What is Happening to Our Nation?

January 28, 2012

Yesterday was spent sort of surveying the political environment and realizing how close we are to going over the cliff. Watching the Florida debates was like watching an X-rated movie. Newt and Mitt came to the table with derogatory remarks about each other pretty much a repeat of everything we read in the news daily and nothing much accomplished. So over half the debate was spent on “gotchas.” Ric Santorum and Ron Paul both were on their game.

Going back this week to the real news was most difficult, because it exemplified the fact that we the people have lost our voice. There will be a debt ceiling increase of 1.2 trillion which brings up the question of how far is too far? How long can we play the phony monopoly game and at what point will the addictive spending by our Government push us over the cliff?

The Commander in Chief of our Nation remains unscathed by his spending addiction and inability to lead. He has literally stopped job growth, stolen money from taxpayers via the stimulus bill, the green scandal and various “redistribution” schemes and yet yesterday’s polls show him having a 47% approval rate.

America is no longer the land of the free; we are the victims of false ideologies that have devoured our Country over a span of many, many years. Today we sit in the cheap seats watching the political theatrics as they unfold day by day. The Constitution, America’s roadmap has been relegated to the ancient history shelves.

It’s almost laughable that any of us think the laws of our land actually protect our freedoms and rights. We’ve gone from one Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All to “One Nation Under “Gov. With No Jobs, Foreclosures and Higher Taxes for all.”

We’re slaves of the Liberal News Media, big money, sick ideologies and political corruption; they bought, paid for and endorsed a total stranger choosing him as our Commander in Chief. If we continue allowing these people to distract and divide us, we will face another four years of redistribution, addictive spending and oppression.

We have an “Old Establishment” in Washington who is not our friends – they’re our enemies. We have a majority in the House, but they are powerless unless we take over a majority in the Senate. We have a Commander in Chief who has been preparing for a second term since 2008 – he very carefully redistributed our stimulus money to big bundlers, Unions, Special Interest Groups in order to buy their votes and money for 2012.

Very seldom do I include a personal opinion in my articles, but today I must at least express my heartfelt feelings. If the four good men in Florida clambering for the Republican Candidacy would but sit down together and unite we’d be prepared to “take back our Country America.” It’s time to move on from “cat fights” to the concerns of our Nation.

They’re all leaders, all capable of uniting our Country and they need to agree on a game plan. The question that only they know in their hearts, is who can beat Obama, who will have enough money behind them to continue the grueling run for the 2012 Presidential election and who is prepared to step down at this time.

I’ll probably get laughed right off the map on this one, but I just called it the way I see it – this is the most critical race of our lifetime.

Understandably, each one envisions himself as our next President, but it’s time for them to unite and help us “take back our Country.” It’s not a matter of giving up – it’s a matter of uniting for their Country and without a doubt it would be the most difficult decision they’ve ever made in their lifetime.

It’s time to put politics aside and do what is best for our Country. It’s time to select a candidate for the 2012 Presidential Election and it’s time to address the problems of the Nation.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama’s Presidential Ads With ATwist

January 28, 2012

Only Obama and team have enough guts to blitz Presidential ads that are power loaded with lemons. It’s not a matter of a slight falsehood here and there; it’s their mode of operation.

Obama’s team along with all of the Liberal News Media tell never ending lies about any and all of Obama’s failed policies; they’re border line pathological liars and they do or say anything to protect their weak leader. Check his first ad out here –


Number one lie – Obama didn’t create 2.7 million clean energy jobs. Number two lie – Brookings Institute’s study didn’t say Obama created 2.7 million clean energy jobs. Number three he says he’s reduced our oil independence. Talk about stupid – 14 million out of work, millions have lost their homes, food stamps recipients are at an unprecedented high. We the people are using less fuel because the cost of fuel is exorbitant and inflation gouges us every time we make a purchase due to the debt ceiling increases.

Speaking of the debt ceiling, it seems to me Obama was the one who criticized Bush on raising the debt ceiling, here is Obama’s exact words “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills,” Obama said before a March 16, 2006, vote on raising the debt limit. That my friends is a perfect example of a flip flopper and he will raise our debt ceiling another 1.2 trillion!

FYI Obama – Our Government can’t pay their bills because you increased our National Deficit by 5 trillion and refused to balance the budget. Good rule of thumb – don’t spend more than you take in!

Ask Obama why the new ad says he created 2.7 million clean energy jobs while reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign oil? Ask him why he twisted the report from the Brookings Institute in the new ad saying they verified this figure of 2.7. Brookings Institute’s study was the number of clean jobs in our Country, not new jobs – clean jobs refer to waste management and treatment, mass public transit and things like conservation.

So he didn’t create 2.7 million clean energy jobs. In fact, his green company misadventure lost jobs and billions of our hard earned money. According to Brookings Institute there are around 300,000 renewable energy jobs and that doesn’t mean they’re jobs created by Obama. It’s just a total number of people working in the clean energy field.

Obama doesn’t have a monopoly on this addiction (pathological lying) – many of the DEMS like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Pelosi, Reid and the Liberal news media have been infected with this illness.

Example of pathological liars: When asked about the economy – they’ve been telling us for two years that we’re coming out of the recession. When asked about our stimulus money they’ll say we didn’t give them enough – they needed more. Mention jobs to them and they’ll jump on their soap box and tell us how many jobs Obama created. Ask them about unemployment and they’ll blame it on Bush, God, the ATM’s and the dumb Republicans.

Ask Obama about his work history and where he’s been hiding out – he doesn’t just lie about it he runs and hides. No one knows about his work history and it’s quite evident now that he certainly didn’t have the background or experience to be our Commander in Chief. So is anyone going to vet him for his 2012 Presidential Run?

Ask Obama why he stopped the Keystone Pipeline – he’ll say he needs more time to study it. Hey the Obama Administration has been studying it for three years. The real reason is politics, but Obama will never show and tell. Obama is brown nosing with the Environmentalists!

So Liberals and Democrats including all of you big bundlers out there – your millions in campaign contributions are being used to create “Mickey Mouse” ads that even Mickey wouldn’t believe. What a waste of time and money, but then it’s probably hard to create ads with substance when all you have to work with is a man who has the worst record of any Commander in Chief in our lifetime.

Americans residing in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia and Iowa better prepare to be inundated with Obama ads that make Pinocchio look like a saint. We’ve always fought for freedom of speech and yes, Obama can spend the remainder of 2012 lying to America and that’s sad.

He holds the most prestigious honorable position in our Country and he’s making a mockery out of it. The President of our United States should be a mentor, a shining example to our youth not a devious sneak who is giving them a bad message saying, “its O.K. to lie, its O.K. to take taxpayers’ money and misuse it, its O.K. to harm the greatest Nation in the World for one’s one selfish interests.

Mr. President – IT’S NOT O.K.
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Chris Matthews & Juan Williams Bedraggled Worn Out Race Card

January 28, 2012

Newt Gingrich created a Liberal Break down last night at the Republican Debates in South Carolina. The Dems want Romney as the candidate because they’re sure Obama will beat him hands down. The thought of Newt Gingrich running against Obama sends them into a frenzy and although they’ve always had a problem with articulation – now they’ve verging on a mental break down.

Here’s what Chris Matthews (MSNBC) had to say about the Republican debate in South Carolina in an interview with his colleague Andrea Mitchell. Turning his head to and fro during the interview saying, “you either see it or you don’t.”

It makes one think that the Republicans have a sting operation similar to Obama, Holder and Napolitano’s Fast and Furious gunrunner scandal that murdered two of our border agents and killed 100’s of Mexicans. As Chris described the debate it was obvious that he thought there were lions, tigers and bears about to pounce on him because he said the debate was full of “dog whistles” and racially tinged “Code Words.”

Chris Matthews is the one who bragged about the Obama tingle up his leg is borderline schizophrenic – his thought processes and emotional responses somewhat resembles a junk yard dog who’s lost a bone.

Chris’s big beef was the fact that Newt Gingrich called Juan Williams by his first name, “Juan.” Last time I checked that is Juan’s name. Speaker Gingrich very respectably called Mr. Williams by his first name and Matthews threw a “hardball” tizzy. What really upsets Chris was Newt’s comment about Barack Obama being the food stamp President. Newt is darn sure right – there are more people on food stamps now than any time in America’s history.

Here’s a quick FYI for Chris Matthews, Obama and the Democratic Base – Obama wouldn’t be carrying the title of “Food Stamp President” if he hadn’t stolen our stimulus money and shackled all businesses big and small with the stupid EPA regulations. Jobs, plus jobs, plus jobs = robust economy – food stamps.

