Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Obama, Holder & DOJ – Knee Deep in Corruption

December 17, 2011


The DOJ is out digging for garbage again just like they did with Gibson Guitar Company.  Gibson is a company anyone would be proud to own; they have an outstanding reputation. But Holder and his boys sent in armed agents to execute a number of search warrants – why are they meddling in one of our Nation’s finest businesses? 


The truth is this search and seizure wasn’t based on our Nation’s laws, but on India’s laws.  As everyone knows they’ve sued the Governor or Arizona and Arizona over the SB1070 and it looks like they’re probably following Mexico’s laws in this lawsuit. 


Arizona has repeatedly asked Obama to do his job and seal the border, but Obama just makes fun of their request. He said the Republicans probably want to secure the border with a moat and alligators. Arizona has lost ranchers, law enforcement officers, due to illegal aliens; they’ve experienced heavy drug trafficking by the cartels along with human trafficking including rape and murder of innocent citizens.


Obama’s girl junk yard dog, Janet Napolitano has the nerve to get on National TV saying, our borders are safer than they’ve ever been.


There’s another story to share that exposes the corruption of the Obama Administration and the DOJ.  September 8. 2008, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, did an investigation of Joe Arpaio’s and the MCSO office regarding illegal immigrants Joe Arpaio is a sheriff in Arizona who is in charge of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. ICE gave Joe and the MSCO a clean bill of health. Here’s a summation of ICE’s findings in 2008. 


“The OI and DRO supervisors consider the conduct and performance of the MCSO … officers to be professional and meeting the requirement of the MOA.” Translated, that means officials from the Homeland Security Department’s Office of Investigation (OI), along with officials from the Detention and Removal Operations office (DRO), concluded that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), in its handling of illegal immigrants, acted in a professional manner and complied with a memorandum of agreement (MOA) under which the government gave them the authority to enforce federal law. That agreement included a ban on racial profiling.


5 months later, March of 2009 Eric Holder and the DOJ disregarded ICE’s investigation and started their attack on Joe Arpaio. There’s definitely a fox in the woodpile here folks and the finger points at Holder and Obama. 


Speaking of Human Rights violations lets revisit Obama and Holder’s Fast and Furious gunrunner operation – the sting operation set up to let guns walk across our borders into the hands of the drug cartel. We’re talking about murder;  two of our agents killed and hundreds of Mexican men, women and children murdered by these walking guns.


But Obama and Holder follow the “Rules for Radicals” creating distraction and keeping the troops divided. What a coincidence that on December 15, 2011 the DOJ issued a scathing report against Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office (MCSO) accusing them of a wide range of civil right violations against Latinos. This report made national headlines on the exact day one year ago that our Border Agent Brian Terry was murdered by one of Holder and Obama’s guns that they escorted across the border into Mexico


Obama and Holder are both accountable for this botched sting operation and have blood on their hands. Joe Arpaio enforces the Federal Laws on “illegal immigration.” while Obama and Holder usurp the laws. It’s all about votes for Obama!


Obama and the DOJ have made four obvious errors: (1) Refused to help Arizona secure their borders, (2) Sent memo to ICE not to deport illegal aliens, (3) Attacked the one persons who has tried to keep Arizona safe from the crimes committed by illegal aliens, and (4) Hid behind one of the most corrupt and deadliest operations in our Nation’s history (Fast and Furious Gunrunner.)


While Americans were sleeping the Obama Administration continues their plan to grant amnesty to illegal aliens by any means.  Here is a partial look at latest order to the DOJ attorneys November 2011.


May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca


Obama – “We Just Can’t Wait” For You to Leave Our White House

October 29, 2011

by little tboca
Just when we thought we’d heard it all – Obama threw us another insult along with a potential chance of creating a second housing bubble and placing a hefty charge on taxpayer’s tab. Obviously Obama is showing his muscle and taking advantage of taxpayers one more time.

He’s announced today that he’s going to come to the rescue of homeowners, doesn’t that sort of remind you of the first big bubble we’re still in due to the Government insisting that Freddie & Fannie finance mortgages to people who weren’t qualified to own a home. Duh, is he mentally challenged?

Now Obama is in the process of doing a “pay back” to the Republicans, because they won’t pass his jobs plan – Reid couldn’t get it passed through the Senate, let’s be honest about the story and keep the facts straight. Obama has lost so much Democratic support that even the Senate refused to pass his jobs plan.

He has plans of one payback after another in the next 13 months and you can take this to the bank – the National Deficit will take the first hit and then it will trickle down to the taxpayers. This newest Obama scheme has the ear markings of a redistribution specialist, not a commander in chief. The bottom line is this, he didn’t get his second stimulus package passed so he’s throwing an Obama tantrum and doing paybacks that will harm all Americans.

His plan says basically homeowners who are current on their mortgage payment can refinance their homes even if they’re under water, which they are and will remain that way for years. Saving 25 or 30 dollars a month isn’t even a lick and promise.

Same problems are eminent just like they were in 2009 – many of these homeowners have friends, family, parents helping them with their financial obligations and that’s only short lived.

Secondly, since Obama refuses to free up businesses so they can create jobs – we will have more people laid off in the next 13 months and guess who will be left around to pick up the pieces when homeowners starting defaulting on their mortgage payments. Our Government will run to the taxpayers and insist that we assume responsibility for Obama’s screw ups one more time.

It’s not just old; it seems criminal that Barack Obama can continue placing more and more financial burden on our shoulders. One would think that our Constitution would have laws in place where Americans can control this dismal, blood sucking Obama Administration. Where have American’s Freedoms and Rights disappeared?

(The Hill) House Democrats say House Democrats Hammer New Obama Mortgage Crisis Response As Insufficient.”

To emphasize again why this Obama “Can’t Wait Plan” is a wolf in sheep’s’ clothing please listen to the comments coming from the Democrats. They don’t know how many might qualify for his scheme, nor do they know if it will cut mortgage payments 26 dollars per month or maybe a little bit more. The Democrats don’t have a clue if this plan would even work let alone stimulate our economy.

The first housing relief program of Obama’s called the HAMP was a total flop just like this one will be and the taxpayer’s lost 50 billion in the first plan and who knows what the “Can’t Wait Program” will cost.

Obama doesn’t care if the “Can’t Wait Program” will work – it’s just new ammo for his 2012 campaign. Like his “Hope and Change,” Americans will tire of his political rhetoric about his “just can’t wait” plan.

Americans are engaged now and much more savvy than they were in 2009 – the proof of this is his jobs plan didn’t pan out well for him in his recent campaign trips for his approval ratings just keeps taking a hit. Americans smelled a rat in their icebox when Democrats refused to pass his jobs plan!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Class Warfare by Wasserman, Biden & Reid

October 21, 2011

by little tboca

While Obama is out tooling across the Country in his “Sports Bus” that we’re paying for, his Democratic base seems to have lost their marbles, their canned speeches and their faith in the one some call Obama. Talk about class warfare, the Democrats are coming out of the wood work with their Halloween masks espousing their goblin and ghosts stories in their last ditch effort to sell Obama’s stimulus plan.

Debbie Wassermen Schultz looks somewhat like a junk yard dog with an Elizabethan collar right after a hemorrhoid operation. Why Democrats chose this person to be their “face” is the twenty four dollar question. But, then again one must remember the DEMS don’t care much for the strong Democratic women who are professional, great communicators and American Patriots.

Debbie’s gaffe the other day when accusing others of demonizing the Democrats didn’t just back fire – it exploded leaving the Democrats sitting around sucking their thumbs. Referring to Obama, she said that those who run for office must stand on their own records. Debbie your “gotcha just turned into an oops.”

How many ways Debbie can we show you , your Commander in Chief doesn’t have one record to run on; (1) First Stimulus failed, (2) Unemployment over 9.1 %, (3) No jobs – 14 million plus out of work, and (4) National Deficit increased over 4 trillion on Obama’s watch. Democrats really need a new chair person with some pizazz– someone who inspires, communicates and is articulate when speaking.

Harry Reid just won the dunce hat when he informed all of us that the Private Sector is doing just great and doesn’t need any assistance so he’s begging for money for the Public Sector. Does ole Harry really think those of us in Private Sector are doing great? Harry was so intent on selling Obama’s job plan that he messed up the message big time!

Than we have Joe Biden, the scary one, who jumps on his stump and mumbles something to a group of our fourth graders saying, that in order to rehire 400,000 teachers, firefighters and police officers, the wealthy people need to pay more taxes.

This is about as low as an adult can stoop; he tried to scare little children – was he talking about some of their parents? Where were the teachers and the parents during this Halloween speech?

Biden’s remarks and actions are sick, not just misguided – this type of behavior reeks of desperation and certainly doesn’t score any brownie points for the VP of our United States. Sending Biden to his room until November 2012 isn’t enough; he needs to be removed from office.

Parents should usher School board President Samuel Beard out of the school too – no one should be allowed to spread such propaganda and lies to young school children. It’s time America stands up for their kids.

David Axelrod just lets it all hang out somewhat resembling “Casper” the not so friendly ghost. David advises the Democrats not to fold and when talking about the constant stream of negative economic data, David said, “It’s not exactly and easy pill to swallow.”

David knows that under normal circumstance when playing the game of politics that after three strikes you’re out. First strike – Obama’s budget was turned down by Democrats in the spring. Second strike was Obama’s jobs plan – Democrats turned that down too! Third strike was yesterday when Democrats turned down the second version of Obama’s jobs plan.

Obama and his grizzlies threaten us with class warfare, but how do you have class warfare against your own party? Democrats adamantly refused to pass Obama’s latest and greatest stimulus plan, because they knew it wasn’t paid for and they wouldn’t kick taxpayer’s under the bus again.

Give those Democrats a big hand and a “thank you” for standing up for their Country.

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Kickstarts His Class Warfare

October 20, 2011

by little tboca

In September 6th, 2011 we listened to Obama’s first speech on his new jobs plan, which is just another stimulus package disguised under a new name. Obama says his plan will not cost taxpayer’s one dime – what a lie. He says it will not add to the deficit – he’s tossing the cost to the Dream Team who is already struggling trying to find $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction before the end of the year.

The cost of this stimulus bill will be put on our tab, just like the 2009 stimulus package if it should pass the House and Senate. It will increase our National Deficit and Obama will use the money for his redistribution agenda primarily concentrated on the Unions and Community Interest groups.

The only question you have to ask yourself, why would we agree to give Obama 447 billion dollars more after his misuse of 787 billion in 2009? Go back to his speeches in 2009 and listen as he coaxed, begged and threatened us; he wanted taxpayers to give him 787 billion dollars promising that it would be used for tax cuts, extension of unemployment benefits, education, infrastructure and millions of jobs would be created. What a crock!

Now on September 6th 2011, he throws us the same canned speech promising jobs, tax cuts, infrastructure jobs, extension of unemployment benefits and once again promising that it will create millions of jobs. First stimulus didn’t create job growth and the second stimulus won’t create jobs either – you can take that to the bank!

Obama used the jobs plan only as a trap to place Republicans, the tea party members and Conservatives in a corner – he didn’t expect the plan to pass, but it will be his weapon against this group of people until the 2012 elections roll around. Obama now has a group of people to blame, which in his way of thinking takes the “monkey off of his back.”

Obama has campaigning since last spring, but his ratings are in the tank, he had to change campaign tactics in midstream so to speak. He turned to class warfare and Americans are about to face the wrath of Obama (the redistribution specialist.)

What I say next is my opinion only, but to me Obama is showing himself now in his true light. He’s angry, dangerous and still on a mission to bring our Nation to its knees and like a caged animal he will bite the hands that fed him in 2008 and he will turn on his own in order to win the 2012 Presidential Election.

His strategy for his 2012 campaign is etched in concrete; (1) Distract and divide the troops (Americans), (2) Vie one class against another, (3) Utilize the scare tactics.

All of us have suffered through many distractions, such as the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program. The Solyndra scandal and the new Sun Power soap opera are two of the most recent ones on the horizon. Latest would be the OWL protestors, but there will be many more come to light as we suffer through the next 13 months

In fact, even before I finished my article he’s sent two of his “top dogs” out to do his dirty work. Harry Reid just finished a speech saying the Private Sector is doing fine; it’s the Public Sector that is suffering. This is about as dirty as you can get pitting the Private and Public Sector against each other. Reid needs to back to his log cabin in Vegas; he’s getting senile in his old age or dementia has kicked in…

But there’s more – Joe Biden just threw some kind of a fit on National TV muttering something about it’s not temporary and threatening that kindergartens will be extinct, and mumbles about home invasions, robberies etc. etc. This is the first of the scare tactics kicking in and Republicans are the ones being kicked below the belt.

Lets go back to the “debt ceiling” that was passed and not paid for, the Solyndra scandal that cost us at least ½ billion dollars and lets remember the Department of Energy just gobbled up billions of our money and threw it out to some hungry, decrepit “green companies,” before the end of September 2011.

Think about the 10,000,000 Obama gave Holder for the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program and think about the millions of dollars daily of our money that Obama is spending on his fancy bus or in our Jet for his Presidential campaign. Like his recent Midwestern tour that he tried to disguise, a campaign is a campaign is a campaign – does Obama really think we’re stupid?

There’s still plenty of our stimulus money hidden from us that would take care of the Private Sector that he feigns such concern about after three years of being under his watch. Why would anyone consider giving this man addicted to spending one more dime?

Americans, hopefully you’ll start following his many websites online and listen to what he’s telling our Youth, the African Americans, the Hispanics and Community Interest groups. Obama is the only thing that is transparent if you but start watching his every move – you can see right thru him.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Liberal News Media – the “Dumpsters”

October 19, 2011

by little tboca

They are the “dumpsters” of 2011 – creating havoc and spewing garbage from coast to coast. MSNBC, CNN, Media Matters and NYT’s claim to fame is X-rated news, nothing more, nothing less.

The Liberal News Media continues their dysfunctional journalism – interestingly enough they all have the same pre packaged stories to tell. Not one of them appears to have the talent or inclination to report news in an unbiased manner. Here’s a brief run down of their latest and greatest headlines.

MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Media Matters are in awe about the Wall Street protestors and are asking for photos and videos. The OWL is about all they can think about at this time and yet the Liberal News Media seems to be confused about the mission of the protestors.

Is it Wall Street, more entitlements or is it a group of lost sheep who are bored, confused and incapable of functioning on their own?

We know the protestors are being financed – we know food, clothing and toiletries are being shipped in to the OWL protestors .We know that Soros, the Unions, Obama, many Democrats and community interest groups support them, but we don’t know what the strategy is behind the protest. Is this protest just for the purpose of distraction or do they have a real message?

One of CNN’s Weekly bloggers exerted a large window of time telling us why the Republican Candidates for 2012 shouldn’t be using “God” in their speeches.

He even went as far as to say there might be campaign slogans that say, “Vote for me or God won’t bless America.” “God” seems to be a real thorn in his side, maybe he needs to take a pilgrimage and just get away from it all. Last time I checked, “God” is alive and well!

Actually Associated Press’s coverage of Obama’s tour at Jamestown N.C. was rather humorous. They noted at one point that Obama had to inform the crowd that “He was the President.” AP just covered Obama the way all professional journalists should do – unlike the Supreme Court, they didn’t rewrite the message.

Obama actually told the group at Jamestown that the GOP wanted to get a handle on EPA, repeal Obamacare, increase the production of domestic oil and roll back the Obama reforms of the financial system.

Obama sort of got caught with his pants down here – he knows exactly what it would take to put Americans back to work, but he refuses to take the necessary steps that would get our economic wheels turning. One must wonder what his real mission is as Commander in Chief of our Nation.

NYT attempts to gloss over the Obamacare problems that keep raising their ugly heads. The Times pretends that the “long term care”insurance plan hidden in the small print of the Obamacare package is not big deal – yet it’s a very big deal because it was supposedly the source that would help fund this monstrosity.

The NYT has an uncanny way of disregarding the real issues about Obamacare, they refuse to discuss the real problems. They foolishly continue supporting Obamacare, which has proven to be one of the biggest problems with America’s economic woes. Obamacare has already had an adverse affect on insurance companies, the medical field, private individuals and businesses.

So a quick run down of the Liberal News Media shows they have a love affair with the OWL protestors, “God” remains a sticky issue for them, Obamacare appears to be their only talking point for Obama the past three years and they continue bashing and trashing Conservatives, the tea parties and GOP. One must wonder what America are they fighting for…

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama’s Army

October 15, 2011

by little tboca

A group of people exists within our midst that hate the Constitution as laid down by our forefathers; they have spent years gnawing away at the very foundation that has make America exceptional. They have infiltrated our Government, our schools, our homes taking away our freedoms and rights.

They’ve attempted to remove God from the courthouses, our pledge of Allegiance, from our coins and out of our children’s schools. They are constantly degrading us, telling us what they perceive as wrong and assuring us they can fix it.

They ridicule, lie and spew verbal rape as is noted in their canned speeches. They mimic each other, they use the same words and they lie, lie, lie…

Until I started comparing their actions, their verbiage and their motives nothing was making sense – it was disturbing to watch and listen to certain journalists, politicians and our Commander in Chief as they conjured blatant attacks against the United States of America. They are ashamed of us!

Then it was self evident that we had allowed this group of people over a span of many years to infiltrate our Nation, our schools, our Government and our homes. They preyed on the poor using them as sheep to do their dirty work always trying to organize them into what is referred to as a “mass power.”

Their agenda is simple, yet deadly – they strive to keep the troops (Americans) distracted and divided as they promote their agenda. They want to change our Nation from what it is to what they want it to be…

Listen to their rhetoric, note the similarity in their method of communication and realize that what they say has nothing to do with the truth.

Just recently we’ve witnessed their mode of operation and watched as they constantly stir the pot always blaming others for their inept ability to lead and keep our Country safe.

When the Tucson massacre occurred, they immediately blamed Sarah Palin, Republicans questioning our 2nd Amendment rights.

The tea party movement frightened them so their only recourse was to demonize this group of citizens who wanted our individual freedoms restored, our borders secured, our Military kept safe and returning our Government to a Government of the people by the people and fore the people.

They use scare tactics when Paul Ryan presented his budget – they tried to scare the older generation and say Paul was going to push “granny” off the cliff. They attacked Sarah Palin with vengeance, but how sad to think that anyone would stoop so low as to make fun of her youngest son who has Downs Syndrome.

Pelosi’s remarks about Republicans on October 13, 2011 saying that Republicans will be voting to allow women to die on the floor. They hope Glenn Beck puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger. They make fun of those suffering and dying from Alzheimers.

But, what created my curiosity about this group of people was the way they embraced the OWL protestors. Obama, Plouffe, Pelosi, Soros, the Unions, ACLU all jumped on National TV praising the protestors.

This appeared to be a very strange reaction, but now we realize that these young people who have been taught that the world owes them a living will be the chosen ones to reform our Nation.

The most terrifying part of this story is this – in our complacency, our attempt to be politically correct we have spawned a group of youngsters who are lost sheep, lacking attention, mentoring and guidance because we were just too busy trying to keep up with the Jones’s.

We have a very dangerous group of people who have been brainwashed; they are the product of many generations. They have been mentored, disciplined and controlled by people like Soros, Alinsky, who have infiltrated our schools, our colleges, our Government and our Nation.

Alinksy was considered one of the greatest community organizers of all times, which is a pretty scary thought when you remember Obama’s only claim to fame was a community organizer.

Will they change, absolutely not – they are the result of a silent revolution that has been taking place in our Nation for years. Their tools are propaganda, vile rhetoric laced with lies – they are the polished technicians who have perfected the art of “distracting and dividing.” They thrive on verbal rape and in their world truth does not exist.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Popeye Said It Best

October 12, 2011

by little tboca

We must all adopt Popeye’s motto “we’ve had all we can stands and we can’t stands no more.” We can not allow the extension of our past to impact and destroy our children’s future – Obama and his cronies have got to go. It’s time to quite trying to achieve political correctness (whatever that means,) and address our problems head on using the 3 R’s (Restrict, Remove and Repeal.)

Congress needs to repair the blatant distribution spree that Obama has been conducting the past 2 ½ years as Commander in Chief. It will take years to recoup the money he’s redistributed. But, it’s time to fix our unemployment situation and put Americans back to work.

Everyone in Congress is pussy footing around the real issues, businesses are afraid of the Obama Administration and Americans need to roll up their sleeves, grab their spinach and demand that Congress addresses the real problems that have left 14 million Americans jobless, created higher unemployment and stopped the engines that create jobs. It isn’t higher taxes, it isn’t Wall Street – it’s OBAMA, OBAMA and OBAMA.

Businesses (big and small) are the wheels that create a robust economy; let’s remove the chains from their necks and give them the tools they need to grow their businesses and create jobs.

Three things are restricting our business world; (1) EPA and excessive regulations imposed upon businesses, (2) Fear that the Obama Administration will burden them with higher taxes, and (3) Obamacare. If we demand that these three things are corrected immediately, businesses will step up to the bat and do what they do best – they will start the engines that create jobs and a better future for our Nation.

It’s time for all of us to stop crying “poor me,” – we need to place our Government back in the hands of the people by creating a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. But first, we need to start the wheels turning that will create a robust economy!

Get a handle on EPA – in fact stop them in their tracks until we have time to restructure them. They have hindered or stopped three very important job creating businesses that would create hundreds of thousands jobs; (1) Resume deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, (2) Resume drilling of shale gas supplies, and (3) Complete the pipeline that from Canada to Oklahoma and the Gulf Coast so heavy oil can transported.

One hundred twenty five of our most valued businesses have joined Republicans in their plan for America’s job creators. This has been on the table or should I say Obama’s desk for many moons and today Congress is suppose to vote on three job creating pacts with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.

Surely Democrats will support our Nation by voting for this bill – this will create an estimated 250,000 jobs and the export of American made goods will amount to approximately 13 billion dollars.

125 of our Nations strongest most productive companies have endorsed this bill; this will be the first door opened since Obama took over in 2009 that actually will create permanent jobs.

Legally it’s probably impossible to expedite the determination by the Supreme Court about Obamacare. But, there may be some Americans out there who know what can be done to encourage the Supreme Court to place Obamacare at the top of their agenda. Obamacare must go!

EPA must be confined, restricted and stopped – once that is accomplished all the strangling regulations on businesses must be removed and all loopholes that allow big Corporations like GE to avoid paying taxes must be corrected.

Like Cains 9 9 9 proposal – I have submitted the 3 R’s (R R R) as a positive solution for getting Americans back to work.

(R) – Restrict EPA

(R) – Remove excessive regulations from businesses (Big and small)

(R) – Repeal Obamacare ASA_P

May God Bless America

As Always,
Little Tboca

Scuttlebutt On the Streets About Obama

October 4, 2011

by little tboca

Americans what will we get for Christmas? Here’s an excerpt from Ronald Reagan’s “To Restore America Speech.”

“No one who lived through the Great Depression can ever look upon an unemployed person with anything but compassion. To me, there is no greater tragedy than a breadwinner willing to work, with a job skill but unable to find a market for that job skill.

Back in those dark depression days I saw my father on a Christmas Eve open what he thought was a Christmas greeting from his boss. Instead, it was the blue slip telling him he no longer had a job. The memory of him sitting there holding that slip of paper and then saying in a half whisper, ‘That’s quite a Christmas present,’ it will stay with me as long as I live.”

In 2009 Obama said if he doesn’t turn the economy around, then he’s going to be a one term President. Today, he just pulled a Joe Biden gaffe and said the economy isn’t any better then it was three years ago. Guess we can assume he’s a one term reject!

Joe Biden isn’t going to be Obama’s scapegoat; he said the bad economy belongs to Obama. Joe has his moments of letting it all hang out and he’s plumb tired of lying to Americans about unemployment and the state of our economy. I imagine Joe has been confined to his room and sent to bed without dinner after that bit of honesty.

David Plouffe must be suffering from fatigue or is losing his marbles, for he basically says, that Americans won’t base their vote in 2012 on the unemployment rate. David if the unemployment rate hovers around 9.2 % or higher – that would mean over 14 million Americans are still unemployed.

Plouffe reminds me of Jimmy Carter, when Carter said in an interview with Playboy that there were times he had “lust in his heart” for women. Plouffe has “lust in his heart” for the all might dollar. As long as Obama keeps handing him the money, he’ll play the Obama game.

David Axelrod struggles for words and finally says reelection for Obama is a “Titanic Struggle.” David’s excuse is pretty much like Obama’s, when Obama blamed the weather. Weather seems to be the common denominator; Axelrod said the wind isn’t at Obama’s back. So much for the wind!

Warren Buffet dropped Obama on his head, saying he didn’t mean all wealthy people should be taxed; Warren mentioned that only about 50,000 out of 310 million people were in the ultra rich class. So Obama’s speech writers quickly removed Buffet from Obama’s speeches. Warren doesn’t like to be misquoted!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Majority Whip Dick Durbin, aren’t happy campers either. Harry and Dick hate to be caught with their pants down – they remember Obama’s famous budget from last spring that not one Democrat voted for and they know Obama’s job plan is just another dud. Harry and Dick are tired of having egg on their face.

The moderate Senate Democrats are jumping ship probably because they realize Obama’s strategy to use class warfare will bite them in the fanny before the sun sets on 2012.

The Democrats are having a lot of sleepless nights trying to figure out their next moves; (1) Is it too late to nominate a candidate for the 2012 election, (2) Will the unemployment rate keep rising and, (3) How can you support a President, who can’t lead a cow out of the cow pasture?

Obama’s “Rules for Radicals” have backfired; he’s distracted and divided his Democratic base. His speeches are like old worn out rags flapping in the wind. His trusty old teleprompter has lost its punch. In three short years, he’s worn out his welcome – people are tired of his political rhetoric and his false promises.

“Americans What Will We Get For Christmas?”

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Brian Terry’s Family Denied Victim Status

August 12, 2011

by little tboca

Most of you remember last December when one of our border agents (Brian Terry) was killed by one the weapons that was allowed to walk across our border into the Mexican Drug Cartels possession.

The DOJ & ATF had a program “Fast & Furious” that permitted thousands of high powered firearms to be transferred from our United States into the hands of the drug cartel in Mexico.

Obama, Holder & DOJ just denied Brian Terry’s family “victim status. US Attorney Dennis Burke speaks for Obama, Holder & DOJ saying, the family was not “directly or proximately harmed” by the illegal purchase of the murder weapon. When you lose a family member due to the negligence of the Obama, DOJ & ATF you certainly deserve victim status and yes you are directly harmed.

These creeps are giving Brian’s family a bunch of meaningless rhetoric in an effort to cover up other covert activities. It appears that Dennis Burke (US Attorney) is attempting to cover up what I refer as a “high crime” caused by negligence and an illegal program called “Fast & Furious.”

Mexican officials are angry over the gun runner programs, feeling United States is actually complicit in the violence – as we know the drug cartel has killed maimed and slaughtered thousands of Mexicans, men, women and children. There are still thousands of these high powered weapons uncounted for and the next murder could be your family member, friend or relative.

There are two factions in our Country that should help us solve this problem. American youth who are the experts on the social networks like Facebook and twitter could start twittering about Obama, Holder, DOJ & ATF demanding that anyone knowingly connected to this hideous gun runner program be tried in court and put away for life. Brian Terry’s family needs your help.

When a police officer is killed, it’s not an agency that loses an officer, it’s an entire nation.” -Chris Cosgriff, ODMP Founder

The Hispanic community needs to put personal likes and dislikes down now and fight for their country. Probably some have already lost friends and family across the border and you know there will be more needless murders with United States high powered weapons. Call or email Obama, your Senators, Darrell Issa, DOJ, ATF or better yet get on TV and fight for Brian Terry’s family and your relatives in Mexico- demand justice be served.

As a Nation let’s stand together and fight together in Brian’s memory; he, like our 30 military men gave his life for us. Our Military didn’t wait around for a debate or a bunch of paper shuffling – they immediately took out the ones who killed our brave men.

Obama is supposed to be the Commander in Chief and Holder our Attorney General of the USA – they both knew about the Fast and Furious program and must be held accountable. It’s time to kick the blame game out the window and stop passing the buck. The buck stops here with Barack Obama and Eric Holder!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Little Bo Peep, Tiny Tim & Little Jack Horner – by little tboca

July 29, 2011

The DEMS of 2011 seem to have major problems getting the Obama man to lead their party.  He’s definitely not engaged and as mentioned earlier unable to multi task; campaign is etched on his forehead and the trillions that he’s dreaming of for his empty pockets are like sugar plums dancing in his head.  This man has no allegiance to his country or to his party – he’s owned lock stock and barrel by the underground cartel. 

It’s almost sad to see the Democrats on National TV blaming the Republicans, the ignorant Americans and most of all those brave tea party fans, which is a sure sign that their party is in shambles for their leader is MIA.  They’ve managed to snow America for a long period of time, in fact since 2006, but their snow job is pretty much dwindling and winding down.

Bernanke reminds me of “little Jack Horner” sitting in the corner with his thumb in the pie, because he knows in a few days he’ll be doing what he does best, which is printing phony money.  He’s gleefully screwing Americans one more time as he devaluates our currency and triggers inflation. 

Tiny Tim has valiantly played the role in the good guy, bad guy as he predicts the sky is falling, America will default and no one will be around to pick up the pieces.  Geithner really doesn’t give a darn what happens; he’s carrying his calendar around counting the days until he can split.

Little Bo Peep (Nancy) is on her broom again, saying bills must be paid and says Republicans are trying to ruin Medicare; she rambles on trying to convince God and everyone that the reason the debt ceiling must be raised is entirely George Bush’s fault.  Where’s she been the past 21/2 years while our National Deficit increased over 4 trillion dollars plus higher unemployment and no jobs? 

Nancy is the one who jammed Obamacare down our throats – remember CBO said that Obamacare will cost trillions in the bill’s real first decade (from 2014 to 2023) — and much more in the decades to come.  So for those who thinks Pelosi cares about her Country, think again!

Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the DEMS represent, “One Nation Under GOV,” no jobs, foreclosures and higher taxes for all.  

It’s time to place Cut, Cap and Balance back on the table – tell the Democrats that’s our best shot and walk away.  Why waste time with the bickering and childish games; Republicans passed a bill that would start to restore our Nation’s once strong foundation – the Democrats turned it down.  End of story!

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca