on National TV and  describd the bill as misguided and irresponsible. Next, he said the bill “threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans.” 

So Obama, Holder and Napolitano get away with lies on national TV, spread propaganda about a bill they haven’t read thus inciting the Latinos in an effort to secure votes; they more or less thumbed their noses at Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer and the citizens of Arizona. After all of this, they had the gall to spread the word via Clinton’s mouth that they in fact were suing Arizona.

Rohm Emanuel gets away with slamming those opposed to the Healthcare Reform as “F-ing retarded.”  Did Obama kick him to the curb, no way Hosea!  Obama was the orchestrator of the sweetheart deals and no one fired him for “bribery or treason.”  The Healthcare Reform is one more example of double standards. Obama, Reid and Pelosi, Axelrod and many Democrats used the news media to spread their lies about the  Healthcare Reform. Pelosi admitted said no one knows what’s in the bill until its passed.  No one has read the bill and yet they’re comfortable lying about it!

Rohm Emanuel basically let it all hang out when he insinuated that the White House is much more savvy when it comes to “valued opinion” then the people are…   He’s thrown us all in the garbage can without so much as a backward glance.  But he is allowed to apologize for  his “F-ing retarded” and General McCrystal wasn’t given the same consideration.

So America needs to realize that Obama calls the shots and appears to have immunity from the laws of our Constitution as passed down to us by our forefathers.  His Administration hides under an umbrella of lies and yet, some still call him Mr. President.  

We have been exposed to a mirage of lies, undercover deals, misrepresentations and intentional treason and bribery against our country, yet he blissfully continues redistributing our money and hamstringing us.

Please anyone email me with one reform or bill that is legitimate – don’t bother sending me the stimulus bill, healthcare reform, HAMP, TARP, HARP or any of those, because they fall under the category of redistribution, big government and higher taxes for all.  Obama has lied about the stimulus bill, Freddie and Fannie, his sweetheart deals, the Unions, the healthcare reform and as we speak – he is lying about the BP oil spill.

Just contact George Soros if you don’t believe me or talk with Hilary Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, Emanuel, Napolitana, Holder – they know the truth!  Our Nation is being controlled; we’re not in control.   (Little T-Boca and Annie)

“May God Bless our Nation”

Obama’s Agenda Never Changes

June 15, 2010

It’s so clear to me about Obama’s agenda – everything is working like clockwork for him; his only glitches thus far is the Tea Party Movement and they may in fact be the one force “Mr. Blame” won’t be able to surmount.  Thus far he’s jammed the stimulus bill, various government programs, the healthcare reform, and a variety of sweetheart deals down our throats.  But, the Tea Parties are growing in strength daily and they’re marching to restore our Nation to its once strong foundation.

Imagine, Obama sitting at the White House this AM with a smug look on his face, saying to Holder, Axelrod, Plouffe, Pelosi and Reid, “This BP oil spill was the best thing for my agenda since January 2oth, 2009 when I took over the Presidential office.” 

He continues talking, “Now we can forge ahead with the Cap N Trade and the green thing.”  The green thing to Obama is securing votes for the election this fall and he’s depending on Plouffe and Axelrod to pull that off for him via special campaigns to the first time voters, Latinos and African Americans that voted him into office. 

In order to understand Obama’s actions and reactions, Americans need to realize that he has an agenda and that is his “Bible.”  He never wavers from it and his decisions are strictly politically oriented; he has yet to acknowledge the taxpayers pleas for assistance.  Obama doesn’t care a tinker’s damn about our freedoms, constitution or rights – the sooner everyone realizes this the quicker we can “take back our country.” 

Tomorrow night as he speaks to Americans about the oil spill, he will pull out the “blame card” and his message will reek with lies and slander about BP’s executives.  He’ll offer his condolences to the Gulf Coast States and tell them how sorry he is and he’ll qualify that statement by explaining that his Democratic Administration has responded correctly, quickly and with solutions. 

So let’s all remember a few things; (1) He wasn’t a first responder and he ignored the Gulf States cry for government assistance, (2) His few tardy visits to the coast have been entirely unproductive, just a feeble smokescreen to pacify those on the coast, (3) He turned down offers from other countries to help with the oil spill, (4) He didn’t call in the experts who had the knowledge  and expertise to handle the BP spill, and (5) His line of defense is “blaming” BP and he knows that by giving BP a “go to jail card” the final  result will be unbelievable jumps in our fuel prices.  Once again he’s primed us to take the fall!

Obama has set us up once again, the same way he did with the stimulus bill, healthcare reform, our children’s education and the BP Oil spill.  Headline news in the next few days will be Cap N Trade.  We will be the ones who suffer from this ridiculous, non factual reform.   The Cap N Trade will be devastating and could easily create the Depression we’ve all been worrying about the past two years.

You can bet your bottom dollar, that if this bill is passed, food prices will skyrocket.  Gas prices, all consumer goods will rise,  because manufacturing costs will be so extreme that there will be a big reduction in availability of consumer goods and yes, there will be many more jobs lost. 

Remember Obama’s agenda never changes, but our lives States continue  to deteriorate on a daily basis in America.  His approval rating has dropped to 24% and it will continue dropping but his agenda will remain the same.  Americans have known evil and corrupt politicians, but never in their lifetime have they been thrown to the wolves by a Socialistic President!  

For those who have the audacity to say he’s doing a good job in his role of President, why don’t you pack your bags and leave this country, because you’re not welcome any longer. 

As Always (Little T-Boca)    “May God Protect Us From Those Who Wish To Do Us Harm”

Obama’s Approval Rating Sinking

June 14, 2010

Curiosity has overtaken my good judgment and instead of writing a blog giving both sides of the story, tonight I’m merely asking the 26% of our American public who strongly approve of the way Obama is performing his role as President, WHY, WHY and WHY? 

It’s obvious that a few of you have an inside lead on what he has accomplished in the past 17 months and it seems only fair to share this news with the majority of American citizens who strongly disapprove of his role as President. 

First, please tell us where our stimulus money has disappeared and share with us how much was used to help large and small businesses recover from the recession.  Don’t forget to give us an accurate accounting such as; (1) The recipient’s name, (2) The terms of the loan (when it will be paid back to the taxpayers and at what rate of interest, and (3) Give us the total cost of dispersals and the exact balance as of June 12, 2010.

Next, explain why the Hamp, Harp and other Obama programs have not assisted homeowners as promised.  We know these programs weren’t monitored.  Why were lenders who are in lawsuits up to their armpits allowed to participate in these programs? In 2010 there are over 4 million homes in foreclosure or headed for foreclosure as we speak.  

 Then we have the new terrorist laws that are poorly orchestrated and no one knows what if any is the final ruling on the Miranda rights?   When the Obama Administration handles the next terrorist attack, will it jinx our chances to try this person or persons in a military tribunal court due to the incompetency of our government?  Will they read him or her their Miranda rights or as usual will they still be trying to decide who might be or may be defined a terrorist?

Now we get to this healthcare reform that took Obama almost 1 and ½ years to pass.  How do we really know what’s in the healthcare reform – not even Pelosi, Obama, Reid or fellow Democrats have a clue what is actually in the reform.  Unions, big businesses, small businesses, the medical field and private citizens are trying desperately to get a grasp on the reform. 

Didn’t you know that a few outside interest groups created this reform and that’s why Pelosi stated, “No one will actually know what’s in the reform until it’s passed!”  What a shame that a law is passed before anyone knows the legality or contents of the reform!

The figures on this reform keep changing and the cost to taxpayers, businesses (Large and small) and the Medical field already is causing severe employee cutbacks and the quality of treatment that people will receive is still an unknown!

 Don’t stutter over the Medicare issue, because it is being tampered with as we speak and many seniors will suffer.  So what’s the great hype about the healthcare reform; why could anyone embrace a reform that results in bigger government, fines, higher taxes and a reduction in the quality of healthcare? 

Take the recent BP spill and correct me if I’m wrong, why would Obama wait 50 days plus trying to figure out who’s to blame for the spill?  Shouldn’t the first response be, “How can we stop this disaster?”  The “blame card” could be used later because it’s not a solution it remains the problem.  

In closing enlighten the 74 % of your fellow Americans who think our government is corrupt and explain why there’s over 4 million homes in foreclosure for 2010.  Let us in on the jobs secret – so far we’re drawing unemployment, because our stimulus money wasn’t used to promote job growth as promised. 

What is there to like about the healthcare reform?  Why has the promise of transparency gone by the wayside.  Who in their right mind thinks this spending frenzy by the Obama Administration will buy us out of a recession? 

Who’s in charge of our government budget and the out o f control National Deficit?  There remains one more question at this time – what exactly does it mean, when you say you approve of Obama’s role as President of our United States? 

Visit with Little T-Boca and Annie

May God Bless America

Real Journalism Gone South

May 21, 2010

There’s approximately 49% of the news media refuse to follow the guidelines of good journalism. Even as their ratings continue to do a downward spiral they’re still clinging to Obama’s apron strings hoping for a miracle. Why is it so difficult for them to understand the principles of journalism? There was a time that CNN thought good journalism was a business, not a crime. 

Anchor, Diane Sawyer took one more nose dive for Obama when she agreed with Mexico’s President, Felipe Calderon about reinstating a ban on assault weapons. Hey Dianne, Felipe Calderon just happens to have an arsenal of assault weapons stashed on his own turf.

Felipe received a standing ovation today after his derogatory remarks our immigration laws.  As if that isn’t disgraceful enough, the man some call President continued admonishing Arizona for SB 1070 and literally kissed Calderon’s fanny. It appears that either Obama can’t read or he has trouble comprehending what he is reading; the SB 1070 doesn’t permit profiling or any type of discrimination or is he trying to buy Latino votes?  

We know for sure that Obama’s cohorts, Holder and Napolitano got caught with their “pants down” when asked if they had read the law. Both said “no” to that question and they are two of the offenders that have used the profiling and race card to incite our Latino friends. 

Next we see NBC and ABC crowing about the threatened boycott from San Francisco and Los Angeles; but they’re sort of slobbering in their soup after Arizona’s very own Gary Pierce (Arizona Corporation Commissioner) offered to help Los Angeles out by shutting off their electricity. Hey, those who want to boycott Arizona are in the dark anyway!

Possibly, the problem that Felipe, Obama, Pelosi, Napolitano and Holder are experiencing could be classified in two ways, (1) Total indifference to our Federal Immigration laws, or (2) None of them have read our Federal laws. 

Felipe, Obama, Pelosi and Reid did you know – The Mexican constitution states that foreigners may be expelled for any reason and without due process or The Mexican constitution singles out “undesirable aliens.” Article 11 guarantees federal protection against “undesirable aliens resident in the country.” 

Oh my gosh Obama, bet you’re glad you didn’t try to make Mexico your stomping grounds – according to Mexican law, The president of Mexico must be a Mexican citizen by birth and his parents must also be Mexican-born citizens (Article 82), thus giving secondary status to Mexican-born citizens born of immigrants. Well, Mr. Obama whadda you think now?

The Mexican constitution guarantees that immigrants will never be treated as real Mexican citizens, even if they are legally naturalized.

There’s more, lots more concerning the Mexican immigration law – for example The Mexican constitution denies equal employment rights to immigrants, even legal ones, in the public sector. Felipe has a lot of nerve to come to our country and complain about Arizona’s new SB 1070; here’s a tried and true example of  the “pot calling the kettle black.” 

Of course he is shaking in his shoes, he’s already lost control of Mexico due to the drug lords, human traffickers and criminals from all walks of life. He doesn’t have any room or place for his own people (the illegal aliens.) 

Go home Filipe, take care of your own country and while you’re at it take Obama and his gang with you; once again Obama has shamed America. May God Bless Our Nation

As Always, Little T-Baco (Annie)

Good Morning Obamians

May 17, 2010

What might be the first thing on his plate when he crawls out of bed: (1) Call his czars immediately – need to find more money, (2) Send Biden out on a wild goose chase just to keep him out of his space and face, (3) Kiss Nancy Pelosi’s bottom – send her some roses or congratulate her on getting the “Healthcare Reform” passed, and (4) Tell Americans another lie about the economy improving, the money he’s been saving us and let us know he’s the best thing since apple pie and ice cream came along.

In retrospect, if we look at 2008 Americans were scammed by an unknown person from nowhere, who just happened to be one of the most eloquent speakers of our times. People not only believed his every word, they placed him into the position of President of the USA. 

Wow, a man who went from lowly community projects funded via government grants and at the same time learned how to play “chess” with those in the Chicago machine. Yep, next came an Illinois Senator who was a no show or next to it, because he had bigger irons in the fire! He didn’t want to ruffle any feathers so raising his hand and saying “Present” about 130 times in the Illinois Senate was a very effective way for him to keep his nose clean. Present, is neither “Yes”or “No;” it’s called straddling the fence.  

So stage left, enters the man they call Obama to the US Senate and once again he employed the handy little tool called “Present.” His eye was on the “Presidential Ball” and he’d lie, misrepresent or literally stand on his head to avoid criticism and his strategy was working in all arenas. Although Hilary was pretty savvy politician, she was no match for this person. In fact, he pretty much hung her out to dry until he was ready to use her!

Many African Americans, Latinos, terrorist countries  flatly adored him, almost to the point of worship. That’s why he has the handle “Obama God.”  Nothing seemed to slow up his progress and like an Arizona sidewinder, he kept crawling on his belly towards the White House.

Now in 2010, million of the same people who once worshipped him have jumped ship and changed their minds about the man we call Obama. Why wouldn’t they have a change of Heart? They’ve lost their homes, jobs and their trust in the man who was supposed to lead our country out of a horrific recession. In fact, as of May 17th only 27% according to Rasmussen approve of him! 

We’re all in this rocky boat together; we need to join hands and remove Obama, Pelosi, Reid and a tub full of Democrats. It really doesn’t take rocket scientists to see that more of the same ole stuff called “redistribution” has shown its ugly head in 2010.

There remains a large number of “rats in our icebox” and we need to start removing them (one rat at a time) in November 2010 or before. Let’s restore our Nation’s once strong foundation, live by our Constitution, regain our freedom, protect our Military, get our government on a strict budget and use any available monies to pay down our National Deficit. America can once again become “One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice For All.”

Little T-Boca says, “Take Back Our Country America.”

May God Bless America

Citizens Have Responsibilities Too!

May 16, 2010

Surely everyone will agree that a citizen of the United States has definite responsibilities. We are expected to obey the laws of our communities, our states and the laws of our country.  The red, white and blue flag with 50 stars flies above all other flags in our Nation – no flag from any other country takes precedence over our beautiful flag.

English is our language, not Spanish, Chinese, Japanese – it is English and that’s the end of that conversation.  The Federal Government has laws etched in stone on immigration and illegal aliens and those who don’t wish to obey the laws should pack up their little suitcases and go home.

Citizens are expected to pay their taxes in a timely manner and in turn we are expected to respect the rights of others. It is our responsibility to vote and along with that we must be well informed about the issues and or candidates; citizens shouldn’t depend on the news media for this information. Citizens need to know what each issue says and what the pros and cons are before taking a stance or side.

The Latinos should support Arizona in the immigration law as it mirrors the Federal Law and hasn’t anything to do with racial profiling or taking one’s civil rights from them. 

There are many Latino families who are US citizens and they pay taxes, obey the laws and vote; they raise their children in a Godly manner teaching them to love their country and respect others.

Hopefully, they will step forward and help us as we strive to solve a difficult problem.  If they have family members or friends that have “Snuck” into our country, then they need to assist them in taking the few steps necessary to apply for legal citizenship. Help us to rid ourselves of the drug lords, those involved in human trafficking, rape, murder and pillage. Arizona is a border state; our borders are to be protected by the Federal Government because protecting the borders of America is a national security issue not just an Arizona issue.

But, there are those few who want to play the race card, civil rights card and the minority card – none of these are acceptable.  Illegal immigration is not a “race,” but a crime with natural consequences supported by the Federal Law. A crime that has not been dealt with is no less a crime. 

Any person or persons who have crawled under barb wire fences or sneaked across the border is by definition committing a crime, in fact they know it’s a crime or they wouldn’t be sneaking. They would come into our country via the immigration stations posted on the border.  With purposeful intent our borders are crossed and those who choose the path of unlawful entry in to America know they are committing a crime yet they do it anyway with the hope that they will go unnoticed. 

So to Obama, Holder, Pelosi and Reid – here’s the deal; (1) Read the Federal Immigration Laws and the Arizona Immigration law, (2) Inform those who are illegal that they must apply for citizenship or pack up and go home, (3) Quit trying to incite racial problems in order to secure votes, and (4) As a citizen of the United uphold our laws, protect the legal citizens of America first and foremost. Like Eric Holder, none of you took time to do your homework – you stooped as low as the illegal aliens and even laughed about it. 

Friday, the 14th   of May my granddaughter graduated from Arizona State University and the University fathers allowed a Valedictorian to address the graduates and families with a political speech that was degrading to all races, except Latinos. Is this young man an example of all Latinos, those who have received a wonderful education, grant monies and a free ride and yet he’s still  wanting more of our hide?

My grandson who is 18 and attended the ceremony too commented later that the Valedictorian’s comment regarding challenges he experienced being raised in a predominantly white society is actually one of many benefits afforded minorities here in America; it is the young white males here in American that are last in line to receive financial support for college, housing, etc.

Instead of speaking highly of his country (USA) and being a proud citizen, the Valedictorian complained about the illegal immigration law SB 1070. He made a feeble attempt to describe how difficult it was for him, because he was a minority and wanted all of us to give him a “pity party.” 

His disdain and anger against our country was shameful – this young man possibly needs to find a new home. If he can’t support our laws and be a proud citizen of our United States maybe he should consider returning to Mexico and using the education he has received here in America to help support the needs of those who still reside in Mexico.

We are and will always be, “One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice For All.”

As Always, Little T-Boca (Annie)