Here’s Newt’s final statement when Juan Williams tried to accuse Newt of racism. “So here’s my point,” Gingrich concluded. “I believe every American of every background has been endowed by their creator with the right to pursue happiness. And if that makes liberals unhappy, I’m going to continue to find ways to help poor people learn how to get a job, learn how to get a better job, and learn someday to own the job.”

Newt Gingrich exemplifies leadership skills that we haven’t seen since Ronald Reagan’s era. We need a Commander in Chief who wants all Americans, regardless of skin color or race to once again achieve the American Dream. Way to go Newt!

To Juan Williams, quit following the Liberal News Media, grow up, kick the “race card” under the bus, throw out the “class warfare” crap and join us in our quest to “take back our Country.”

2012 will be one of the most difficult years in our Nation’s history. Obama has no record to run on – his two weapons of choice for the 2012 Presidential Race is “Class Warfare and the Race Card.” The poor, middleclass and wealthy must remember that “United We Stand and Divided We Fall.”

Remember what Ronald Reagan said when you’re ready to cast your vote November 6th, 2012 before you make a final decision – ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago? Ronald Reagan

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Holder & Napolitano Must Go

January 28, 2012

Eric Holder the (AG) of the United States has certain duties according to the laws of our Country; the AG is the head of the United States Department of Justice. He is the “big dog” in charge of enforcing law, not by his rules but the laws of the land.

If the Attorney General is incapable, incompetent and irresponsible, the House of Representative have the power to impeach him and there is reasonable cause the Senate may try him for bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors.

Homeland Security was created after the 911 attacks and today Janet Napolitano holds the position of Secretary of Homeland Security. Her duty first and foremost is to keep our Country safe, our borders secure, infrastructure protection, preparedness and response, information technology and aggressively fight against terrorism. The US Border Agents are also under the long arm of the Secretary of Homeland Security.

So let’s go back to 2009 when Obama handed Holder 10,000,000 of our stimulus money specifically for an operation called the Fast and Furious gunrunner. This was a scheme to walk high powered weapons from our turf across the Mexican border into the hands of the drug cartels. The Obama Administration, the DOJ, the DHS, ATF and maybe other agencies collectively devised a plan that would destroy our 2nd Amendment and take our gun rights away.

Obama and all of the Government Agencies were involved, which means they all have to assume the responsibility for one of the most corrupt scandals in our USA. The Fast and Furious Gunrunner operation is responsible for the murder of two of our Border Agents (Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata.) In addition to those murders, hundreds of Mexicans have been murdered by weapons from our United States.

Anyone or ones who intentionally place our men and women in harm’s way are should stand trial for murder. If it were any other citizen of the United States that had committed crimes like this, they would be behind bars as we speak.

Obviously it was the “big guns” who were in charge of orchestrating this operation. Obama specified that 10,000,000 of our stimulus money be funded for the Fast and Furious Operation. Holder and Napolitano put this operation in motion in April 2009 in their speeches to the Mexico/United States Arms Trafficking Conference in CUERNAVACA, MEXICO.
Border Agents and ATF personnel and gun owners repeatedly questioned the dangers involved in selling high powered weapons to the drug cartels.

Whistle blowers stepped forward and testified under oath about the gunrunner operation. Holder and Napolitano both perjured themselves under oath when questioned about the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation. Enough is enough, citizens of the USA need to have their voices heard and remove Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano from office immediately.

Please take time to contact the people in charge of this investigation and the House Speaker, John Boehner. It’s time to take back our Country and insure that everyone regardless of their position obey the laws of our land.

Darrell Issa – go to http://issa.house.gov/# and send an email asking for Holder’s resignation or call
Darrell Issa Phone: 202-225-3906 • Fax: 202-225-3303
Chuck Grassley DC Office: 202-224-3744
Here is the information for the Committee of Oversight and Government Reform.
PHONE: (202) 225-5074 FAX: (202) 225-3974
John Boehner – Office of the Speaker Phone (202) 225-0600 Fax: (202)225-5117
or send a message to John at: http://www.speaker.gov/contact/default.aspx
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Newt Gingrich – A Dream For America

January 23, 2012

He came to the White House with a dream,a dream of a more prosperous American,a dream for those not quite so fortunate who were struggling to make ends meet, a dream to take over a house majority, the first time in 40 years. A man arrived at the White House with a Contract for America and that man was Newt Gingrich.

The Republicans had sat peacefully, totally disengaged refusing to perform their God given duties to maintain a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. They had formed an Elite Club and were most protective of the status quo. They really didn’t aspire to be a majority in the House – why ruffle any feathers when their cushy jobs gave them special perks, bonuses and lots of time to dwell on their social life.

In fact politics was the Republicans’ hobby and they weren’t inspired to make it a real job and become a public servant. But, Newt Gingrich came along and their lives were changed forever, although many resented Newt he was able to reach across the aisle and join hands with President Clinton.

Clinton and Gingrich weren’t bosom buddies, absolutely not – but they both agreed that our Nation was stumbling and in need of major repairs.

Newt was aggressive, demanding and on a mission that the Republican establishment didn’t wish to participate in, now that they were a House majority after 40 years some of the younger studs decided they’ve remove this “super star” so they could re-establish their Elite Club and live happily ever after.

Newt definitely was one of Clinton’s best resources and when it came to foreign policy Newt was definitely an ally of the White House. This was one time in our Nations’ history that that Republicans and Democrats reached across the aisle and our Nation became strong. The budget was balanced with a surplus of approximately a quarter of a trillion dollars. 2012 our Nation is Over 15 trillion in debt, it’s hard to envision a surplus, but it can be a dream come true in the next few years.

Newt Gingrich and President Bill Clinton accomplished more in a short time than any two men in our Nation’s history. Due to the bills passed unemployment went to 4%, millions of Americans were working again. The two corrected many of the core problems that our Country is facing now.

Together they addressed and implemented regulations on financial institutions, income equality working together on poverty – in short they brought a struggling Country back to a Nation with a robust economy, a balanced budget and both Republicans and Democrats concentrated on those who were in the poverty bracket.

But, as so often seen when one person jumps to stardom literally overnight, there were those who would rather “fight than switch.” So overnight a few renegades decided to bring the star back to reality; they felt they’d lost their identity and were determined to remove Gingrich as Speaker of the House.

So Congressman Tom Delay the exterminator and majority whip devised a scheme to remove Gingrich from office. Tom surrounded himself with Republicans that he thought he could trust to undertake this mission. Tom Delay along with majority leader Dick Armey, G.O.P. conference chairman John Boehner and leadership chairman Bill Paxon–not to mention 20 or more insurgents from the rank and file started to make their move only to find they hadn’t dotted their “I’s” or crossed their “T’s.”

Gingrich actually was empowered by the failed coup, but he was already making plans to step down as Speaker of the House and make a run for President of the USA.

Newt Gingrich learned many hard lessons during this time, but the positive changes and progress made during this interim will remind all Americans that it is possible to balance a budget and create a surplus. It is possible to give those living in poverty a hand up not a hand out and it is possible to bring the unemployment rate to an awesome 4%.

It is possible America to put our Nation back to work, just think we have a pipeline that would put thousands of Americans back to work. We have some of the greatest sources of energy in the whole World – we just need to tap into our God given resources.

Although Republicans and Democrats have kicked our American Dream under the bus – we can still retrieve it and bring it back to America. It is possible for Republicans and Democrats to reach across the aisle working together to restore our struggling Nation.

President Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich are the proof of the pudding – nothing more needs to be said at this time except put Newt Gingrich in our White House as President of the United States of America in 2012.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama’s Presidential Ads With ATwist

January 20, 2012

Only Obama and team have enough guts to blitz Presidential ads that are power loaded with lemons. It’s not a matter of a slight falsehood here and there; it’s their mode of operation. Obama’s team along with all of the Liberal News Media tell never ending lies about any and all of Obama’s failed policies; they’re border line pathological liars and they do or say anything to protect their weak leader.

Check his first ad out here – http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57361766-503544/obamas-first-2012-ad-focuses-on-energy/

Number one lie – Obama didn’t create 2.7 million clean energy jobs. Number two lie – Brookings Institute’s study didn’t say Obama created 2.7 million clean energy jobs. Number three he says he’s reduced our oil independence. Talk about stupid – 14 million out of work, millions have lost their homes, food stamps recipients are at an unprecedented high. We the people are using less fuel because the cost of fuel is exorbitant and inflation gouges us every time we make a purchase due to the debt ceiling increases.

Speaking of the debt ceiling, it seems to me Obama was the one who criticized Bush on raising the debt ceiling, here is Obama’s exact words “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills,” Obama said before a March 16, 2006, vote on raising the debt limit. That my friends is a perfect example of a flip flopper and he will raise our debt ceiling another 1.2 trillion!

FYI Obama – Our Government can’t pay their bills because you increased our National Deficit by 5 trillion and refused to balance the budget. Good rule of thumb – don’t spend more than you take in!

Ask Obama why the new ad says he created 2.7 million clean energy jobs while reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign oil? Ask him why he twisted the report from the Brookings Institute in the new ad saying they verified this figure of 2.7. Brookings Institute’s study was the number of clean jobs in our Country, not new jobs – clean jobs refer to waste management and treatment, mass public transit and things like conservation.

So he didn’t create 2.7 million clean energy jobs. In fact, his green company misadventure lost jobs and billions of our hard earned money. According to Brookings Institute there are around 300,000 renewable energy jobs and that doesn’t mean they’re jobs created by Obama. It’s just a total number of people working in the clean energy field.

Obama doesn’t have a monopoly on this addiction (pathological lying) – many of the DEMS like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Pelosi, Reid and the Liberal news media have been infected with this illness.

Example of pathological liars: When asked about the economy – they’ve been telling us for two years that we’re coming out of the recession. When asked about our stimulus money they’ll say we didn’t give them enough – they needed more. Mention jobs to them and they’ll jump on their soap box and tell us how many jobs Obama created. Ask them about unemployment and they’ll blame it on Bush, God, the ATM’s and the dumb Republicans.

Ask Obama about his work history and where he’s been hiding out – he doesn’t just lie about it he runs and hides. No one knows about his work history and it’s quite evident now that he certainly didn’t have the background or experience to be our Commander in Chief. So is anyone going to vet him for his 2012 Presidential Run?

Ask Obama why he stopped the Keystone Pipeline – he’ll say he needs more time to study it. Hey the Obama Administration has been studying it for three years. The real reason is politics, but Obama will never show and tell. Obama is brown nosing with the Environmentalists!

So Liberals and Democrats including all of you big bundlers out there – your millions in campaign contributions are being used to create “Mickey Mouse” ads that even Mickey wouldn’t believe. What a waste of time and money, but then it’s probably hard to create ads with substance when all you have to work with is a man who has the worst record of any Commander in Chief in our lifetime.

Americans residing in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia and Iowa better prepare to be inundated with Obama ads that make Pinocchio look like a saint. We’ve always fought for freedom of speech and yes, Obama can spend the remainder of 2012 lying to America and that’s sad.

He holds the most prestigious honorable position in our Country and he’s making a mockery out of it. The President of our United States should be a mentor, a shining example to our youth not a devious sneak who is giving them a bad message saying, “its O.K. to lie, its O.K. to take taxpayers’ money and misuse it, its O.K. to harm the greatest Nation in the World for one’s one selfish interests.

Mr. President – IT’S NOT O.K.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Obama Thinks Americans Are Stupid

January 19, 2012

Just in case you thought Barack Obama would change his political tactics from 2008, you were wrong. He’s hell bent on spewing lies on the campaign trail, totally forgetting that Americans remember the “hope and change” bit. There is a difference in his 2011 and 2012 campaign though, he is extremely angry with many of the Democrats and Liberals and his campaign messages are quite toxic.

Here’s what Americans can expect in 2012. Plouffe, Axelrod and Messina have been handed an X-rated President who doesn’t have a clean record to run on – in fact his past three years could be likened to a sewer rat who hides out in the daytime and slinks around at night stealing our “Cheese.”

His most recent punch line can be seen on one of the first Presidential ads in 2012 – he’s defending his record on energy. This would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. Plouffee and Axelrod aren’t stupid and they want to sweep the Solyndra, Sun Power, Tesla and Fisker under the rug, but there’s more problems coming our way and this ad will haunt them in 2012.

This ad is a perfect example of what we’ll be seeing in 2012 and it is a “FULL BLOWN LIE.” Obama’s energy policies are costly and they reek of illegal loans, grants misusing taxpayers’ money and a way to pay off his big bundlers. Solyndra 585 million down the drain, Sun Power at least 1.2 billion of our money gobbled up and the Fisker and Tesla problems just keep hitting us below the belt daily.

Talk about slinky lousy energy policies – we’re talking about a Commander in Chief who just nixed the Keystone Pipeline which would give us a big boost in energy independence and create thousands of jobs.

Many Democrats support the Keystone Pipeline – Senate Democrats who like the project are Claire McCaskill, D-Mo, Mary Landrieu, D-La, Mark Begich, D-Alaska, , Jon Tester D-Mont., Mark Pryor, D-Ark., and Kent Conrad, D-N.D. Max Baucus D-Mont and there’s many more who support the Keystone Pipeline. The reason for stopping the Keystone Pipeline is just a bunch of political trash – he’s buying off the environmentalists and surfing for votes?

His latest and greatest campaign punch line, “Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich all say they would cut foreign aid to Israel — and every other country — to zero.” Obama takes everything out of context and puts a spin on it hoping to capture a few more votes here and there.

Not one of these Candidates said they were zeroing out aid to foreign Countries they were applying “zero based budgeting” which doesn’t mean Countries won’t receive money from the USA, nor does it mean that Israel foreign aid is being cut. So the smooth talking Obama with his trusty teleprompter either can’t hear or he doesn’t speak English.

The construction Unions are adamant about Obama nixing the Keystone Pipeline saying, “We are completely and totally disappointed. This is politics at its worst,” LIUNA General President Terry O’Sullivan said. “Once again the President has sided with environmentalists instead of blue collar construction workers – even though environmental concerns were more than adequately addressed.Blue collar construction workers across the U.S. will not forget this.” Jobs at our fingertips and Obama won’t let Americans go back to work.

Obama has two things in mind for the remainder of 2012; (1) Borrowing more money, which we don’t have for his “redistribution” agenda, and (2) Dividing our Nation via class warfare, which will leave us totally dependent on the Government.

Obama will continue following the “Rules for Radicals” trying to distract and divide the Country. He obviously is using the Cloward/Piven strategy for he has created an economic crisis in the past three years and now Obama and Democrats are managing the crisis by asking for more money and overwhelming our Government with entitlement demands.

2012 will be a tough year for Americans but when making a decision next fall at the polls – ask yourself these questions: (1) Am I better off than I was in 2009, (2) Are my friends, family and neighbors better off, and (3) Will our Country be another Greece if we keep spending without paying our National Deficit off?

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

Paybacks Are Hell Baby – Ron Paul & Newt Gingrich

January 17, 2012

Why is Ron Paul splintering votes in the Republican Presidential Candidacy run? Ron Paul is not just an innocent bystander so strongly convicted that he believes he’ll be the next Presidential Candidate for 2012. There is a behind the scenes strategy that is very likely is a pay back against Newt Gingrich.

When Newt was Speaker of the House, he didn’t support Ron Paul’s run for Congress and Ron Paul decided it was payback time. In 1996 the Republican Party wined and dined Greg Laughlin a Democrat encouraging him to change parties. At the same time Paul was making a comeback thinking he’d be running against Greg Laughlin (Democrat.)

Laughlin switched from Democrat to Republican and of course Newt and the Republican Party backed Laughlin. Paul was irate about two things: (1) The Republicans backed Laughlin who had switched parties; (2) Newt was a strong supporter of Laughlin (New Republican convert.) But what Ron Paul hasn’t shared with anyone – Ron, much like Laughlin switched parties too going from a Republican to Libertarian. Switching parties isn’t a crime Ron!

“Paybacks are hell,” and Ron Paul is delighting in the fact that he along with Mitt Romney gave Gingrich a good dunking in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The ads in Iowa were of vile, vicious, non-factual information against a fellow Candidate. Paul and Romney spent millions in Iowa attacking Newt – in fact most Iowans couldn’t flip on the TV or radio without hearing or seeing the smear tactics against Newt.

Neither Romney nor Paul lost any sleep over their behavior in Iowa or New Hampshire, because together they derailed Newt or so they thought until the Republican Debates January 16, 2012.

Ron Paul is somewhat like Obama, what you see isn’t really what you get. Ron seems to have a fettish for the Liberals. Here are some of the reasons the Liberals are playing footsey with Paul. He’d definitely end the war on drugs and decriminalize marijuana. He’s anti-war and has promised to shut down military prisons like Gitmo.

Paul and Barney Frank co-authored an article for Huffington Post presenting a task force that would recommend a trillion dollars in tax cuts from our Military. Here’s the article July 6, 2010 on Huff Post and David Horowitz.



Paul strokes the backs of the Wall Street Protestors referring to their destructive and dangerous protests as a peaceful assembly allowing protestors to shout their grievances to the Government.
Anyway you shake it, Ron Paul is Mitt Romney’s best friend and so far has insured that none of the other Presidential Candidates can take over the lead; Paul knows what he’s doing – the question is what are his real motives?

May God Bless America

As Always,
Little Tboca

Debbie Wasserman Schultz – Can’t Handle the Heat

January 14, 2012

We need to make sure we tone the rhetoric down – now Americans would agree to that statement as we enter the Presidential Election for 2012.  But, there’s a slight problem here – the messenger that made this statement is Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  Debbie as we all know is the “Mouth” for the Democrats; she’s the DNC chairman. She’s more like a “rambler” – when asked a legitimate question she acts dumber than a door knob and just starts rambling in a nonsensical jumble of words.

How sad that on the anniversary of the terrible atrocity in Tucson, Debbie mentions Gabby Giffords whom all Americans love and she  insinuates that the Tea Parties are in some way to blame for the tragedy.  This shows the environment in the Democratic camp; they’re not just struggling, they’re desperate.  This speech by Wasserman accentuates the problems in the Democrat base.

They have a fallen leader, who many Democrats want to replace with Hillary Clinton.  Many of them are worrying about job security.  Debbie’s speech at the Politics and Eggs Forum is indicative of a chair person who’s lost her chair.

Out of one side of her mouth she’s saying tone down the rhetoric and out the other side she’s blaming the Tea Parties for the act of an insane man too sick to stand trial for the massacre in Tucson, Az.  Speaking of sick, how sad that Debbie used Gabby Giffords to exploit her political rhetoric.  She used a young woman who has had the fight of her life as an excuse to spew venomous rhetoric about the tea parties.

One would think she owes Gabby Gifford and the tea parties an apology on National TV – but the “mouth” has taken center stage and refuses to apologize to Gabby or the tea parties.

Politifact in Florida shows the top ten fact-checks of 2011 and Schultz made the top ten, which is nothing to brag about – once again she’s been caught red handed.

During an interview with Wolf Blitzer she pretty much told him he was stupid and didn’t know what he was talking about, here’s what Wolf said, “The wealthiest Americans, they pay the most in taxes already — 50 percent of Americans don’t even pay any federal income tax.”

Shultz said, “That’s actually not true.”  Politfact shows her statement false and Wolf’s statement was 100% correct about the wealthiest Americans paying the most in taxes and that 50 per cent of Americans don’t pay taxes.

Here’s a taste of what we can expect from Democrats in the remainder of the 2012 Presidential Campaign.  Politicfact has compiled some blatant misstatements by the “Mouth” (Debbie Wasserman Schultz).

December 2011 – Debbie denied that unemployment went up under Obama. Unemployment was a tad over 7% December 2008 and the official U.S. unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent in April, 2011. If those who have quit looking for jobs were counted, unemployment would be well over 15%.

Debbie lied about Paul Ryan’s Medicare restructuring saying it would end Medicare as we know it trying to scare senior citizens.  Debbie’s pretend pitty party for seniors was a lie!  Remember Schultz voted to cut Medicare and Medicaid when she voted for Obamacare.  Debbie, Pelosi, Reid and Obama actually have dangled “Granny” over the cliff and they have no intention of rescuing her.

Debbie called the GOP agenda “anti-women” and “a war on women,” she is angry because many think Planned Parenthood should not be funded by the Government. Planned Parenthood should either fly on its own or close its doors – they claiming huge profits, so taxpayer’s should not be supporting them.

Here’s what Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, said: “The truly ‘anti-woman’ organization here is Planned Parenthood and the party that continues to defend its taxpayer funding when it has raked in more than $300 million in profits over the past four years. Fifty-four percent of Americans don’t want to be coerced into contributing to an organization they don’t believe in just by paying their taxes—nor should they be.”

Why the Democrats have allowed Debbie Wasserman Schultz to hold the DNC chair position remains a mystery. Even some Democrats from Florida asked her to step down or step up.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz is another Joe Biden with big hair and a dress.  Like Biden she’s so gaffe – prone that most news media believe she’s good for a few laughs because she’s just plain clueless.

But then again, how does one defend a Commander in Chief who has the worst track record in of our Nation’s history?

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

Obama – Has a New Snake Oil Pitch

January 14, 2012

How low can Obama go in his Presidential run for 2012? In a speech today he’s doing some deep sea fishing for middle class votes promising them an effective lean Government – those words would make most politicians “gag.” Americans know what Obama’s Government looks like; it’s ineffective fat and full of corruption.

His latest smooth selling snake oil pitch is on “insourcing” jobs – CNN as usual jumps on his band wagon trying to pawn off “insourcing” as the latest and greatest idea for Americans and businesses. CNN pretends to be doing an apple to apple comparison of Obama and Mitt Romney.

They actually have egg on their face comparing Mitt Romney’s involvement with Bain Capital to Obama’s not so new “Insourcing” idea. They’re trying to throw Romney under the bus for doing what America has done for many moons and it’s called Venture Capitalism.

Venture Capitalism comes with inherent risks – some struggling companies actually get a new face lift and exceed all expectations in growth and profit. Other companies need more than a face lift; they need a total restructuring which often times requires firing the founder and founding teams.

Then there’s Obama who didn’t invest in our Country – he uses 787 billion dollars to pay off his many bundlers, Unions, Special Interest groups, defunct car companies and corrupt lenders. Not one of his schemes have created jobs or contributed to a healthy work environment.

Furthermore he has hamstrung businesses holding them hostage for over three years.
Obama didn’t give our Nation a face lift; he performed a debilitating plastic surgery on us that has rendered our once beautiful America unrecognizable. He extracted jobs from our Country via deals like Telsa, using over a billion dollars of taxpayer’s money for a company located in Finland giving the Finish our jobs.

The question arises about Obama’s motives when he joined Soros, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil’s Tupi oil field. Why are taxpayers funding Soros Petrabras pet project in Brazil?. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000…120524166.html

The Keystone Pipeline is another example of Obama putting politics ahead of our Nation’s job growth. The EPA studied this project for three years and determined the pipeline project had no significant environmental risk. Obama’s talking about insourcing, what better way to put his money where his mouth is and approve the Keystone Pipeline project?


Obama has agressively fought to stop our coal companies – so many jobs have been lost due to his political ideology and EPA’s senseless power struggle. Although Obama talks a good talk –behind the scenes he’s doing all in his power to stop our economic wheels from moving.

Look at money and jobs lost at Solyndra and now Obama wants to pay millions of dollars in bonuses to the few employees left behind to close Solyndra’s doors. Obama and the DOE gave 1.2 billion dollars to Sunpower a company a solar energy company that might offer 10 to 15 jobs in the future. Sunpower is a real job stopper!

So this new “insourcing” tactic that Obama is starting to use in his speeches remains totally lifeless, because three years have passed and not once did he demonstrate any honest concern about businesses (big or small.)

He’s run out of ideas for the 2012 Presidential Campaign because he doesn’t have a track record worth “tidally.” So now we’re hearing about “insourcing”, which isn’t unique or a new idea; just study the Chinese they have a monopoly on “insourcing.” Every Obama speech during his campaign in 2012 will be bundled with his “hope and change” of 2008 – will Americans fall for this smooth talking snake oil salesman?

Donald Trump, Steve Wynn, Howard Schultz and other professional business people have told the Obama Administration why businesses are stagnant. It’s not a mystery, it’s easily fixed, but Obama doesn’t want our Nation to thrive. Here are three of the reasons; (1) EPA excessive regulations, (2) Obamacare, and (3) Taxes. All of these problems could be taken care of immediately, but Obama refuses to lead our Country; instead he opts to destroy our Nation.

Thousands of Americans could be working today on the Keystone Pipeline, in our coal mines and thousands could be on our coast today drilling for oil. Obama denies Americans what is rightfully theirs (jobs and a robust economy.)

If and when CNN stops pandering to the Radical left and until they learn how to compare “Apples to Apples” their political news remains pretty insignificant and lifeless.

May God Bless our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca